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Everything posted by kimbo

  1. Excellent. but if some knuckledragger has bid and won a co-op carrier bag in the past on ebay. This is a defo.
  2. Oddfellows top nite went to most. Still movin an groovin. Loads used to go from Norhants... hence Northants wide awake club. Martyn da jazz saw yagroovin at R Royce last week don't know ya but ya shake a MEAN tailfeather. Get your fine self to SOUL REPUBLIC in acouple of weeks.....your sorta vibe. KIMbo
  3. Hi, what project are you doing, with the badges , fashion etc.
  4. Excellent, like the small sign at the back "teaching" was that a Dubie apprentiship.
  5. Yes I do mate, that Attley bloke has a lot to answer for. But you wer the bloke who made Ben Sherman button down pants all the rave in Rushden. How you doin Tony long time no see. You better give that Trevski a hi from me when you see him suit you sir. Kimbo.
  6. Gotta be Z cars.
  7. Hi mate, how you doin? Weekend wuz wild you know its gonna be with the West midland crew and the Holyman clan. yep remember about the dye they faded a treat. Not sure where Skinners were manufactured always thought Flemmings were worn by the dockers as they defo came from Liverpool. That was the start then up to 28 bottoms and 3inch waistbands side patch pkts (your Birmingham baggies) then oxford bags etc. Kept a scrapbook back then have an account of a reporter who first came across skinheads on the kings road in 69. no smart gear then as with all cults rough and raw, nightwatchman twill trousers, union collar shirt, braces and steel cap boots. Laters kimbo.
  8. Hi mate and what did your dad say "take them bloody pills out your sock drawer and bugger off" one of the best I've read on here. Respect kimbo oh yeah have a cutting from one of the daily's of the time commenting on a change of style in a skinhead stronghold with the following of the budgie series on t.v. Remember adam faith.
  9. Not sure how to get piccies on here techno thicko, its th paper label not the sewn on embossed leather label from the back pocket. Skinners came in after the 16 inch parallel legs of sta-prest I think 72-3. The original Skinners were 24 inch parallel legs in blue denim the white ones came in later re bay city rollers/ clockwork orange but the blue denim Skinners original was the one with a 2 inch turn up on the outside,. Also copies were around made by a company called saddlebags then other manufactures made trousers with the same leg cut. Another brand to go down in soul fashion History were jeans called Flemmings super toughs think they came from Liverpool. Remember seeing both Skinners and Flemmings being worn with the first leather bomber jackets or leather/suede in the same style as the levi jacket well cool. Nice thread mate. hope we get a few more replies from the hep cats of the time. Best kimbo. Is it east to get photos on here!!!!
  10. Went into bespoke tailoring in 74 made loads of baggies... with secret pockets. also later on 1950's style wind cheetas (james dean style) with one off record labels embroidered on the back. Still have the paper label from my Skinners original paralells with price £3.75 stuck inside my record box. Also the Bowie baggies with pleats all round the waist. But personally speaking cant beat the fashion from the wheel/mod/skin days so smart but oh so cool. Kimbo
  11. Hi mate make sure that you put it in ya box next time you gig at the cracker. That is a brill toon what a dancer.
  12. Used to travell over from Irchester, Always an army of Soulies in the Kettering area Top times.
  13. Top niter, we used to travell up from Northamtonshire wild times. Ade Harley, top bloke. Remember just me and my girlfriend at the time lisa travelling home stoppin for a coffee n verbal on the M6 and parking on the south bound but on commin out going onto the Northbound car park and thinking some bastard had nicked me car. Not daring to call the cops we were sculking about for an hour or so till me common sense caught up with me brain....we lived.
  14. Hi Cavendish, top soul nite used to travel up from Northants for literally every one. Remember my mate Kitty from Wellingborough(a rich Harry Enfield Plasterer loadamoney!) running up to Chris as he wuz doin his spot and whippin out a £100 as he annouced he had an extra copy of Lonely Girl for sale. Sort of off thread also travelled up on a tuesday nite for a soul nite was it Chelmsley wood in a pub on a big estate Top times.
  15. Hi mad times,remember going to the 2nd niter at the Iveo with Robin Johnson from wellingborough driving ito some blokes garden flattening all his cabbages then burning out when the lights came on, one of many occurences. Not even going to mention Nick Ballard and the dead cat..... . Know most of the above. The guy with the toy croc would that be Wilkie or Ivan. What about Eileen who worked in the chemist. I was a tailor and remember measuring up in the bogs at St Ives then cutting & making the baggies some with secret pockets,(for lifes little pick me ups) by the next week. Started going out with a girl from manchester when the cops started doin the road blocks just before it shut. Think they got busted cos aint seen her since! Fingers Brother was on Ken Coxes security team as I remember. A mate of Barry Looker, good to have friends in high places....
  16. Thou shalt be in control of ones self even after consuming vast quantities of chinese smarties AND NOT DANCE MOST OF THE WAY THROUGH THE F***** RAFFLE.... (you know who you are) at a Xmas soulnite
  17. Sad to hear that. That's the guy Craig Westwood used to knock around with? Saw him dance a few times he was a cooool mover.
  18. I remember when Tony Parker hit his Sukahara's on that crossing barrier in Burnley in 74 tryin to leapfrog it bet he's got a couple of Duffey's now. hi tony mate only jokin
  19. Eddie Floyd & Carla Thomas Its our time Like to know if this is known in other areas a great tune Bob & Gene Sailboat ohh suit you sir one to canter to sir is it! This thread is makin life easier for those dj's who get a bit complacent.... and its the tip of a vinyl iceberg ....support the venues that have this attitude of playing different stuff you know it makes sense.
  20. Hi, well its happening in Northants. How do I know the bloody managing directors wife at the place I work has started going to them. ... before that she went line dancing. The local soulnites are gonna have cloned dancers, depending on what the teacher(who's not a soulie just a dance teacher) tells them is northern soul dancing, as cant see the blue rinse brigade dancing like those in the duffy video. Its is funny though, I am now taking Line dancing so my boss doesn't find out what I've been getting up to for the past 35 years... best kimbo.
  21. Hi Elevater song yep have heard out but not much. Known for a long time round Northants area, I first heard years ago played by Neil Smith, so would stick my neck out and say Cliff Steele toon orig as he was/ is way ahead of his time toon wise, Both sides nice.
  22. Age aint nothing Max. The west mids do's wouldnt be the same without you. You're a top bloke mate with a taste in music to match. REPECT. Kimbo n Lisa.
  23. Dubes the proper word for gear. as in look at him he's a blocker he's all dubed up....

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