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Everything posted by kimbo

  1. Keep on Keepin on Mate. Best regards Kimbo
  2. Hi Swish, go for for it fella. Reg on here recently pubished his life/soul love sort of autobiogrphy, maybe a chat with him could throw a few pointers, he is a real nice guy. I would buy your book . I started going in 73-4 to the howard mallet club in Cambridge,(live in Northants) so your experience was still common, and lets be honest if you go under the surface I it still is. The scene is like everyday life, some cross to the dark side some don't. But in the words of that old classic, I may live on the main street but the backstreet is where I belong. Your story will be true to the scene at that time in your life. If people on this forum can moan that a film is being made that aint gonna reflect and portray how it was, Then they should read the real deal of your exploits, sod Paul friggin Wella and co just to sell the film Respect man, Kimbo
  3. Had many a top nite out, remember the little window to the left of the entrance being slid open whilst I wuz leaning against it and being dragged thru as those inside thougt I wuz someone else... one min outside talking bo.....s next in the gents. to say my heart nearly came thru me rib cage feccin hell, that was a nite. next morning my lift had buggered off so me &a mate walked nearly to Oundle before his dad picked us up, that bloody smell of sugarbeet gettin down ya played havoc with ya duuube duuube dooos. Fantastic times remember a lad who was a brilliant spinner from P'bro, Danny?also Johnny with his fingers (orig the family from wellingbro). Nice Thread and a good charity. Best kimbo.
  4. yep with the above.
  5. Hi, there was a guy that used to go everywhere think he used to get on at Skipton tallish. wore a blazer and a tartan scarf. He used to dance real slow but it just oozed soul. I would stand and just watch. OOH remember dex and Bennie well. Best Kimbo.
  6. Likewise we used to travel up from Northants fantastic times and toons and people. All these quality people, times and excellent taste in musc. Have to say although the years have passed, the friends I have made and good times I have had I wouldn't swap them for anything. Kimbo.
  7. A brill bunch of scallies, I remember Bruce the turtle most of all. Have an old tape somewhere where one of them is heard to say 2 get ya gear down ya throats and get on the feccin floor. Where are they today esp bruce!
  8. Went quite a few times travelling from Northants area, was a brill nite sounds and people wise and definatly a good time in my soul life. We went first few times on Guys coach from derby train station, think they picked up at a pub Skipton? All ways remember being blocked and just buyin a paper at the sevices on the way home, think the Sunday sport had just come out anyway the headlines Man weds lettuce blew me away... it was a paper made for soulies on their homward trip!! Kev drage and myself drove a minibus picking Pete Hollander and the Crewe crowd up. I always got to drive over Shap summit on the way home, remember a Blizzard one time, I lost the colour in my sight for 2 days. Then we just went by car after that. 8 hrs each way. Remember talking to a Scottish lad who had relations in Corby, he asked if its rough reputation was justified, I told him a local saying " Go Corby for a laff come home in stitches" great times Chalky, Mick Howard, Rob Marriot, Gilly, Pablo, Ady Harley the real deal people I have a few photos but a lot of good memories. Kimbo.
  9. Hi Swish loved the poem, man you have lived. Hope you never regret that. This thread has been brilliant to read and add to, especially as you have now come on line. I would have loved to have known you an shoot the breeze with ya at a niter. People, places and those sounds thats what its all about, makes me proud to be a part of this scene. Take care and keep penning those words. Kimbo.
  11. Got the red one out of a soul bowl soul pack in the 7T's 100 singles for a fiver, top tune and I still have it. If only I knew then what i know now the ones I sold.... Bugger. Kimbo,
  12. Bloody hell remember being at Winsford yonks ago when Pete Hollander and co ran it. And the HESHE as we called him was there in Crimplene polka dot skirt and hands like feccin shovels selling records, I was on the scampering dust and caught the swich to a number off the lights used by the record dealers including the HESHE all I remember was HESHE sayin in the darkness who the fec I'll rip his head off... not wishing to Gurn thru pain and the dust I duely peed off speedy quick but was paranoid all nite i can tell ya. Thought it was him on League of gentlemen the taxi driver, also a very scary program. Kimbo.
  13. Hi martin how ya doin. An old mate and my first manager Dick Ekins (r.i.p) from Rushden was a bit of a face around that time , he was a regular at Bletso,he told me it was on a farm and if my memory of his tales is correct you went thru a caravan? and the dance part was in disused pig sheds. I Went to the george in the 80's.Dick Ekins was on the door at Earls Barton dog track. He also went on about the Red house on the A5, and the Gaff at Banbury. Cut my teeth at the Nag motown club in 71 that place had a hell of a rep if you were local that garenteed me wanting to go! Not widly known that northants played a big part in soul/ niter early years also Northants was the first county to get a drug squad!!!
  14. Me to mate, you felt like me, you had lived every word of it and so proud of doing so. I wouldn't change a thing.
  15. Gave me goosebumps reading this, what a wordsmith WOW. Don't know him, but seen his name many many times over the years. Reminds me of a few words I like which sums up a lot. We are all in Gutter but some of us looked up and saw the stars. Swish my friend you were up there with those words. Respect kimbo.
  16. Ahh wondered why dachet soul was wanting so much info on skinners etc.
  17. kimbo

    bad hair day 002

    Coooor johnnie boy you sultry little minx!!!!
  18. I had one from Ray, no two. I aint a girl! Been to previous events and have to say they are brill sound wise if you like quality. Don't know him that well but seems a good guy. Best Kimbo (have i got a pooch name!!!)
  19. Spot on, and would add, Soulmate/Friends,and our pack (dogs cat)good health & good times, this is worth much much more than any Material possesions. Act old you will be old, keep escaping & never ever give up real true friends. Kimbo.
  20. Hi, not quite on this thread but a Gem. Was at Trentham niter to see the Dells and a "soul fan" asked me at the bar "oi mate what time is Archie bell and the Dells on" and i don't think he was on scampering dust either ....I replied, "depending which one is your favorite you might have f****d up mate". he just looked when I explained. Here I go again... runnin for cover... na won't work. kimbo
  21. Now he just sell badges!
  22. Don't really know you well Paul but have heard your spots over the years (good taste) and had many a chuckle at your wit on here. So if the fat lady is gonna sing its a sad day mate will there be a burning of the budgie jacket and white skinners (baggsy the sock drawer) . Respect kimbo.
  23. When you travel to a venue (not a niter mostly soul nites) maybe 80-100 miles music is excellent, not a lot of people in attendance. We are up for a good nite, dance etc but the promotors and their other halves just sit about. then wonder why no excitement or increased punters thru the door. That really gets my goat...oh yes it does. Kimbo. NOTE just a hate, this is not aimed at any venue I attend at the mo as they are all top nites.
  24. Yeah right on! then the saving on leccy, washin powder & machine wear n tear, not washing your bedding as your not sleepin so much! Plus helping out those lab rats on a few Tests.

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