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Everything posted by Patto

  1. Cheers Rick will try it ,got a Brantanos not too far away
  2. After many super glue repairs my faithful old Padders have finally bitten the dust and need replacing. They have been with me since 1990 and the padders range now all seem to have too much tread grips on the bottom.Can anyone recommend any brands and places where i can get some new ones.I have never liked hard leather soled shoes and much prefere a padder/pod type hard rubber sole with a smooth tread What do all you guys dance in and what have you found to be the best for comfort and danceability.The ones Andy Holroyd has on look good in the Central Club photos
  3. I have lots of time machine tracks that instantly tranport me back to youth club days or long ago venues,but one track really delivers a time machine punch to me everytime i hear it.The track is NO ONE COULD LOVE YOU MORE--GLADYS KNIGHT & THE PIPS.First heard this played by Roger Banks at the Cleethorpes Winter Gardens easter 1997.A stunning track that shot the hairs on the back of my neck straight into overdrive.On the way back home on the M180 the Halle Bop comet was lighting up the sky,and a week later my only Daughter Jessica was born
  4. A year to 18 months, thats an eternity.Does this mean i'm gonna have to follow Ginger for a year just to get a fix of this brill track.This one is a belter Ady needs a 45 release as soon as poss
  5. Heard the Instrumental of Jesse Davis--Gonna hang on in there,last night at stoke played by Ginger.Think Ady Croasdel is spinning it as well.Think it sounds Awesome played out .I assume it is unissued so whats the score on this one,where did it spring from and is it available on any CDs.Or can some kind soul PM me a mp3 so at least i can bang it on me pod
  6. Oh god i knew someone would bring the subject of what records were on the decks.Well here goes one was a photo copy job of Frank Wilson and the other was a casino Classics copy of The Flirtations.But can anyone ID the decks
  7. Visited the Casino Cafe in the Grand arcade Wigan a couple of days ago.Its all a bit of a cringe really but one exhibit did interest me.The original Casino turntable decks were on show.The thing is after studying the photo of the decks in the book The In Crowd they appear to be different.Were The decks changed at some point and does anyone know what make they were or any other details Before anyone says it yes i need to get out more and hopefuly Stoke on Saturday will Release my anorack
  8. Bought mine from the man himself at the Blackpool tower Weekender.Asked him for a bag for it and he looked at me as if i'd asked for keys to his warehouse.But the book is simply magnificent,an encyclopedia, essential for record buyers,can't see it being surpassed anytime soon
  9. This is a fantastic record,with a perfect dance tempo,really needs to get played more.Got my Soulville copy few years back at Kings Hall Stoke,seen at £40--£70,but hard to find
  10. Looking for ages for clean UK copy of MY HANG UP IS YOU Willing to pay top price to secure.PM me please if anyone has one for sale patto
  11. Something magical about the first Grapevines,Lots of prices seen on them over the years.Took me ages to get Flame N King,Lester Tipton,and Flaming Emeralds Demos.Some of them just don't come up for sale much.Sean Chapman,and Pat Brady always have a few for sale
  12. If ever there was a man who needed to write a book on soulful exploits its you Ian
  13. ImberBoy Yes 1996,the Doris Troy year,think 97 was Maxine Brown.I was there too,and remember seeing you and Scotty Stomping away.Think The film followed Lynne from i think Nuneaton in her bid to win the dancing comp.The winner was a guy called Daryl.That was a great period on the scene.
  14. Flip it over and spin HOW CAN YOU TELL ME.Pure uptempo Northern Dancer
  15. Hi Sent you a PM for the soul notes

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