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Straight Up

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Everything posted by Straight Up

  1. Don't Forget Folks, "This Coming Friday 28th February" 7:00pm/11:30am "Get On Up Soul Night's" here at "The Dale Tavern", Special Guest DJ "Gary Steele" (Barnsley) We're playin' 60ts, 70ts, Stomper's, RnB & abit of Modern (and owt else wi can fit in.....) Quality Sound System, Quality Guest DJ's every Month and Quality ATB Northern Soul at it's very Best!!!!! "Still only £3.00 OTD" Be Early & Bring Your Dancin' Shoe's..... Cheers Everybody, Woody, Miss T & All the Gang The Get On Up Soul Club @ The Dale Tavern, West Street, Worsborough Dale, Barnsley, South Yorkskire S70 5PG (just off the "Main Sheffield Road - A61) 10 Mins J36 M1/ 10 Mins Barnsley Town Centre/ 5 Mins Stairfoot.
  2. Don't Forget Folks, "Friday 24th of Janruary" 7:00pm/11:30am "Get On Up Soul Night's" here at "The Dale Tavern", Special Guest DJ "Rue" (Backsreet Soul Club, Barnsley) ATB Northern Soul at it's very Best!!!!! Here's our"Dates for the first 6 Month's of 2025" (more to follow later in the Year......) Be Early & Bring Your Dancin' Shoe's..... Cheers Everybody, Woody, Miss T & All the Gang The Get On Up Soul Club @: The Dale Tavern, West Street, Worsborough Dale, Barnsley, South Yorkskire S70 5PG (just off the "Main Sheffield Road - A61) 10 Mins J36 A1M/ 10 Mins Barnsley Town Centre/ 5 Mins Stairfoot.
  3. December's Guest DJ is Mr "Nigel Clarke" (Rotherham) ATB Northern Soul At It's Very Best!!!!! Nice large Room, loads of nice comfortable seating, recantgular tables, large wooden dance floor, stage at one end, well stocked Bar in the same room on the right hand side (great Bar price's) & the dance floor is "Talc Friendly" (thank goodness lol). There's also a very large" Car Park" (with Security Camera's) & a nice "Smoking Area" too. Although we do play quite a few Oldies we're trying to move away from dancing round your Handbag and too much Motown (It's getting too much now having to play the same 25 Records week in week out.....) Come and check us out, request friendly, Dance Floor driven, 100% Vinyl, 100% Dancing!!!!! "Our Next Event" is on "Saturday the 21st of December" with Special Guest DJ Mr "Nigel Clarke" (Rorherham). This Guy does know how to fill a dance floor, Nigel has an awesome Original Vinyl Collection with Records to die for I kid you not. Nige stood in for "Terry" last Month & played a blining Spot. Nigel'll be supported by my good Self and crackin Resident DJ Mr "Terry Low" , so really looking forward to the "18th of October" now, it's gonna be a "Christmas" Cracker me thinks. We've been running various Venue's since the late 90ts & the "Door Tax" is still just the same £3.00 thats all If you come down the hill from "Birdwell" to our old Venue turn right at the crossroads and go about a quarter of a mile up the road (look for the large Hoarding on the left hand side of the road that says "Dale Tavern" this way turn in and go about 20 meters and you've landed. Don't forget Folks be early & bring your Dancein' Shoe's..... Cheers Everybody, Woody, Miss T & All the Gang he Get On Up Soul Club @: The Dale Tavern, West Street, Worsborough Dale, Barnsley, South Yorkskire S70 5PG (just off the "Main Sheffield Road - A61) 10 Mins J36 A1M/ 10 Mins Barnsley Town Centre/ 5 Mins Stairfoot.
  4. November's Guest DJ "Graham Trow" (Barnsley) ATB Northern Soul At It's Very Best!!!!! Nice large Room, loads of nice comfortable seating, recantgular tables, large wooden dance floor, stage at one end, well stocked Bar in the same room on the right hand side (great Bar price's) & the dance floor is "Talc Friendly" (thank goodness lol). There's also a very large" Car Park" (with Security Camera's) & a nice "Smoking Area" too. Although we do play quite a few Oldies we're trying to move away from dancing round your Handbag and too much Motown (It's getting too much now having to play the same 25 Records week in week out.....) Come and check us out, request friendly, Dance Floor driven, 100% Vinyl, 100% Dancing!!!!! "Our Next Event" is on "Friday the 8th of November" with Special Guest and good friend of many years and great Local DJ Mr "Kev Bruce" (Sheffield). This Guy does know how to fill a dance floor, Kev has an awesome Original Vinyl Collection with Records to die for I kid you not. it's gonna be cracker me thinks. Kev'll be supported by my good Self and crackin DJ Mr "Terry Low" who by the way 'll be a Resident DJ from now on, so really looking forward to the "8th of November" now. We've been running various Venue's since the late 90ts & the "Door Tax" is still just the same £3.00 thats all If you come down the hill from "Birdwell" to our old Venue turn right at the crossroads and go about a quarter of a mile up the road (look for the large Hoarding on the left hand side of the road that says "Dale Tavern" this way turn in and go about 20 meters and you've landed. Don't forget Folks be early & bring your Dancein' Shoe's..... Cheers Everybody, Woody, Miss T & All the Gang The Get On Up Soul Club @: The Dale Tavern, West Street, Worsborough Dale, Barnsley, South Yorkskire S70 5PG (just off the "Main Sheffield Road - A61) 10 Mins J36 M1/ 10 Mins Barnsley Town Centre/ 5 Mins Stairfoot/5 Mins Birdwell
  5. October's Guest DJ "Chris Spur" (Barnsley) ATB Northern Soul At It's Very Best!!!!! Nice large Room, loads of nice comfortable seating, recantgular tables, large wooden dance floor, stage at one end, well stocked Bar in the same room on the right hand side (great Bar price's) & the dance floor is "Talc Friendly" (thank goodness lol). There's also a very large" Car Park" (with Security Camera's) & a nice "Smoking Area" too. Although we do play quite a few Oldies we're trying to move away from dancing round your Handbag and too much Motown (It's getting too much now having to play the same 25 Records week in week out.....) Come and check us out, request friendly, Dance Floor driven, 100% Vinyl, 100% Dancing!!!!! "Our Next Event" here at "The Get On Up Soul Club" is on "Friday the 18th of October" with Special Guest and good friend of many years and great Local DJ Mr "Chris Spur" (Barnsley). This Guy does know how to fill a dance floor, Chris has an awesome Original Vinyl Collection with Records to die for I kid you not. it's gonna be cracker me thinks. Chris'll be supported by my good Self and crackin DJ Mr "Terry Low" who by the way 'll be a Resident DJ from now on, so really looking forward to the "18th of October" now. We've been running various Venue's since the late 90ts & the "Door Tax" is still just the same £3.00 thats all If you come down the hill from "Birdwell" to our old Venue turn right at the crossroads and go about a quarter of a mile up the road (look for the large Hoarding on the left hand side of the road that says "Dale Tavern" this way turn in and go about 20 meters and you've landed. Don't forget Folks be early & bring your Dancein' Shoe's..... Cheers Everybody, Woody, Miss T & All the Gang The Get On Up Soul Club @: The Dale Tavern, West Street, Worsborough Dale, Barnsley, South Yorkskire S70 5PG (just off the "Main Sheffield Road - A61) 10 Mins J36 A1M/ 10 Mins Barnsley Town Centre/ 5 Mins Stairfoot.
  6. Don't Forget Folks, Friday 13th of September 7:30pm/12:00am "Get On Up Soul Night's" here at "The Dale Tavern", Special Guest DJ Mr "Rob Smith" (Nottingham, Everywhere) ATB Northern Soul at it's very Best!!!!! Be Early & Bring Your Dancin' Shoe's..... Cheers Everybody, Woody, Miss T & All the Gang The Get On Up Soul Club @: The Dale Tavern, West Street, Worsborough Dale, Barnsley, South Yorkskire S70 5PG (just off the "Main Sheffield Road - A61) 10 Mins J36 A1M/ 10 Mins Barnsley Town Centre/ 5 Mins Stairfoot.
  7. "Well Foks we have some News!!!!! We're changing Venues" Our brillant New Venue for "The Get On Up Soul Club" will be :- "The Dale Tavern" in Worsborough, Barnsley. Nice large Room, loads of nice comfortable seating, recantgular tables, large wooden dance floor, stage at one end, well stocked Bar in the same room on the right hand side (great Bar price's) & the dance floor is "Talc Friendly" (thank goodness lol). There's also a very large" Car Park" (with Security Camera's) & a nice "Smoking Area" too. Although we do play quite a few Oldies we're trying to move away from dancing round your Handbag and too much Motown (It's getting too much now having to play the same 25 Records week in week out.....) Come and check us out, request friendly, Dance Floor driven, 100% Vinyl, 100% Dancing!!!!! Launch Date is on "Friday the 23rd of August" with Special Guest our good friend of many years and Top Sheffield DJ the brilliant Mr "Tony Wiggan". This Guy does know how to fill a dance floor, Tony's has an awesome Original Vinyl Collection with Records to die for I kid you not, it's gonna be cracker me thinks. Tony'll be supported by my good Self and crackin DJ Mr "Terry Low" who by the way 'll be a Resident DJ from now on, so really looking forward to the "23rd of August " now. If you come down the hill from "Birdwell" to our old Venue turn right at the crossroads and go about a quarter of a mile up the road (look for the large Hoarding on the left hand side of the road that says "Dale Tavern" this way turn in and go about 20 meters and you've landed. Don't forget Folks be early & bring your Dancein' Shoe's..... Cheers Everybody, Woody, Miss T & All the Gang The Get On Up Soul Club @: The Dale Tavern, West Street, Worsborough Dale, Barnsley, South Yorkskire S70 5PG (just off the "Main Sheffield Road - A61) 10 Mins J36 A1M/ 10 Mins Barnsley Town Centre/ 5 Mins Stairfoot.
  8. Hi Guys, great news, we're back on the "20th of July" with popular special guest DJ Mr "Julian Frankland". Julian's a Top Guy & a Top DJ with a brilliant collection great Northen Records. He did us a fantastic DJ Spot last year so I'm sure we'll be in for another cracker in July too. Aswell as Julian & my good self Mr "Terry Low" 'll be joining us behind the Decks to do us a couple of Spots too, Terry always hits the Mark as you know, nuff said eh...... Don't forget Folks "Saturday the 20th of July" (7:30pm -12:00am) & remember "This Is A No Talc Venue" so be early & bring your Dancin' Shoe's. Take care Everybody, Woody & Miss T xx "The Get On Up Soul Club" @ Worsborough Miners Welfare, Main Sheffield Road Worsborough, Barnsley S70 5LJ J36 M1 - 2 Miles Barnsley Town Centre - 2 Miles Info Ring - 07905676181/07870612890
  9. Don't Forget Folks "Saturday 18th of May 2024 - 7:30pm/12:00am" "Get On Up Soul Night's" here at "Worsborough Miners Welfare" with Guest DJ Mr "Paul; Welsby" - (Hideaway Club/Nu Beat Club, Manchester) Northern Soul at it's very Best!!!!! Remember Folks this is a "No Talc Venue" so Be Early & Bring Your Dancin' Shoe's..... "The Get On Up Soul Club" @ Worsborough Miners Welfare, Main Sheffield Road (A61), Worsborough, Barnsley, South Yorks S70 5LJ J36 M1 - 2 Miles Barnsley Town Centre - 2 Miles Info Ring - 07905676181/07870612890
  10. Don't Forget Folks "Saturday 20 of April 2024 - 7:30pm/12:00am" "Get On Up Soul Night's" here at "Worsborough Miners Welfare" with Guest DJ - T B A Northern Soul at it's very Best!!!!! Remember Folks this is a "No Talc Venue" so Be Early & Bring Your Dancin' Shoe's..... "The Get On Up Soul Club" @ Worsborough Miners Welfare, Main Sheffield Road (A61), Worsborough, Barnsley, South Yorks S70 5LJ J36 M1 - 2 Miles Barnsley Town Centre - 2 Miles Info Ring - 07905676181/07870612890
  11. Don't Forget Folks "Saturday 16th of March 2024 - 7:30pm/12:00am" "Get On Up Soul Night's" here at "Worsborough Miners Welfare" with Guest DJ "Magic John" (Seaside Soul, Hornsea). Northern Soul at it's very Best!!!!! Remember Folks this is a "No Talc Venue" so Be Early & Bring Your Dancin' Shoe's..... "The Get On Up Soul Club" @ Worsborough Miners Welfare, Main Sheffield Road (A61), Worsborough, Barnsley, South Yorks S70 5LJ J36 M1 - 2 Miles Barnsley Town Centre - 2 Miles Info Ring - 07905676181/07870612890
  12. Don't Forget Folks "This Coming Saturday 17th of February 2024 - 7:30pm/12:00am" "Get On Up Soul Night's" here at "Worsborough Miners Welfare" with Guest DJ "Kev Bruce". Northern Soul at it's very Best!!!!! Remember Folks this is a "No Talc Venue" so Be Early & Bring Your Dancin' Shoe's..... "The Get On Up Soul Club" @ Worsborough Miners Welfare, Main Sheffield Road (A61), Worsborough, Barnsley, South Yorks S70 5LJ J36 M1 - 2 Miles Barnsley Town Centre - 2 Miles Info Ring - 07905676181/07870612890
  13. Hi Steve, can't find it. Whats the site called again please Pal
  14. Hi Folks, looking for a nice clean copy of "West 4th Street"by "Valerie & Bobby Capers" on a "Black & White Atlantic Promo/Demo". Please PM me with the Price & Condition, payment by Paypal only. Cheers Guys, thanks for looking
  15. Record Wants Looking for a clean copy of "West Street And 4th" by :Valerie & Bobby Capers" on a "Black & White" Atlantic West Coast Promo/Demo. Please PM me with price & condition, payment by "Paypal" only please. Thanks for looking Guys Edited February 27, 2021 by Straight
  16. Ok Everybody, "Saturday" the 20th 0f January" (7:30pm-12:00am) "The Get On Up Soul Club" has it's Sixth Event at " Worsborough Miners Welfare" Barnsley. Our Special Guest DJ's joining us in "January 2024" with their brilliant collection are "Lisa & Neil Crossland" not just great DJ's but great friend's too. Lisa & Neil are the best Double Decker's on the Scene & the funniest. They run a crackin Soul Night in Scissett, Hudersfield & put on a brilliant night thats always well attended. So Guys it's looking like we're in for another stormer!!!!! On the night it'll also feature Mr "Nigel Nosco" & My good Self, so all in all we should be in for a good night of all Sounds Northern on "Saturday the 20th of January next year". Check out our Page on Face Book "The Get On Up Soul Club" for more updates, laugh's & banter. When you get there don't forget to "Click Like This Page" then you'll be one of the Gang...... "Please Be Aware This Is A No Taclc Venue" Cheers Everybody, take care, Woody, Miss T & All the Gang "The Get On Up Soul Club" @ Worsborough Miners Welfare, Main Sheffield Road (A61), Worsborough, Barnsley, South Yorks S70 5LJ J36 M1 - 2 Miles Barnsley Town Centre - 2 Miles Info Ring - 07905676181/07870612890
  17. Record Want Hi Folks, anyone got a nice clean copy of "Ain't It Baby" by Kenny Gamble on an "Arctic Records" "Issue". P M me with price & condition, payment by Paypal only please. Cheers Everybody, thanks for looking
  18. Ok Everybody, "Saturday" the 18th of November" "The Get On Up Soul Club" has it's Fith Event at " Worsborough Miners Welfare" Barnsley. Our Special Guest DJ joining us in "November" with his brilliant collection is Mr "Keith Barna", not just a great DJ but one of the nicest & funnist Guys we know. Keith's a crackin DJ who runs the Radio Penistone Soul Show (Fans Of Radio Penistone) & also raises thousands of pounds the charity "Water Aid" . Keith's DJ'd & Guested for us many times over the years so it's looking like we're in for another gud en'!!!!! On the night it'll also feature Mr "Nigel Nosco" & My good Self, so all in all we should be in for a good night of all Sounds Northern on the "18th of November. Cheers Everybody, take care, lookout for more updates soon yeah, Woody, Miss T & All the Gang "The Get On Up Soul Club" @ Worsborough Miners Welfare, Main Sheffield Road, Worsborough, Barnsley, South Yorks S70 5LJ J36 M1 - 2 Miles Barnsley Town Centre - 2 Miles Info Ring - 07905676181/07870612890
  19. Don't Forget Folks "This Coming Saturday 21st of October" - 7:30pm/12:00am "Get On Up Soul Night's" here at "Worsborough Miners Welfare" with Guest DJ "Rockie". Northern Soul at it's very Best!!!!! Remember Folks this is a "No Talc Venue" so Be Early & Bring Your Dancin' Shoe's..... "The Get On Up Soul Club" @ Worsborough Miners Welfare, Main Sheffield Road, Worsborough, Barnsley, South Yorks S70 5LJ J36 M1 - 2 Miles Barnsley Town Centre - 2 Miles Info Ring - 07905676181/07870612890
  20. Don't Forget Folks "Tomorrow Night" (16th of September) "Get On Up Soul Night's" here at "Worsborough Miners Welfare", featuring Special Guest DJ Mr "Darren Deeley" (Roundabout Soul Club Sheffield) Northern Soul at it's very Best!!!!! 7:30pm - 12:00am Be Early & Bring Your Dancin' Shoe's..... The Get On Up Soul Club @ "Worsborough Miners Welfare", Main Sheffield Rd/Park Rd, Barnsley, South Yorks S70 5LJ
  21. Ok Everybody, "Saturday" the 19th of This Month" (August) The Get On Up Soul Club" has it's second Event at " Worsborough Miners Welfare" Barnsley. Our Special Guest DJ joining us with his great collection is Mr "Tom Wheelhouse". Tom's done some crackin' DJ Spots round these parts, he's great behind the Decks & a great Guy too.... On the night it'll also feature Mr "Nigel Nosco" & My good Self, so all in all we should be in for a good night of all Sounds Northern on the "19th of This Month". Remember Guys this is now a "No Talc Venue" so bring your "Dacing Shoe's" Cheers Everybody, take care, lookout for more updates soon yeah, Woody, Miss T & All the Gang The Get On Up Soul Club @ "Worsborough Miners Welfare", Main Sheffield Rd/Park Rd, Barnsley, South Yorks S70 5LJ
  22. Now just to let you know about next Month "July". On the 15th of July" "The Get On Up Soul Club" 'll be on at "Worsborough Miners Welfafe" (Main Sheffield Rd/Park Rd, Barnsley) with special Guest DJ Mr "Julian Frankland", great DJ & a really great friendly Guy. Julian has an awesome collection, been on the Scene for years & done some brilliant DJ Spots round these parts, plus My good self & Mr Nigel Noscoe. So it's looking like another cracker & good mixture of all things "Northern" me thinks
  23. The Get On Up Soul Club Yes Folks thats right, "Northern Soul will be on again at "Kexborough Social Club" on "Saturday the 24th of June" - 7:30pm while 12:00am On the night it'll feature my good Self plus Nigil Noscoe & Very Special Guest DJ's "Lisa & Neil Crossland , all playing lovely Vinyl. So all in all we should have great mixture of top Northern, including Club Classic's, 60ts, 70ts, Motown & RnB. Crackin' old 60ts style Venue with a great Dancefloor, great sound system & a well stocked Bar (open while 11:30, Dancing while 12:00), Door Tax is just £3.00 Looking forward to another great night, the first one was awsome, great turnout.... Bring your Dancing Shoe's....... Woody, Miss T & all the Gang 4 Miles from Barnsley Town Centre (95 Bus every 20 Mins) 4 Miles J37 & J38 M1 1 Mile from Darton Train Station

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