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Mick Howard

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Everything posted by Mick Howard

  1. Jolly About the same time as the Newcastle Tiffany's gig, I believe he also played at Staffords Top of the World - same(ish) DJ line up. But I think that it was just a little later than 83. Perhaps 84/85 or a marangue? On the same thread, does anyone remember the following gigs also at TOTW: Lorraine Chandler & Eddie Parker Harold Melvin & the Bluenotes (didn't turn up - 3 mikes up on the stage looking all lonesome) Gene Chandler (also played at Hinkley Leisure Centre during the same tour) - this was also fabulous particularly when he came as 'Duke of Earl' complete with top hat, cane and cape! Mick
  2. Andy Tell me how to copy a document (pdf file) into this medium - I've got a sales tape list from Pete just before he died. Regards Mick
  3. Andy (& others) I had a good look through what's left of my 'stuff' and have found a couple of things of Pete's including a photo taken on a minibus on our way to Scotland (Allanton I think). I'll post them when I've scanned them. Shute I also found issue 2 of 'The Gospel According to Dave Godin' but wouldn't mind a copy of issue 1 (must've lost my copy along the way) if you would copy it for me (I'll pay for the copying and P&P of course). If you're agreeable then send me a personal. Thanks in advance.
  4. Ah yes Pete Some great and not so great memories. He stayed with me for a couple of days in Halifax back in the late 80's and my then wife couldn't make head nor tail of him. He was cutting EMI's at a studio in Huddersfield near the Fish n' Chip shop I had at the time. I also remember one time on a trip up to Scotland and he didn't shut up all the way up and all the way back down - and he was straight at the time!!! I will have a look to see if I've got anything but again I don't think that I've got any photos 'cos they were left behind when I split up with Jayne. Mick Howard
  5. Another typical Northern venue with a great line up. Yes, Kitch did his first DJ'ing there and I remember him being extremely nervous. I have a scan of various membership cards I've had over the years and Soultown is one of them. I also used to have some B/W photos that I took at Mexborough and recall a really good one of Brad but I think that it's probably at the bottom of a landfill site now seing as my ex-wife never did return all of my 'stuff'. Great days. Mick Howard
  6. Simon Don't know if you remember me but I lived in Halifax for a time in the early 80's and got to know you and Christine, Sue and Kyle etc. Anyway, one of my best mates in the RAF in the mid to late 70's was a guy called Tony Holdsworth who was from Bradford and was a Northern fan. He was one of those who were filmed for 'This England' and at the time his knickname was 'Biggles' on account of his 'bins'. Anyway, I'm still in touch and he has a (German) wife and a 12/13 year old son now. Personally, although we had 2 great kids (Kyle and Keri, 21 and 18 respectively) Jayne and I split up in the early 90's whilst I was in Saudi Arabia and I'm now living up here in Glasgow. Hope you find some more Yorkshire folk All the best Mick

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