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Everything posted by kimbo
Hi mate, have sent you a pm regarding the noah track, but not sure if yo got it as my pc crashed. Please get back if you still have it. Also all info on how to buy/postage etc. keep it soulful kimbo.
Yep you are right Macca, also though the "real" scene is there just gotta find it still blocked, the chacacters, the good times and some excellent music which brings the same feeling the first time you here it. Only the other month was on my way home after a top nite and found meself at the front of a line of cars I wus going into a boot sale..... how the hell did that happen feccd if I no..... thats Soul!!
Bloody hell never been that clever but remember a face. Nice one Mick, Soul keeps you young Im 53 this year and met my wife on the scene from Rushden in 78 never had Kids so never stopped going/travelling. Hope to get over to Bedford way in the near future will pm you when I do will shake your hand if you go Also have a good nite at the Pemberton centre in Rushden. Lisa my other half is amazed I remembered your face but don't know where I put the car keys 3 mins ago. Take it easy mate and stay soulful Kimbo
Hi Mate, I hail from Irchester and used to get the Wigan coach with the Beds and Kettering Crew. The Guy in the Blue Rugby top looks like the Bedford guy who had relatives (nan?) who lived in Irchester (is that you)? Martin Cook, Tony W. top men. Bedford still has a lot of soul . Best Kimbo.
Hi Dave love the posts, good recollections and a lot passion and always interesting. Back to post - re the original mallet badge (or dinner plate as we used to call it) remember being at the Mallet when a coach load turned up from the Cats. The Mallet had run out of badges (cost 75p for a very nice embroidered blazer badge ,the original one) and the guys were desperate for one and offering £5 and £10 then! any idea what year the first coach ran? Best Kimbo
Looks like me un you left mate broke back mountain here we come.... I got a tent!!!
Spot on guys its catch up time ......best Cilla.
Hi Mick I was talking to a Girl at a local soulnite in Wellingborough approx 6 mts ago, she was originally from Hull, was in RAF and knew you! it has to be her can't bloody remember her name though but Sue does ring a distant bell. She was a a good dancer, nice looking girl would be in her 40's. I think she said she was living Bedford way. If this looks like it may be her depending on how many soulie girls you had sorte's with, get back and I will contact a mate who introduced me to her. You may not remember me but our paths crossed many times Shotts and all the best places, also am a good mate of Kev Drage. Hope I can help Best regards Kimbo.
Ahh right yep with it now, its the soul source names that throw me. You doin ok? Don't get roped into any walkin shenanigans with the "Cranfield Crawlers" we did and Lisa still has scars to prove it....ask steve about sucking out the poison re wasp sting!!!!!!! Hope to meet up wiv ya again mate Kimbo
Hi, Will do tomorrow nite (sat)! but think he will be reading your post anyhow. Stevie P and Michelle real good Friends of ours. Not sure where you are from but Mel will be movin on a groove with the rest of us at UNITED SOUND OF SOUL in Walsall. Top night . Best Kimbo.
Hi all, my good friend Mel Nicholls,(Shinehead, Manifesto) originally from Northampton, now residing in Shropshire has asked me to post the following for him as he is not a member. He is a soul original and a top geezer (OK Mel call off septic knuckles the rent collecter now please!!) Over to Mel: WITH A CLOUDY MEMORY - in 1970 I had a flat in Kettering Road, Northampton, by St Matthews church. I lived there for a few months till Feb 71. Got to know Mark Woodvine from Bletchley. In 1969 he went out with a girl from Wolverton? Her friends name was katie. Mark also had a flat in Harborough road, Northampton for a while when he went out with a local girl. We would go to Shades and I remember one morning, coming back from the Kelmarsh niter in the back of a mini van with him - he was not a happy man, ripped his tailor made trousers while we were all packed in the back! One Saturday afternoon we went to a cheap tatooist near the BR station. I remember he had a comic cartoon face put on his arm and regretted it a day later! A mate of marks would turn up most weekends from bletchley - he worked at the Vauxhall plant at Luton as a maintenance apprentice was his nickname Cookie?. Also, have I got the right guy, as I was sure John tappenham came over from Bletchley? He had got black hair, was thin and dressed smart, and like us, liked all the chemicals!! The guy I knew had a brother who moved to the west midlands. The very last time I saw them was at Crewe at the Junction, the night it closed. They were then off to Newquay. A few more to think about was a local lad who went awol from the army - forgot his name, but the last time I saw him, he was cuffed between two massive MP's! Also a lad from Bedford around the time of the Earls Barton niter - name Willie? the name Goodman also comes to mind, as I am related to the goodmans from Bradwell, bucks. Don't tell them - THEY MIGHT THINK I HAVE MONEY!!! Finally - before they lock me in for the night, anyone remember Kev Rainbow, originally from Newport Pagnell? A good mate of mine for a few years - not seen anyone for 40 years! Only that old chestnut, Mick Murphy 6 or so years ago. Mel Nichols
Hi Dave always read your threads when ever I see them, very intresting and tell the real deal these memories and adventures need to be told they are important. Been reading Swish from Leeds as well. I caught the tail end of all this is 73 when I started going to the Mallet in Cambridge but had been a regular at the Nags head in Wollaston 2 years or so before that as I lived 2 miles away. RESPECT MATE . Kimbo
What Has Happened To Thread About My Poems With Such Nice People?
kimbo replied to a topic in All About the SOUL
Yep me too. I live near Harbro' just across the border in Northants. Harbro has always had soul, top people too. Was the Lantern before the frollicking Kneecap! another club. Swish the poems are Brill, make no apologies mate live the life you love. BLOODY HELL I WOULD HAVE LOVED TO HAVE BEEN IN THE CLUB THE SAME TIME AS YOU GUYS AND SHOOT THE BREEZE WITH YA BACK THEN. REMEMBER LIFE IS LIKE A COIN, SPEND IT HOW YOU WANT- CUS YOU CAN ONLY SPEND IT ONCE. KIMBO . -
What Has Happened To Thread About My Poems With Such Nice People?
kimbo replied to a topic in All About the SOUL
Hi Swish, keep me informed on the book, have a good reunion(I just missed the torch but found the scene whist it was still underground and with the chacacters and its way of life). I wouldn't swap that. The music is still as good in all its forms but a lot of people seem squeeky clean and the spirit of the scene diluted. Hope you know what I mean, guess I'm glad to be old guard and hang with the aces with eyes like lazers. Best Kimbo. -
What Has Happened To Thread About My Poems With Such Nice People?
kimbo replied to a topic in All About the SOUL
It will be in here somewhere Swish. I can tell you your (tears to my eyes half feeling so proud to belong to such a cool scene and half having lived those words) poem hangs on my wall in amongst the black and white photos of just a few of my hero's. It has even more meaning I think these days to old school niter goers, with as Darcy boy says in his thread "there are 2 scenes now a million miles apart." Get that book published. Regards and take it easy Kimbo. -
Yep remember that night, sweating like a bastard comin out in the morning, then freezjn ya balls off, That freezing morning soon brought you down. I came from Irchester but used to hang around with the Kettering/ Corby crew at that time frank vincatori, Brillo Bob Barr willie Hey etc etc we used to make our way to Northamton and pick up the Bedford coach. I remember the pill bottles rolling toward the front when the driver braked. Also Brillo and Sarah with wage packets full of the nites essentuals. What a brilliant time to be young and being as cool as f*** which we thought wwe were. Soul really enriched my life getting to know so many brill characters and it still does. Kimbo aka the fly!!
We used to travel up from Rushden Northants. Not sure of the year but John Manship used to run it. Tony Parker used to run a coach to the Dayers. Had some good times there.Kimbo.
Many Thanks all, Cheers Steve for the other Willie Hutch tip. Take it easy, Kimbo.
Cheers wow what aquick respose. What year mate.
Hi all, heard Steve Plumb play a Willie Hutch song on Solar radio the other Sunday, pretty sure it was called "can we talk it over" can anyone tell me what label it came out on or was is an acitate or LP track. Thanks in advance Kimbo.
Hi mate just read the thread, glad your on the mend. I heard a rumour that Mel is gonna be round dressed in a latex nurses uniform equip with enema and bed pan......if that don't make the the healing process kick in don't know what will! the thought of Mel in his his latex I mean not the enema BESTIST WISHES KIMBO n LISA xx P.S. and he takes ya temperature like they do at the vets!!!!!
Bletsoe just up the road from me. Northants has a rich vein of soul often overlooked. What about earls Barton Dog Track niter, The red house, Frollocking kneecap. Get in touch with Kevinkent or Malc Gibson aka Gibby (an original in all aspects of soul a very intresting guy and an ace face in his time), See his thread elswhere on here. also the gaff at Banbury all early niters before the term northern.