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Davebanks last won the day on December 11 2023

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About Davebanks

  • Birthday 14/03/1953

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  • Location
    Tavistock Devon
  • Top Soul Sound
    bobby hebb love, love, love

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  • A brief intro...
    Started my soul education in Liverpool at the Cavern and Mardi Gras clubs, Billy Butler was my teacher. Moved on to the Torch and also spent many a happy friday at the Raven in Whitchurch, Soul Sam was our guru then. Have been collecting Northern soul ever since those days but recently have started to sell my vinyl and collect tracks on Cd or digital now. Now live in Devon and Cornwall having retired in 2008 and spend my time with my 4 grandkids, eldest is 19 so he keeps me up to date with tracks and technology. My other big passions in life are Liverpool FC and surfing. Watching LFC win the European cup in Istanbul with my son was nearly as exciting as hearing Bobby Hebbs Love love love for the first time at the Torch Stoke!!

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  1. On my way to enjoy my other passion. Bodyboarding at a secret Cornish cove.
  2. Started my NS journey in 1969, built up a sizeable collection then sold it all up. To JM as it happens! Still collecting tracks but now in digital format. But for me the biggest change has been the internet. Any song is just a click away. A far cry from travelling the length of the country to hear a track just once. I enjoy JMs descriptions and usually there is a track new to me or a "b" side I forgot. It's all part of spreading the faith. Dave Banks
  3. Still got my Dunlop green flashes. But how do you dance in them??
  4. Was Eddies my name really played as early as 1973? Suppose it must have if it's in the ad. Could have sworn it was much later. But then my memory like lots on here is not quite as good!
  5. Back in the day (late 60's) at our local youth club we used to do a type of line dance to "Harlem shuffle" ; we thought it was the Harlem shuffle!! Then we did the "Temptation Walk" to the Jackie Lee song, just like the Temps (well nearly). Then someone came back from the Wheel and showed us the true way and our lives changed forever and we never danced in line or with anyone else again.,
  6. If you contact me with an address I will post it to you. No charge. Maybe if you feel able make a donation to a charity. I would have probably donated it to our local air ambulance shop. Dave Banks
  7. Just found this cassette at the back of the cupboard.
  8. From "the Yanks" post on another thread. It's also listed in Manships guide. Others will know more but I think its a fairly common record. Dave Banks
  9. Have been enjoying his version of the Volcanoes Storm Warning on YouTube lately. Filmed at "Daryl's House" and has a nice symmetry as Daryl Hall was at Arctic Records at the time the original was recorded. Seek it out you will not be disappointed. Dave Banks
  10. According to his twitter feed Rose Battistes Hit and Run is one of his favourite tracks. Who knew? My respect for this man has increased enourmously !! Dave Banks
  11. I enjoyed readings Tims story of the Mello Souls discovery and his "take" on it. As one of the old school who started at the Mardi Gras/Torch I have to say I really love the MS. I have not heard it at a nighter but only at home via the net. I think it still sounds magical and so northern. It is certainly in my top ten. Tim is right in that it probably wouldn't have stuck around much if found in the heyday of the 70's, but as a "new" sound found later it packs such a punch. And without a nighter experience it still sounds magical played loud on headphones or in the car. Dave Banks
  12. That version of Stormy is so good, all the more so as Supremes versions of songs tend to be awful. Normally I can't get on with Diana Ross' voice but on this she seems to sing in her normal range and hits the spot. One of my favourites that really surprised me.
  13. Surprised no-one has mentioned the Epitome of Sound double header, gets my vote. Such quality in a complete one off. Doh! meant to put in a plug for the Victors - Hurt/Not only a girl knows - Phillips
  14. When I was young we used to listen to a radio show called workers playtime. Popular tunes played by jobbing musicians and singers and broadcast from a factory canteen. It was popular mainly because the BBC refused to play recorded music. Years later we had those "Top of the Pops" albums on budget labels. Then we had Wigans Ovations sound of Lancashire etc. There is a direct lineage here. Not really an OVO event more like a KFC advert.
  15. Pretty sure the first imports I saw were Motown and Chess stuff in late 60's. Barrett Strong/Little Milton that kind of thing. The first NS/in demand record on import was probably Edwin Starr SOS. That started our search for all things RIC TIC.

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