Apologies if this has been discussed before but with the ever increasing amount of records for sale where would be the best place to sell any really big ticket numbers IF you wanted to get shot of them. I see ebay has some 24,000 items for sale now as apposed to this time last year when there were around 8,000. S.S. sales also have mountains of the stuff and John Manship's auction continues to carry loads of quality vinyl ( not alway's the really rare stuff either ). So with so much on offer do i detect a mass exodus to get rid of collections ? Is this due to scare tactics about ' how long the scene may go on for ' or ' how long will our vinyl be collectable ' ?? There have been a few threads recently discussing those 2 questions. I hope there will alway's be enough serious deejay's / collectors around to keep the value of the really great records at a level where they should be. Stuff like Al Williams, Billy Hines, Calvin Grayson, Honeybees, Lester Tipton et al. No i'm not getting worried about my collection but i think it's an interesting topic that needs to be addressed. Thanks for reading and feel free to partake. Tony T Bone. OZ. Spreading the Faith down under.