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Everything posted by Northernhearts

  1. Terry Motown Davies ran the extraordinarily successful Bolton Moat House Motown events ,later the Prestwich TSOP at the Elizabethan Suite along with Richard Searling hosting the modern room their, the huge northern room was a massive success.
  2. Welcome back Terry Motown Davies, 27 years ago Terry started the Muni along with Ginger Taylor and Roman, all 3 will be at this event.
  3. Sorry Steve Condron is on in February with Soul Sam.
  4. With the new sprung dance floor back to it's best this is a great old school northern soul night.
  5. Xover not cover Plus Steve Condron
  6. Our guests in January are Bob Taylor, Steve Clayton and Robbie England. That makes for a great atb soul day, dancefloor action, underplayed, cover and more.
  7. Look forward to this, went to your previous venue and what a great crowd, I know lots of them from Burnleys lost souls which is a big Yorkshire day, always seem to get on well with White Rose, 28 years ago I did Soul@the Ooze in Barnoldswick which had a predominantly Yorkshire following. Had great times working over the border with Ginger at Brighouse, Gary at Okeh soul, Steve Burke, Julian, does up at the Engine Shed with Tony Banks, recently Hull city soul with Daryl and Steve Oxburgh. A niter in Leeds at the Hi Fi club, Lawrence and Jools in Bradford, Black Horse Skipton with Chris Sayce and Guy Hennigan, I'm feeling quite Yorkshire writing all that, anyway I'll be there with enthusiasm for Ade, with my humble collection of oddities. Roman.
  8. November 22 , 160 tickets sold, looking good. Always room for pay on door at same price. A great Christmas tradition.
  9. Hitsville not Huntsville.lol. Phone lines had a problem last week, pay on the door is available at the same price.
  10. Hitsville not Huntsville.lol.
  11. Doc not dic, lol
  12. Early news, Soul Sam guests.
  13. Wow, 27 years of Xmas soul at the fabulous Colne Municipal, recently refurbed beautifully. Three sided working balcony, new in house sound system, large ballroom, separate large bar area. Djs from that first ever event Ginger Taylor and Roman plus guests Steve Clayton.Richard Lodge and Benidorm Huntsville and Burnleys Billy Foster. Classic soul with enthusiasm plus today's big sounds. Truly wonderful Christmas experience. Christmas in Motown.
  14. Well October was another extraordinary day at Greenhill, such as Dic Peabody, Purple Muni,Robert Tanner. Throw in Lady in Green, Job Opening and you can imagine the scenes. This month we have a man right on top of his game Fred Benson plus Gibby and Andy Short regulars Roman,David Ferguson,Richard Lodge, Wendy and Jill.
  15. 200 TKTS sold, historically therewasa 50/50 split between otd and ticket sales so it's possible it could be a lockout, I suppose people want to see the beautiful restoration work also.
  16. Denny does weekenders in Australia as well as Europe, welcome to Burnley.
  17. Plus Robert Hitchcock and Graham Watkinson.
  18. Look forward to a second visit to Preston last few months, this one new to me but know Dave Gillet well so it's gonna be good,see how there, Roman
  19. A return to an old venue for me as Richard Lodge celebrated a birthday with a gathering of lovers of soulful seventies, xover, and a twist of modern. Rooms with breakfast £65 with breakfast (Doubles) quote soul, Haley.
  20. Guest djs Ginger, Denny Johnson , Australia.plus moe which i will add later.
  21. Before refurb we had 3 events over the year of 350 each, I think the idea is to limit numbers for the first one, see how it goes. I will update ticket sales next week.
  22. Stevie Frear called it a mini Wigan Casino. It's club classics with enthusiasm and the best of Northern and Motown, it's worked for 26 years
  23. The Muni closed for business for 18 months for a historic building grant work of several hundred thousand pounds. The night has run for 26 years with original djs Roman and Ginger. We are back on 21st September, not our usual second Saturday of the week night but only one we could book. The Edwardian Hall has soul history and is the home of the Great British RnB festival. Artists such as Edwin Starr, Irma Thomas, Bobby Bland, Booker T, Steve Cropper, SYL Johnson have appeared here. Called a mini Wigan Casino it has 3 sided balcony and large sprung maple dance floor and seperate large bar. We begin the night with a look at the music of the early soul clubs of our area, the Birdtrap, Harrison's Hoist, Twisted Wheel etc Motown and Burnleys Rose Room tracks are featured, then the best of classic Northern soul from the Casino etc and for good measure The djs play the best of today's soul music, djs from Blackpool Tower, Winter Gardens, The Leeds Wardrobe and more are featured. The first tranch of tickets, 200 are on sale now, half have gone in early sales,after this we will review the final number of tickets to add for sale. Djs Ginger Taylor, Roman, Richard Lodge and Des Jones. A poster/flyer is to be added with all details soon,box office 01282 661234.
  24. An early get together reunion with Steve Plumb and Roman from last weekends Winter Gardens, some gems surely to be heard. Mick Howard hot from Culcheth last, plaudits for his spot there., Steve Oxburgh Hull city soul completes guest jocks. Plus Roman,David Ferguson, Richard Lodge, Wendy K and Jill Davidson. Football in bar lounge or cinema room upstairs, Haffners pies, craft ales at great prices, this our last here until end September although it looks like we do the Old Stone Trough on Saturday 31st August, Richard Lodges birthday frolics.
  25. Looking forward to it, the club is going in the right direction plus the regular djs Charlie Smith, Derek Smith, Frogy, Glen Millar and yourself have great collections.

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