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Everything posted by Aragorn
Absolutely one of the kindest people we ever had the good fortune to meet on the northern scene.He just had this calming effect on you when he spoke to you,and so genuine.How very sad to hear of his passing. Sue and Chris Holmes
The record Chris Holmes is pointing to is FRANK BEVERLEY/IF THATS WHAT YOU WANTED (WHITE SASSY DEMO). We have that copy of Blues and Soul,also,somewhere among the many shelves full of "old"soul mags. (Mrs) Sue  Holmes
Thank you to Christine Ullah for ringing me with the heartbreaking news about Gary. Such a gentle,kindly man,who didnt deserve to suffer like he has done,over the recent past. Chris and I (Sue) send our utmost sympathies to his family and close friends. Sue and Chris Holmes
Got a pile of these mags stashed away in a cupboard with shelves full of all the old BLUES and SOULS, BLACK Echoes,and many of the other old soul mags, doing the rounds at the time. Wish I knew how to transfer the R SOUL mags onto computer,they were funny,naughty,tongue in cheek and a delight to read on the way home from a nighter. I always thought the 'cheeky' Roger Banks had summat to do with these mags,also. Soo Holmes
Only just seen this topic and watched the 2 YOU TUBE clips.....WOW! such stunningly, bewtiful voices,made the hairs on me arms stand on end.Found it quite emotional,also, and wept with sadness to watch the 2 singers having to busk on the streets to make ends meet, I presume. Fanx for putting this on Soul source,as I'm not a avid computer buff,and have never ventured on to YOU TUBE,so would never have seen this. Soo Holmes
My husbands black long leather coat is in the "loft" in a case along with his 28" waist Karmen Ghia cords.He wore the old style sheepskin,tho,more than the leather. Soo Holmes
Top Dancers Early Casino Days & Other Venues
Aragorn replied to Irish Spinner's topic in All About the SOUL
I've come back on to this topic cos I fink I have remembered the girls name who I mentioned in this post.PENNY ELLIOTT springs to mind. I dont s'pose there's anyone out there can confirm this for me? I often wonder if she is still on the scene and dancing as sooperb as she did in the 70's. Anyway,if that is the right name and your out there somewhere,THANK YOU PENNY for having a lasting impact on me over the last 30odd years.I mention your WIGAN dance comp win still to this day.YOU WERE AWESOME that nite and I havent seen anyone,yet,to match you(female wise). I hope you accept this as a great compliment if you do happen to read this post. Sincerely Soo Holmes -
Top Dancers Early Casino Days & Other Venues
Aragorn replied to Irish Spinner's topic in All About the SOUL
HI HARRY,ya rite,there.Some folk,like Ian,had there own "unworldly" style of dancing,patent to themselves only. I have seen some VERY IMPRESSIVE female dancers over the years.My "icon" dancer in the YORK 'HEARTBEAT' days was a girl called MARGARET ALDERSON.Never forgotten her name cos I was entranced by her footwork when I first visited this venue in my "underage teens",and I'm sure thats who and where my style of dancing has been formed from.The ONLY other girl who impressed me to that extent was a lass who won the dancing competition at Wigan,once.She was slight in build and always had her hair in bunches. I remember that nite she blew them all away,blokes as well,and danced like there was going to be no tomorrow.Have NEVER seen ANY(female) to this day to match her.Of course I've seen some excellant lady movers over the years,but none who had an impact on me like she did. I truly DONT LIKE "BEST DANCER" comps,at all,but I remember rooting for this lass and rite proud of her when she pulled it off and was credited "the best"on the stage that nite,but for the life of me,I can't freaking well remember her name. Fink it were "POLLY' or sumut like that.Most probably way out with the name. Soo Holmes -
Oh Di!Have only just seen this thread and your choice of Ted Wilson made me chuckle,as I ADORE IT.I know it's very much 100mph record,but for my style of dancing,it's rite up my street,as I'm sure you know I love me uptempo tracks.Can totally understand why it's 'hard' for other folk to keep up with,tho. The one record I can't dance to,or particularly like(even tho my other half has it and likes it)is GIL SCOTT HERON-=LADY DAY and JOHN COLTRANE. I end up looking like I'm dancing to 'PADDY McGINTY'S GOAT" with that track.Legs tied up in knot's and NO CO-ORDINATION whatsoever. Soo Holmes
Top Dancers Early Casino Days & Other Venues
Aragorn replied to Irish Spinner's topic in All About the SOUL
Yes,Jill.Totally agree.Some folk can spin well,some can do good floor acrobatics but often cant pull off the footwork skill.I like to watch people dance who use there whole body in rythmn and time to the music;who make it look so effortless (even tho am sure it's not) and almost like they are just "simply gliding"(if thats the rite word)across the floor. I NEVER mock or criticise ANYONES style of dancing at venues but I ALWAYS make a point of COMPLEMENTING someone who has been just MAGIC and TRANSFIXING to watch on the dance floor.Specially the one's who make the hair's on my arms stand up who just have a natural "talent" for dancing to this music. Am enlightenend that it's not only me who watches and appreciates the subject of this topic. Soo Holmes -
Top Dancers Early Casino Days & Other Venues
Aragorn replied to Irish Spinner's topic in All About the SOUL
I'm afraid I'm a tad biased here on this topic, as I think(well know) that my better half-=CHRIS HOLMES-has always and still is,one of the best and finest dancers to watch on any decent dancefloor.He's always had his own style;no acrobatics or spinning;just fine footwork,style and timing to any record.Often copied but NEVER matched and just a pleasure to watch at any time. I know our good matey,Trevski,will agree with my choice also. Soo Holmes -
The Four Seasons Nightclub (later Rudies) In Scarborough N,yorks
Aragorn replied to a topic in All About the SOUL
Hi Harry.Your comment on TOMMY SHERIDANS  OXO cube brought a smile to my face as it was I, SUE HOLMES who made it for him.He played pop with me, afterwards about it cos he couldnt sit down on bus with it on. Luv SUE HOLMES -
Was in HOBBS in York town centre yesterday just browsimg thru their beautiful clothes that I coudnt afford when up pops GIRL ACROSS THE STREET/MOSES SMITH.Perked me up so much I ended up buying some vurry nice shoes in sale from £90 down to £44.Went back in again about half hour later and SKI-ING IN THE SNOW Â was on so made a hasty retreat this time and saved a few quid as well cos I did have my eye on another bargain. Soo
Hi Shane Still need four to complete the full set. 1st/1994 3rd/1996 6th/1999 7th/2000 So If there's ANYONE out there who may be able to help me with these remaining 4 badges I will be eternally grateful if  you could contact me.Think I have created a bit of a challenge here for my sins but I aint giving up.As I said before,they are not for me personally but to give as a gift. Soo
Nice one there.Put a smile on me face and made me titter at this unearthly time of the morning.Sorry Ian,d'ya mind if I also reply to someone else's comment "have fun outside smokers" while am at it.To be perfectly honest smoking outside doesn"t bother me AT ALL.Wottevva the wevva.Will just dress accordingly.The biggest plus about this is another comment made about getting to talk to the people who you would normally not get the chance to talk to inside.Noticed this at WILTON.It was great to socialise and have a bit of banter with so many other folk who you dont often get that chance with.IN FACT this smoker did "have fun outside"(and inside as well).people seemed to be more relaxed and feel like they could shrug off that "must be serious and not be silly and daft "persona and just be themselves without fear of upsetting or embarassing others for just a few moments thru the night.IMO thats gotta be one of the plus points to come from this ban for us 'bad,bad people" to enjoy and not be an ordeal.Right!off for a ciggie now --outside in me garden.(while I still can) Soo
Cheers matey Only need four now Luv Soo
Hi Scotty Thank you for your reply and kind gesture for offer of spare badges. I am still needing: 1st /YEAR 1994 3rd /YEAR 1996 6th / YEAR 1999   7th /YEAR 2000 Was hoping I could acquire them all for the weekend but am just as happy to put n hold for afew days if it means I can get the full collection.Then I can hand over the gift in ts entirity(excuse spelling) So if you can get back to me at sometime on this topic I would sincerely appreci te it. Thanking you Luv Soo HolmesÂ
Cheers Kirsty M Yes;think it is DEFINITLY going to rain! Speak to you later petal Much love Soo Holmes
Thank you Ezzie for your kind reply.I actually work on door at WILTON and have asked Mouse but unfortunately he has had some of his "removed"from his jacket on occasions so he has'nt the full set himself but good idea about asking Soul up North crewe.Not sure what Howard Earnshaw's email is but will have a look in his mag for details.Thanks tho for that suggestion;had'nt thought of them. Have only to get 4 more then the collection is complete. Much appreciated Soo Holmes
Hi Kirsty Thanks for replying.Going to p.m. you with me address chuck.I could certainly do with the 5th badge .Have got the others thank you. Love Soo Holmes
I have come on to soul source to ask anyone out there if they have any SPARE WILTON A/N ANNIVERSARY badges that I could possibly beg from them. I am "trying" to put  the collection together in a presentation case to give to someone as a gift. So;obviously I need one of each of the 14 badges that were given out on each anniversary date. I have been fortunate enough to be able to acquire 8 of said spare badges from close friends on the scene and am now appealing to all the other good folk on the scene to see if they can help me out with my little mission. The badges I am still short of are as follows = 1st ANNIVERSARY / YEAR 1994 / oval shaped with sheet music logo. 3rd ANNIVERSARY / YEAR 1996 / round badge with lge 96 logo. 5th ANNIVERSARY / YEAR 1998 / JUKE BOX shaped badge. 6th ANNIVERSARY / YEAR 1999 / male soul singer . 7th ANNIVERSARY / YEAR 2000 / "threepenny bit" shaped;music notes logo. 10th ANNIVERSARY / YEAR 2003 / open record box with record slid out of cover. If anyone has any of these badges spare to contribute to the 8 I allready have I would be very grateful and appreciate them contacting me. I dont normally sit at the computer for any long periods of time so will keep popping on  to check for any positive replys and get back to them A.S.A.P. because I do need to get this "gift" put together as soon as I can. YOURS GRATEFULLY SUE HOLMES