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Mick Howard

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Everything posted by Mick Howard

  1. Steve & Alan How about a reunion then? Get it sorted! Mick Howard
  2. Thanks for the 'mensh' Kimbo. Great memories of Shotts of being a punter most of the time but mainly 'cos Jim gave me a spot (1st one in 89). Although having spun a few tunes here and there I'd not done an all-nighter before so there I am all nervous & s**t cueing up my first disc, giving it some on the mic and the speed was at 33....... (I think I must have been on after Tom Jackson who probably had a 12" on before my 45) doesn't do ones confidence any good but anyway I managed to carry on and was on cloud nine when I got a round of applause at the end of the hour. Whilst not my discoveries by any means, some of the tunes I played (I think) were This Is It (Ron Baxter), Too Far To Turn Around (Stylettes), Girl Girl Girl (Danny Harrison), Pretty Girl (Phonetics), Always Be Mine (Shufflers), and now my mind's gone blank. There are a few photos of and on the way to Shotts in my photo album (Micks Memories) if anyones interested. Special mention to Jim O, Andy D, Alan & Steve W, Jock O, Keith W, Colin L, Jim T, Mark L, Tom J and all of the Scottish Soul crew plus the regulars from Stafford including Bernie, Phil, Guy, Keb, Ady, Dave B, Joan, Dave M, Roger, Jacqui (sorry if I've missed anyone) who were and mostly still are indeed the real deal. I still think of both Pete and Ozzy who were mates as well. KTF Mick Howard
  3. Debbie Fancy this thread being on so long and no mention of me. Since moving up here to Scotland seems I've dropped off the face of the Earth! Oddfellows was a regular venue for me too - good memories - early days for Guy and Keb and the 'Mafia' - first met Ozzy and Craig here..... lot's of water under the bridge since. Mick
  4. Yes, well it's all been said in the previous posts but blimey what truly sad news so I'll still have my penneth worth... I first got to recognise the names Wylie and Hestor in about 77 and from then anything with their names on caught my interest - they were truly the voice of Detroit Soul & I was as happy as larry to meet Richard in the mid 80's at Warrington but as usual when I meet my heroes I was lost for words and didn't know what to say. Nevertheless he was very gentlemanly, shook my hand and obliged me with his autograph which now takes pride of place in a frame on the wall. I'm not a Christian so I won't mention the 'G' word but by heck he's certainly left his mark on this Earth - his contribution is a piece of History which I'm positive will live on throughout Human history.... Mick P.S. Mark - how about doing your show in chronological order so that people who aren't very familiar with his music can see the sheer diversity and to see how completely adaptable he was to the changing times.
  5. The thread that Joan initiated about playing records you don't like had a few titles dotted around but how about you didn't like either at first hearing or even for ages but then you had a change of heart perhaps. To kick it off: Tear Stained Face - Don Varner Didn't like this from the day I first heard it (think it was the Casino) until many years later when Mark Bicknell played the original at home on his hi-fi and I heard the 'farting' background horns for probably the first time. It was clean and undistorted and sounded fabulous and I absolutely love it now. Mick
  6. A few more from Stafford (my top venue of all time - so far!) Dave Thorley Larry Davis - I've Been Hurt So Many Times The Q - That's The Way (covered as The Case of Tyme) Soul Bros Inc - Pyramid (covered as Mel Britt) Keb Ron Baxter - This Is It (can't remember the C/U name) The Soul Set - Will You Ever Learn Black Wings Have My Angel - Hayes Cotton (covered as 'Thrice') Guy ('wait for the beat') Detroit Rhythm Section - Backstreets Susan Rewis - They Say (covered as 'All The Hurt & You') Jackie Day - Naughty Boy Of course there were literally 100's of others and not just played by these guys; Pat Brady, Keith Minshull, Ady Pountain, Richard Searling were also regulars at one time or another and remember the guests like Roger Banks, George Sharp, Colin Law, Keith Whitson. Let's remember the legacy of this brilliant venue and the fact that it paved the way for the forward thinking soulies and collectors who are still around looking for the underplayed, the obscure and that great addition to the Northern Soul tradition - the beat ballad! Consider the following, which may not all strictly have been played first at Stafford or indeed at Stafford but were played as a direct result of punters hearing ballads there: Bill Lucas - Cause Youre Mine The Shufflers - Always Be Mine Kenny Sheppard - What Difference Does It Make Sam Fletcher - Think It Over George Freeman - Down & Out Brooks O'Dell - You Better Make Up Your Mind Kell Osborne - Quicksand Faye Crawford - What Have I Done Wrong The Trends - Not Too Old To Cry Doug Banks - Aint That Just Like A Woman Top Of The World Ma - and boy was I................................
  7. Indeed it was James and it was the guy I mentioned in the St Ives forum previously. Very misunderstood guy I guess but when you're only 16 (as I was) you don't take to people like James. Now of course that we've all grown up.........??
  8. Didn't get pulled on a coach but me and a few other lads (can't remember who) were hanging around the public WC's (as you do) at Peterborough bus station waiting for the coach to Wigan (I was supposed to be meeting up with Spike, Andy Rix et al) and got pulled by a couple of plain clothes and we were all frog marched (& I mean frog marched, one hand on head the other on our holdalls) off to the nick. One of the guys made a break for it but was soon caught and he didn't even have any gear! (plonker). Out of about 1/2 dozen only one of us had some gear and it was f**k all to write home about (personal use, not for pushing), but we were in the hands of the boys in blue for hours; all stripped, quick peep up the jacksy and all that. The good thing was that Spike had managed to persuade the other punters to agree to holding up the coach which finally headed off at about eleven o'clock with us all (except one on board. Thanks for the memories.
  9. Just remembered something else from St Ives; Danny and I used to always say 'Chubby Checker for Prime Minister' as You Just Don't Know was our fave tune at the time!!!
  10. Baz Take a look at my photo album, 7th frame and you will see your beautiful girlfriend Rosy and a small contingent from Norwich. I don't suppose Kathy will remember me 'cos I think I was younger than most (only by a year or so) but what memories. I joined the RAF very soon after that picture was taken. I'm with the person who remembers the smells of brut, juicy fruit etc. and I also remember in the morning knicking fresh milk from doorsteps if we found some (they must've still delivered on Sundays in those days). Mobbsy remembers me as I got a message from him recently and I'm very much still in touch with Kev Fev who I'll be seeing in a few weeks time along with Sean and Ivan (who remembers those two characters?). Ivan used to go out with Georgina (Archdeacon) back in the day before going off the rails a little (I hope he won't mind me saying that). Does anyone remember that guy who used to do 'roly-polys' (God love him) on the large dance floor as he couldn't quite get the hang of the proper acrobatic stuff. Who remembers Donald Duck who used to run the coaches from Birmingham? I travelled up with the Brummy lot on their coach one time to Wigan with a guy also called Mick from Chelmsley Wood (don't remember his surname as it was 30 years ago) and clearly remember the 50 year old coach driver 'stashing' all the gear under his engine hood - blimey I had never seen so many little coloured pills! Mick Howard
  11. I do remember seeing Harold Melvin & Blue notes. Perhaps I got my live gigs mixed up - there was certainly a group who didn't show up (Drifters perhaps?)
  12. Idell, not really an 80's perm 'cos it was very real curls - I was called Paul Nicholas or Leo Sayer on many occasions (much to my chagrin).
  13. Kirsty Ta anyway - y'know the 80's was very mustachiod (xcept I didn't have one then). Mick P.S. Hope to see y'all soon - looking for an all nighter to go to perhaps in October - any suggestions?

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