Ah I remember them well Steve! The threats issued, the endless pointless ranting about the way forward, the 'my souls bigger than yours' article etc etc....hang on, nothings bleeding changed!!!! I've sided with Sam of late, i.e I consider myself a Soul lover rather than a genre lover, if its good then I'll give it a chance which is why my shelves are heaving under all types and styles of Soul. The Modern Room, and the 'Modern By Moonlight' events we held in the Main Hall, at Plinston were always well attended and too me had the best vibe and atmosphere (even when you were on Steve!!!! ) and I've always loved venues that spin everything (lest we forget that Stafford was a Modern basiton at the begining and one of the reasons we went there, cheers for the great times by the way Mr Thorley!) Bottom line, you cant please everyone and punters will vote with their feet and go to whatever venues floats their soulful boat. ENDLESS debates etc achieve nothing but, as my son pointed out to me when reading this, keep the new blood we need as a scene to survive far far away. As he said, who wants to get involved with people that seem to spend their whole time arguing about nothing, he wants a good time with great music and he doesn't belivie he will get that when he reads, yet another!, debate on Modern Vs Northern/Oldies/Xover whatever from our scene. Timmy Thomas people - Why cant we live together! (Dont bother answering as we will be here forever!!!!! lol)