Young Mr Liconshire Soul Boy - Nice sentiment and chose quite a few nice little buzz words but to make a statement like - i like the sounds that are a bit different from the 'oldies' as too be honest, i can't stand that stuff. Frank wilson...the snake...don't even get me started. I've never liked it, never will - A little dismissive of the rest of the history of NS. Don't like oldies, cant stand that stuff. Frank Wilson, Snake - Never liked it - How old are you actually. Nice to see young kids getting into 'the scene' but a little too much bravado me thinks. You will immediately alienate yourself from 50% of the 'Scene' ( ballpark figure )
I remember when I was a 'Yorksyoungsoul' - we stood back, listened and learned. Too much emphasis on these young souls as they are now labelled. They need to do their apprenteship's and not fast tracked into the very heart of the business.
Nothing against young kids being around but there have always been young kids around. It just seems to be the vogue at the moment.
I have the upmost respect for the kids coming through. We even have older guys and girls discovering the niceties and the not so nice of NS. Welcome them and embrace them but do not put them on a pedestal for others, such as myself, to knock down. May be putting myself out for a beating here but please, lets put it in focus.
I welcome you LincsYoung Soul along with all the other 'Souls' that have entered the couldron of NS - Its a bumpy ride so fasten your seat belt.