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Mick Howard

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Everything posted by Mick Howard

  1. There is a guy in Norwich called Paul Moore (quite a handy 'geezer' as it happens) and we used to sing his name in time with 'Hold On' by Judy Freeman back in the day and every time I hear it now even 30 years later I still can't help singing his name. Go on, you know you want to....... Mick
  2. Not with hindsight Manus of course but at the time it was huuuuuge.... & I did like it 'cos it didn't sound like anything that I'd ever heard before Mick
  3. I think you guys are right on both counts vis-a-vis Billy Arnell being played at St Ives first & the repetition of tunes - seem to recall at St Ives hearing Derek & Ray 4 or 5 times in one night and in fact I also seem to remember it being called 'Overplay' after a while..... Mick
  4. Yes me old mucker. We met on the train out of London, you were going to Reading and me to Oxford so it must've been around 83 or 84 so not quite 30 years just yet but it does make you feel old(er)..... Ring me this week some time. Mick
  5. Peterborough Wirrina some time during the steamy, hot summer of 76. After the football (the old first division) it was a 'wander' bus ticket purchased from Norwich bus station for around £1.60 that got us on a double-decker at around 6.30 for a long trip to Kings Lynn where we had to wait for the connection to Peterborough eventually arriving at around 10.30. Some people I remember from that first time - Alan & Eppy who had already travelled by bus from Bungay in Suffolk, Sam, Mobbsy, Kev Laws, Keith Dunhill, Smiler and Paul Cameron who because he was so smashed, smoked so much he got a massive yellow stain on his hand! Don't remember the first record I heard 'cos I was very 'green' when it came to recognising tunes but through the night I recall hearing Stevie Wonder Uptight and Dean Parrish I'm On My Way (that one probably at the end) and one tune that I hadn't heard before but which I think was the one that got me 'hooked' and that was Freddie Chavez They'll Never Know Why.... Mick
  6. You are quite right Rob - it has to be a 'choon' that was discovered at the time the Casino was in operation & went 'stellar' there (not necessarily played there first 'cos a lot of sounds got their first outing at smaller, local Soul nights didn't they?). For me...... Tough Girl - Billy Arnell Can't Get Over These Memories - John & The Wierdest Mick
  7. Here are some more 'good' (IMHO) B sides: Gene Chandler - (I'm Just A) Fool For You Fantastic Johnny C - New Love Phil Flowers - You Little Devil Johnny Nash - Love Ain't Nothing The Platters - Don't Hear, Speak, See No Evil Mick
  8. I used to go with a girl back in the 70's called Sue Ives (her surname has probably changed by now) from Hull. Busty and blonde she like me was in the RAF (a driver I think) and was into Northern & we went several gigs together (Casino, Coalville etc.) Anyone on here know her then or now? Cheers Mick
  9. Derek Middle photo - although I hadn't met any of the Bradford 'crew' at that time I'm thinking that the arm coming in from the right belongs to Jimmy Nolan - would that be about right? Mick P.S. Are you going to Stafford in April?
  10. Out of all of Gloria Jones' NS tunes I think I prefer Come Go With Me anyway Mick
  11. Never seen Narbay on flea-bay.... Didn't see Johnny Hampton until recently and then there were two at same time (like a No 9 bus). Mick
  12. Couldn't agree more. Whilst I'm all for original vinyl being played (45 or 33) when a storming unreleased track turns up on CD then it should be played. I recall Marvin Gayes version of Sweet Thing being played towards the late 80's and I think that was from the CD box set which was only available from the US at the time. And vis-a-vis the Temptations - remember Forever In My Heart - not heard it out since it came out on CD but Lord knows why... Mick
  13. Webby You're right about the difference between those tunes but that's because Driza Bone 'aint IMO a Soul record and neither are some of the other examples in this thread. Don't get me wrong I like Drizabone and in fact I used to play it out when I DJ'd abroad in the distant past but certainly not in a Soul 'spot'. It's like the difference between Old Man River by Paul Robeson and Hey Ya by Outkast - the only thing linking them is the colour of their skin. Now if you're talking purely about Soul 'choons then how about "You Know How To Love Me" by Phylis Hyman and "Find A Quiet Place" by Melvin Davis? Good thread this. Mick
  14. I know nothing of the Bolton thing so can't comment on that but did see OUATIW when it played at the Citizens in Glasgow and those who I saw that night (Mark Linton, Kenny Burrell to mention just two) thought so too. Paul, I think we've been here before so many times vis-a-vis the very irritating commercialisation of the scene and regarding Renatta's Rene 'nuff said. If it does go to TV it really has to be done properly - I seem to recall a TV drama back in the 70's which was loosely based on the Casino and it was rotten.... Hope everything goes well. Mick
  15. Mr Walls Sir, You didn't think that I'd forgotten that the Solid Hit was you & Stevies did you or that Ruff Cut was Jims? Of course not. I also remember that Soul Time was the Clifton Hall. I'd forgotten abut the Connoisseurs one and I don't remember the Right Track one - was that was Glenrothes? See you on 30th. Mick
  16. Phil An interesting 'rock' connection in the piece is who owned the studio where it is claimed Job Opening was recorded - Anthony Bonjiovi - who is related to ....................... Jon BonJ(i)ovi (I think they are cousins).. Mick
  17. Phil, This tells you the whole story including the Funkadelic/Parliament connection.. Del Larks Story.pdf Mick
  18. Maybe this has already been done but maybe not. What all nighters/dayers have you attended through the years & how do you rate them in retrospect (& I don't mean the physical state of the venue but your enjoyment of)? I'll start off with mine from the 1970's (will add posts with 1980's onwards later if it takes off) based on the following; fantastic great good average w**k & apologies for those where the venue name is missing (brain fag you see). 1970's Peterborough Wirrina all nighters Peterborough Fleet all nighters St Ives Recreation Centre all nighters Kettering all dayers Norwich Samson & Hercules all nighters:yes: Wigan Casino all nighters Cambridge Howard Mallet all dayers Bedford Nite Spot all nighters:good: A St Albans (fire station?) all dayer:wanker: Nottingham Palais all dayers:good: Derby Tiffanies all nighters Coalville Tiffanies all nighters Mick
  19. Does sound like a Detroit thing rather than Chicago & yes it does have that Topper feel. Vocal sounds familiar but can't place it..... M
  20. Kimbo Yeah I remember that one. Guy arranged the coach (I think) from Derby and it picked us up in Skipton - warm day as I recall and have a feeling I had some wedge shoes on - blimey what was I thinking? Mick
  21. Here are some memberships including the aforementioned Mansfield (Soul Power) & Stafford (Kool Kat & Top Dog) - if truth be told there are a couple that I can't place.... Mick
  22. Debbie Another one I dug out - me circa 1980 I have some photos from both the 70's and 80's but not sure how to get good jpg copies - tried taking photos of photos but they don't come out too good. Scooter Boy 1980.pdf Mick Scooter Boy 1980.pdf
  23. Debbie Here are a couple; first one taken outside the Casino (pretty typical photo actually) shortly before it shut and the other I took of a few folk from Norwich at St Ives circa 76. I have some more which I'll dig out some time over the weekend. Mick
  24. For me it's got to be Kev Featherstone (Fev) from Norwich and of course my late crazy mate Pete Lawson who's already been mentioned. Both anoraks to be sure but huge, vast knowledge. Kev got me started collecting in earnest back in the late 70's after I bought a Denise Chandler from him (a fantastic Soul tune but not a stomper which was de rigeur de jour) and Pete for taking it up a gear in the early to mid 80's.. Both have forgotten more than I know now. Cheers boys. Mick Howard
  25. You are absolutely right & that's perhaps why I was confused - the photo with Edwin in the brown leather suit I recognise but not the others..... The attached photo was also taken at Hinckley possibly at one of those live gigs I mentione earlier (P.S. the Curtis Mayfield one was top as stated)... Mick

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