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Mick Howard

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Everything posted by Mick Howard

  1. Yeah but Byrney, you've always been lah de dah I can tell you.....
  2. Could be Webby - started going Summer 76 (Peterborough & St Ives) & so it probably took me a while to understand what was 'new' big and 'old' big. Freddie Chavez definitely 'old' big when I started going... Mick
  3. Simsy Surely some mistake here. Tony Galla and Freddie Houston were played circa mid-80's whilst the others had been around quite some time by then - Jerry Williams was massive when I was a lad (so I'm told) and Freddie Chavez was already big when I started going in 76... Anyway for me, although its hard to transport myself back.... Interplay - Derek & Ray Ever Again - Bernie Williams Pick Me Up & Put Me In Your Pocket - Jeanette Harper Mick
  4. Gigs I think what you're trying to say is that the Casino was 'of it's time' and that was the 70's when we were young(er). Webby's right though, its a wonder it didn't collapse but hey, they were built to last in those days. Mick
  5. Looking at it from a very logical stand-point John there is absolutely no way would folk be enjoying the Casino today! Let's look at the facts; The all nighters started there in 1973 - I don't think that there is a club night in the World let alone the Country that has lasted 37 years has there? Let's face it, the place (not the atmosphere) was a bit of a s**t hole wasn't it? Toilets were always an effin' mess, condensation dripping from the ceiling, crap dance-floor (in comparison with other places) and so on. Would many folk still be excited about going to such a place 37 years on unless it had been refurbed - the local council/environmental health wouldn't have allowed it given the plethora of current health, safety and environmental legislation which wasn't around when it closed (the first aid regs only came out in 81)? A lot there to say it wouldn't. Mick
  6. Obviously that's Mr Barnfather 2nd right but who are the others? John Vincent sans moustache perhaps? Anyway, just had a look on the Cambridge Soul Collective website and think that £8.50 (that's with the collectives' discount) is a little steep for a Soul night - the Real Deal Lifeline in Wolverhampton is an all nighter running from 9pm to 7am (10 hours as opposed to 6) on the same night and its only a tenner..... Not too sure about going now! Mick
  7. And yet another unique voice joins the celetial choir. Remember buying this at the 100 Club many years ago - tremendous Mick
  8. Hopefully I've figured out how to get these extracts the right way up so here's the last of the ones I have.... Mick
  9. Guys I pm'd Cambridgesoul on here and I got a reply to go onto the Cambridge Soul Collective website for more info. That was weeks ago and I looked this morning - nuffink! It's all a bit last minute and appears to be a bit disorganised if you ask me. Mick
  10. Tom Thanks for the compliment. I'm flattered. Any joy in tracing my old mucker Lee? Mick
  11. Neil Great info. Thanks. I missed your initial articles as it was 5 or 6 months before I went to my first all nighter and 'discovered' the scene. Mick P.S. Got your book - great....
  12. O.K. so no ones come back to me on this so I'll just post this sideways. Another 'footsteps' & 'ramblings' from January 1985.Enjoy Mick
  13. Tom I think you'll recall I had a fairly decent collection myself back in the day (fairly sure I spun some tuen at some gigs round Nottingham) - no super rare stuff but a good solid lot of tunes many of which weren't 'common' in those days, but I'm sure you'll remember that I loved to shake a leg too. Basically, it was quite difficult to balance the two but my method was to hit the dealers at the beginning of the night for a couple of hours and then the dancefloor & then back to the records mid-way through the night just in case anything new had turned up - there were of course a few times when verballing took over completely depending on what the medicine was like! I sold my collection some 13 years ago or so & from then I never had a problem although for a little while I got 'withdrawal' pains every time I saw a box of records. The problem now is that I started buying again a year or two ago but unfortunately I just can't afford it despite a lot of folk insisting that there are 'cheap' records to have out there. I'm seriously considering giving up again & going back to dancing but even that is now a struggle at 50...... What's a true lover of danceable, collectable Soul music to do? Mick
  14. Yeah - one in the hands of Roger Banks who's play it originally was (& still is when I request it). Great record (despite what Mark Bicknell says (lol). Mick
  15. Simon Mine is #136 - I recall getting it personally from Rob who was a great guy & who I haven't seen for a very long time now... Mick
  16. Chalky That's the one. My memberships - Soul Power middle left..... Mick
  17. I know tha the 2nd Anniversary flyer has been posted previously but I don't think the other side of it has so here you go Mick
  18. Can't be sure but I don't think Kev (original poster) meant this type of contemporary R&B (most of which is s***e anyway) - think he meant proper R&B from the 60's - I could be wrong though. Mick
  19. Yeah that's right - knew it had 'field' in it somewhere. Think you're right about Searling as well - just about when he stopped travelling wasn't it? Mick
  20. Chalky Fairly sure I was at the first one 'cos it was only a couple of weeks after my daughter was born so I was definitely back from Saudi at that time - fancy leaving your wife and newborn to go to an all nighter...... Anyway, as my mind is not as it was, what was the one that Rob Marriott used to run under the Soul Power banner? I thought that was Chesterfield. Mick
  21. Not sure if this ones been done before but can't find anything. Does anyone remember this - I can't for the life of me remember the venue? Mick
  22. I know that a few flyers have been posted but I think that this one was for the first Soultown all nighter...... Mick
  23. I've just managed to scan some more Echoes extracts but before posting them can someone tell me how to ensure they appear the right way up 'cos they are sideways again. Cheers. Mick
  24. Its The Eat - Major Lance One Way Sprout - Martha & the Vandellas Sorry, could'nt resist a couple of jokey ones. Apples, Peaches, Pumkin Pie - Jay & The Techniques Strawberry Shortcake - ditto Mick

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