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Everything posted by kimbo

  1. Hi Dave, that's deep but true. and its the gutted feeling on a friends actions that hurt me most if I am honest. Respect Dave.
  2. Hi John hope to meet up with you again in 2014. Thanks for the words mate. Respect. Have a peaceful xmas and soulful new year. K. Trev cheers mate spread the word for me. Dave & Tracy see you soon. Thanks for posting. Had some pm's from people so keeping open mind.
  3. Cheers see you at the go-go or should that be bistro ? kimbo
  4. Top man Paul and Stan the man. That's made me smile. See you soon buddy. K.
  5. Cheers Manus, hope to see you soon. Kimbo.
  6. Hi Scottie, thanks for the post mate. Hope your doin ok. If someone has brought them in good faith its more about who they came from. If someone did give them back (not the thief) I wouldnt see them out of pocket as long as a name came with them. Cheers Mate have a good xmas. Kimbo
  7. Cheers fella.
  8. That is a top top reply Mak. You think exactly as I do. The last sentence is so so true as well. That has made my day. Everyone has a conscience and I think it would kick in after reading Maks post. Give Diesel a good ol rub behind the ears from me. My Dog is called Reggie (lab x Heinz) after the Krays.... atb Kimbo
  9. Thanks bro.
  10. Cheers all who have replied so far. I does restore faith. I have had a couple of pm's from peeps who have brought but all look legit so far. atb kimbo
  11. Good luck mate hope the demon goes a callin atb Kimbo
  12. Cheers Mark
  13. Hi Jordi, long time no see hope you ok. Thanks for the reply. Richard thank you as well, yes have spoken to friends that weren't there and put all names in a hat so to speak but all came up blank same as me. Thing is if it was money they were short of, and I think those toons were what, £400 say, I would rather have a dented pride asking for a lend than being found out a thief.
  14. To say I am double-gutted is an understatement. Discovered, after checking my collection many times that 3 records have been stolen from my home by one of my friends. I have no idea which one, because I value and trust them all, or I thought I could. All my friends are from the soul scene, some I have known from the mid 70's and others for over 10 years. Who would suddenly change, and steal from our home? My records are not kept in the lounge, so they have only been out 3-4 times in the last year. I never lend my records out, and I have checked my small collection many, many times since my stomach turned as I realised they had been taken. I know they are missing because my wife Lisa started cataloguing them over the new year (2013) and The Velours - I'm Gonna Change - MGM Demo Johnny Moore - Walk Like A Man - Date Demo Gil Blanding - Rules - Ready were all listed at that time. Have they been sold to innocent people? I don't know what to think. I know by the amount that was stolen that it was an opportunity theft. I have got my head around the fact that I won't see them again, but the bigger picture is, I want to know who is not welcome in my house again. My friends who come round can be counted on 2 hands. I think that the records were taken in January/February this year, but other than that I have no idea who would take them. They are my friends! The Velours is one of my all-time favourite records. Johnny Moore has sentimental value it reminds me of my best mate Mick who was killed in the 70's. Gil Blanding is just a good tune. I can't tell if any others have been taken, although the cataloguing is now finished. I have been through my collection many times to check that there are not 2 records in 1 sleeve etc. Have they been sold? Have they been kept? If you have acquired any of these records in the last year, please pm me with any names. All I am interested in now is not having a thieving bastard in my home. Cheers for reading this. Kimbo
  15. Hi, I am hoping to test that theory. On the scene since the mid 70's my wife also no kids so have not had a break from travelling attending etc and have enjoyed it all. My musical taste has expanded and moved forward along the way. Missed about 1 Stafford. Love lifeline. Recently had a good chat at Stewartby with Tez aka Gordon Russell who was on about the Burnley uptempo vibe and the records he named and a couple that one of the ones dj played that nite I had never heard. The two I heard had that excitement factor. Iove to hear new stuff so Burnley hear I come as soon as I can. The reason I had not gone before is I drove to venues alone for approx. the last 5 years (wife into upfront modern) so a 100mile radius was my limit to be awake on the way home. But now hooking up with top soul buddies Mark and Manus the sky is the limit. Have done more niters of Late since when Manus last went it was more niters than soul nites. It has been a ball. Typing this at work feeling pee'd off missing Nunny niter tonite. atb Kimbo
  16. That's nothing I only nipped round to borrow his loo. I came away with a bobble hat with sleeves, string with holes in it & his collection of dead horse photos. ha ha. Seriously had some right good times with Gaz and Lynne and heard many many brilliant toons for the first time. Kimbo
  17. Areet Len, Many a good nite at yours one that sticks in my Mind when Gaz Holyman was spinnin toons b'sides etc and you said " fuuck great toons are they for sale?" and Gaz replied Len they are yours that I am playing LOL. Top nites. Have to say Len has always tried to push the bounderies and has excellent taste and Nina does a mean cup of coffee at 4am or was that 4pm ha ha. Best Kimbo.
  18. Gaz H jordi and Dave. Gaz in a legue of his own and always ready to go on a tangent of quality. But all three of these guys have got the bollox.
  19. kimbo


    Bloody hell Chalky you and Graham, that takes me back. Best Kimbo
  20. Hi Jem and Brian , yes, well put Brian. Lets hope what goes around comes around. What happened to going out, enjoying yourself, good music and good people? All the best, Kimbo and Lisa
  21. Hi Bruce, you have always been and will continue to be a top soul geezer...... and being Bruce the turtle I know your shells tuff ennuff matey. Keep on mate. Best Kimbo Ps you can dj in my livin room anytime pal :thumbsup:
  22. Yep new the drum and Monkey. Stina, Morris N. Glen Smith, john Anderson. Didn't know snotty but read a thead from Tez accounting the time lightning and his mate tried to turn over Wilky and snotty and came off a lot worse. Yep mick stewart and pete nimmo proper wellingbro lived up Dullys av. Glen still about but not looking good taking the same route as mick by all accounts. I know Paul Donnelly frpm p bro usually get an invite to his birthday soul nite. Heard back in the day that Wilky had to disapear as he had a contract on him (don't know how true) but he did turn up at a north park reunion, a lot older as we all are. Still see Stevie Evans from time to time round my mates house in the village. What about Johnny King from Northampton>
  23. Hi Manus, yep know Gav rip and Glen Stewart and his brothers you didn't piss them off if you were sharp ha ha. When I first started getting about remember a Manus used to get off the train at Mkt Harbro, was that you? tall lad dark short hair gurned like a good un lol. I know Will Hey, Bob Barr, Brillo Wilky and Rug I am same age as Rug I come from Irchester betwween Wellingborough and Rushden so knew the best from both if you know what i mean. Was talking to some older niter lads from manchester a while ago they dared to visit Corby as they went with girls off the scene they knew Wilky. Knew a few from Corby but can't remember names my mate dane Smith was in with the gangs off the Pluto and exeter estates. Re your holiday in Stafford I remember a lad just out of there turning up at North park with a carrier bag full of dubes. Best Kimbo
  24. Hi looking to buy the Noah track on Stix. Please pm with how I pay on penpal. regards Kimbo

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