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Everything posted by Patto

  1. Hi Guys Sorting through a few records to go and i would rather trade than sell so does anyone fancy a trade on any of these.Im looking for original label classic oldies.Please Pm me with anything you have in mind.Here are the records i have to trade.
  2. Well i hope a few more come out of the woodwork cause im still after a copy.I think more will surface and hopefully prices will go back to sanity levels.If they dont ill have to give up the chase and spend my dosh on yet another want
  3. Yeah real marmite record but one i have always loved.Been searching for an original for years but looks like its gone out of my price bracket now
  4. Thanks Rob
  5. Hi Guys Does anyone else have this Gold issue varient of Sandra Phillips.I believe it to be Styrene West Coast press 1965.It has a bell sound stamp and a monarch delta number 57535.Its just that i have never seen this design anywhere else so think it could be quite scarce.Also was World Without Sunshine done on the same label design.
  6. I Realise that there is a mint real one on Manships auction site but im still looking for the DEFFO ORIGINAL COPY.Not interested in the bootlegs If anyone has one for sale please Pm with price and condition,doesnt need to be mint but a good DJ copy. THANKS PATTO
  7. Anyone got an original copy for sale on the Lavender label please PM with details ThanKs PATTO
  8. EX condition copy of this Wigan casino biggie See pic see pic  Price £30 inc first class recorded Payment Cheque or conceled cash sent recorded signed for..NO PAYPAL THANKS PMs to secure
  9. This one may fit the bill
  10. Sorry mate it sold straight away
  11. Nice condition copy of this R&B stormer see pic Price £30 inc first class recorded Payment Cheque or conceeled cash sent recorded signed for..NO PAYPAL THANKS
  12. EX Cond ition ABC original for sale see scan Price £ 80 inc first class rec post Payment please note NO PAYPAL. Cheque or conceled cash sent recorded only
  13. Thanks for that pal but think im sorted now
  14. Anyone got an original Maltese copy for sale or trade please PM with details
  15. Dont know about heated debate its just that the 9723 is the original first release and the 1035 is the 3 years later reissue.My Demo here
  16. After a nice copy on original Barry label.Please send PM if you have one with price etc
  17. Wanted a nice condition Cee Jam original Demo please PM Patto
  18. Realy nice Ex plus bordering on Mint copy of this in demander see pic Price £60 inc first class recorded post Payment NO PAYPAL. ACCEPT CHEQUE OR CONCELED CASH SENT RECORDED . Pm s to secure thanks
  19. Guys was that a typo did you say 1300 quid.
  20. When i first Heard the Gloria Jones version i thought it was awesome.However on reflection Rita is the better cut,and as stated the instro is great
  21. Think the Yelow/ White and the Blue are both 1967 originals but not to sure about the all yellow one. Also on the 1967 UK Stateside of course
  22. Nice one Chalky gonna give this a listen through..Never realised James Spencer--In Law Trouble was a Guy Spin,
  23. Yeah good call Bruv that a real heart tugger
  24. This one gets me everytime

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