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Everything posted by kimbo

  1. The Gaff in Banbury Earls Barton dog track Both in the 1960's before my time
  2. Blues old warehouse in Sheffield run by steve Croft. Another in Abington Oxfordshire can't remember the venue though Late 70's. Winding Wheel A brill niter. What was the niter in mexborough 80's St Neots had two venues. One run by Rug Bowers r.i.p. Cambridge corn exchange and was another one called Cleo's vein?
  3. Think you are talking about Castor village hall near Peterbro, a mate goes all the time but missed this one he says its all blues tho. web site is shakedown blues. They bring the black blues guys/gals over he says.
  4. Excellent Malc, always have a smile at some of your various comments on the forum,dont think i know you but if our paths cross will shake your hand............ does that mean SKF means shake ketchup furiously! Respect kimbo.
  5. stay away from the curry,or it will be a case of K.G & THE NITESHITERS,
  6. With you all the way. If you advertised as such then the punter votes with his feet. I'd be with you mate. So much on these days, so go to a venue that floats your boat music wise, not spoil other peoples.
  7. kimbo

    broad lane 004

    Kimbo the fly Parker.
  8. With you on the clothes mate. Also original Skinner jeans, Flemmings super tough jeans. Did you know the original company that made (original) Harrington jkts is still going. Proper Harringtons with raglan sleeves and the back yoke £130 now a days for a real one. The clothes as cool as the music.
  9. A memory that still makes me shiver. My SECOND PROPER soul club visit The Howard Mallet in cambridge ( l970'S 74? the first one blew my mind!) on a Friday night. This time a coach had travelled down from the catacombs. Boy could they dance, baratha blazers, one glove the whole cult thing taken up another level from the soul/ reggae played at commercial discos. This was/ is the coolest scene and in our time yeah we lived on the edge. All the crazy funny stories I read on here confirm this. It was a way of life it still is for me and that memory of coolness, excitment and just a pure love of soul music will always stay with me....ooh those shivers again.
  10. I think that was a mate of ours, he closed his eyes to let out a sly one, but all that dancin had janged his pipes and he followed thru' we call it touchin cloth. The moves he did gettin to the loo he could have danced to piny & Perky on 78rpm never mind the Royal Esquires.
  11. Hi mate yeah went to quite a few, remember those skins layin into the allniter crowd outside and the doorman closing the door... nice, however they bit off more than they could chew with the wellinbrough lot who battered them. I saw 2 of the skins at the next niter so much for hating soul and all connected with it.
  12. Hi Furry one, bloody wildlife gets everywhere! Nice toon got it on Noel, much prefer 21st Century to Minnie Jones but always get shouted down. Yeah and both sides excellent.
  13. Hello mate nice to hear from ya. Always see your name around glad your enjoyin things. Yep hope to see you soon. I seem to be going soul do's on my own a lot (lisa into flat eric stuff) so only so far i can travell (in the morning on my own on the motorway not good) found myself in a queue for a carboot sale not so long back at 6 in the morning. Lookin at Karens 1980's list where did we meet? it was a hell of a long time back. Where are you off over the next few weeks. Laters mate K,
  14. Hi cocked up some how replying must be all those late nights. Yep I remember you Intown soulster! you are the bro of Stafford Mark.... Lens stag do a good nite shared a curry with ya in Brick Lane how many soulies in that toilet cubicle in the curry house what was that about gibber gibber...all I know I was about the fourth to exit and the waiter was standing there. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BENDING YOUR EAR! you mean I was talkin S***e. Take care Mate.
  15. I have no idea who he is at the mo. Comon Mikey how do you know me?? surly not more than 1 kimbo.
  16. Hi Karen, thanks for remembering. I first chatted to you at the Chesterfield niter not a clue wot year. Its good to look back even tho it gets a bit deep in a Lamont Dozier sort of way (Gaz Holiman will know what I mean, choice verbals in the Mohair suit Lounge!!) A good friend once said this to me, and its true being a workin class lad looking to get out of the rut at the weekends "we are all in the gutter but some of us looked up and saw the stars!" Certainly true of Soul people we hit the high numbers and lived. If you can count your friends on both hands you are a rich person..... lookin at your list you just won the bloody euro. Peace, love life and hunk of soul Kimboxx

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