Offers invited on the following from my collection: All are mint or thereabouts. idiots, bargain basement hunters, trainspotters, or other objectionable types.
Sonny Herman What about me Utopia
Leroy Barbour I aint goin nowhere Frontiersman
Timothy Wilson I must love you Sky Disc (Proper one......styrene, not vinyl 2nd issue0
Kenard What did you gain Dore
Clifford Binns Youve got to help me Carrie (Proper one.........Orange, not green boot)
Mathew Barnett If yre love is real Puff
E. Rodney Jones R & B Time Charisma (One of only two known copies i think........ 1st label before Tuff)
Pat Livingstone take me now or leave me be forever Wilstone
Eldridge Holmes Lovely woman Deesu
email me at