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Everything posted by Colouredman

  1. Yeah no problem, totally understand. Its not goin anywhere,its in my collection. I meant to reply back in Oct when i first saw your post but totally forgot, then something today reminded me lol. Cant remember who I had this off, but it must have been a trade with a dj coz there are vague signs of cover up on the run out; only noticed them today when assessing condition. Must hve been Keb or Guy I guess. Tim
  2. My demo is £100. Condition is: Visually looks vg+ to Ex. Audio is pretty much flawless NM/M at either low or high volume, other than the run in which has a bit of audible fuzziness/ low level crackle. Ive always been a very fussy collector and the condition has been good enough for me to keep it, if that helps. Tim
  3. Hi, I know Im very late with this, but did you get fixed up? I have an orange demo. Tim
  4. Hi, I have the rare White Demo of this, in NM condition. £150. Thanks Tim
  5. For Sale: Garland Green. Jealous kind of fella. Uni. LP. Looks VG+ but plays pretty much flawlessly. £65. Kenny Long. Its better to love and lost. Brite-Lite 12 inch. Absolutely MINT visually and audio, but dished (NAP). £80. Postage: Special Delivery £7. Signed For £3.
  6. The Dolls. The reason why. Toy. Ex £100Postage: Special Delivery £7. Signed For £
  7. FOR SALE: The Delicates. Stop shoving me around. Soultown NM £120. Gary Carl & The Orchids. Baby stay and make me happy. Phillips. NM £100. The Styles. Baby yre alive. Modern Demo NM £70 Postage: Special Delivery £7. Signed For £
  8. FOR SALE: Paulette & The Cupids. He’ll wait on me. Prism WD NM £75 Bull & The El Capalaras. Girl of my heart / No sign of sadness. Bell Demo. NM £85 Fabulettes. Screamin & shoutin. Sound Stage 7. EX £75. Gene Chandler. Im just a fool for you. UK Stateside Demo. Ex. £75 Chubby Checker. Everythings wrong. UK Cameo Parkway. EX £20 Gino Washington. Like my baby Inst. Do Re De. NM £50. EX £80 Postage: Special Delivery £7. Signed For £3.
  9. FOR SALE: The New Group. Theres that mountain. Gemini WD (Double sided). NM £150 Mary Wells. Me without you. Stateside Demo. NM £150 Carol Jones. Dont destroy me. Mutt. NM £120 The Dolls. The reason why. Toy. Ex £100 Geridine Jones. Love-in. Herb Art. WD Ex £100 Postage: Special Delivery £7. Signed For £3.
  10. PMd you. Tim
  11. For Sale: NF Porter. Keep on keepin on. Lizard. M- £30 Postage: Signed For £3
  12. FOR SALE. Carol Jones. Dont destroy me / Problem child. Mutt. (27320) NM £120. Postage: £7 Special Delivery. £3 Signed For.
  13. FOR SALE: Jason Knight. Our love is getting stronger. Pye vg+ £30 (SOLD) Free Signed For Postage.
  14. FOR SALE: All UK releases. Ikettes. Fine fine fine. Stateside E.P. Ex/M- £100 Shakers. One wonderful moment. Probe Demo. M £60 (Pristine, looks and sounds new)(SOLD) Chubby Checker. Everythings wrong. Cameo Parkway. Ex £25 Rosebuds. Say you’ll be mine. / World Column. So is the sun. U.K. Tower. M £25 Bobby Paris. I walked away. / Bobby Sheen. Sweet sweet love. U.K. Capitol. M £25 Doris Troy. Face up to the truth. / Billy Preston. The girls got it. UK Capitol. M £25 Smoky & The Blades. Jerk baby jerk. (Hard to find)Route Demo Ex £30 Viola Wills. I got love. President. M- £50 Gene Chandler. I’m just a fool for you. Stateside Demo. Ex. £70 Fantastic Johnny C. Dont depend on me. Island demo. Ex £50 New beats. Crying my heart out. U.K. Hickory. M- £40 Jodi Mathis. Dont you care anymore. Capitol Demo. M- £25 Chuck Jones. Boo on you. Pye Disco Demand Demo. M- £25 Fuzz. Im so glad. Pye Disco Demand Demo. M- £25 Little Johnny Blair. Mommas gone. Pye Disco Demand Demo. Vg £15 Sharonettes. Papa ooh mow mow. Black Magic Demo. Ex £15 Stanley Woodruff. What took you so long. Grapevine Demo. M- £20 Sharonettes. Going to a go go. Black Magic Demo. M- £20 Milestones. The Joker. Black Magic Demo. Ex £15 Paul Humphrey. Cochise. ABC Demo. M- £15 Sons of Moses. Soul Symphony. MCA Demo. M £15 Postage: Special Delivery £7. Signed For: £3.
  15. Ive got a Mint / Mint - copy on UK Liberty if thats any good to you. Tim
  16. FOR SALE: Fabulettes. Screamin and shoutin. Sound Stage Seven Ex/M- £75 The Debs. Goodbye boy. Mercury Demo. M- £20 Dawn. Love is a magic word. United Artists WD. £20 Boots Randolph. Take a letter Maria. Monument WD. M- £20 N.F Porter. Keep on keeping on. Lizard. M- £30 Postage: Special Delivery £7. Signed For £3.
  17. Not sure why Nabays details are still a mystery for some, I thought everyone knew by now that I met and interviewed Nabay and his Mum over 30 years ago in 1991; it’s been well documented. I also later over in Calif, met and interviewed his brother, a drummer. Yes he is Lebanese not Moroccan. I also met Al Bushamie and interviewed him too. The leads came from Bob Babbitt who I spoke to on the phone in 1990 while he was living in Nashville. Bob gave me Al’s details and it followed from there, with Al then giving me Nabays contact details.
  18. I’ve never seen one, but that’s not to say it doesn’t exist. My instinct would be that if it did exist, either in collector or dj circles, somebody would have shouted up about it by now; it’s at least 45 years since first discovered/played!
  19. FOR SALE: Four Tops. I got a feeling. Tamla Motown. Dutch Ex. £20 (SOLD) Postage: Signed For: £3. Special Delivery: £7.
  20. FOR SALE: Fabulettes. Screamin and shoutin. Sound Stage 7. Ex. £60 Willie Brown . Get out and get it. Tri-It. M- (2nd issue). £30 Dawn. Love is a magic word. United Artists WD. Ex. £40 The Debs. Goodbye boy. Mercury Demo. M- £20 Geri-dine Jones. Love-in. Herb Art. WD Ex. £40 Postage: Signed For: £3. Special Delivery: £7.
  21. Each to his own but for me this is a really good record, great Philly, and proper mid tempo Northern, looks great too. I think that’s a rare record. I for one would be beside myself to find something like that, that good, and unknown here in 2022. The one I had, (which I think I paid £8 for)which is the only one I ever had, went to I think Kenny Burrell, and even then it was a long way North of what it’s just sold for. When I priced it I worked on the principle I’d probably never see another one, and based also on what I knew of the history of it not being around. There was a time when you could have gone to John Manships and found a small clutch of those on his racks for not much money. The context there is that on the same racks was a Jimmy Gresham for pocket change which I eventually bought; we’re talkin mid 80’s. I agree entirely with my man Butch’s comments about the gender issues. I actually said to a few people recently that I think a lot of folks have lost that classic girl group Motownish Sound from their heads, and sadly have little respect for it, never to return. As for out of tune, hmmmm, interesting. I never really heard that in it, but well it never seems to have done Del Larks or Salvador’s any harm, both of which are iconic Northern Records, and goin up in price almost by the hour! Nobody EVER mentions that about those two great records, lol.
  22. You know there’s a mint one in Discogs with a U.K. seller for £230??
  23. FOR SALE: Delicates. Stop shoving me around. Soultown M- £200 (First label before Challenge) Gary Carl & The Orchids. Baby stay and make me happy. Phillips. M- £140 The Dolls. The reason why. Toy. Ex £100 The Lime. Love a go go / soul kitchen. Westwood. Ex £60 Joe Arnold. More today than yesterday Inst. Cotillion WD. Ex/M- £40 Postage: Signed For: £3. Special Delivery: £7.
  24. LPs for sale: all Various artists. Philadelphia Freedom. Vol 2. U.K. London. M- (Tymes, Evie Sands etc)£5 (SOLD) That Beatin Rhythm. U.K. Inferno. M- ( R Temple, Jimmy Thomas etc)£15 (SOLD) Postage: Signed For: £4.
  25. FOR SALE: O’Henry. She sang to me. Sunny Ex £75 Beach girls. Skiing in the snow. DynoVox Demo M- £65 James Spencer. In law trouble. Taurus. Ex /M- £100 Sandy Brockington. Girl in distress. Bengee. Ex £20 Bull & The El Capalaras. Girl of my heart / No sign of sadness. Bell Demo M- £125 Bonnie & Lee. The way I feel about you. Fairmount Demo M- £25 Postage: Signed For. £3. Special Delivery. £7.

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