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Everything posted by Patto

  1. Thanks Keith but all sorted now hopefully
  2. HI Money tight so hopefully my last buy of the year.Looking for an EX condition ISSUE copy of Mr BIG SHOT.PLease PM me with any copies for sale Cheers Cash waiting PATTO
  3. Thanks to all who replied looks like i,m sorted by Keith W and Kegsey PMs sent to you guys.Thanks Earnie was after the U.S PATTO
  5. The Guests on that night as i recall were Edwin Starr, and motown legendary writer I.J Hunter.Also remember the Marquee.Marvin was prob there in spirit looking down on us collecting our comp 45 of his masterpiece,although i once heard he hated the track
  6. I Still have my Chris King Demo Copy of this given out by the man himself at his 40th birthday nighter at Bretby.Looks great pink same both sides,does this command a price these days though i would never part with it
  7. Thanks evryone SORTED
  8. Hi Guys Looking for a U.S Turbo copy of LARRY SAUNDERS--ON THE REAL SIDE in EX condition. Willing to pay £50 cash for a nice one.May consider a U.K London issue if price is right. PM me please Thanks--PATTO
  9. My time at Keele was early 90s,fantastic place great atmosphere with an edge that you never felt anywhere else,hard to explain.Sounds from the venue that made an impact on me were GLADYS KNIGHT & PIPS---STOP AND GET A HOLD OF MYSELF, JIMMY & VELLA CAMERON---LOVING YOU IS SUCH A GROOVE, LARRY SAUNDERS--ON THE REAL SIDE. Remember Robyn bought a few records from HIM/HER never took my time browsing though
  10. Hi Soulies Back in April we had a house fire which left us for 6 months in a temporary flat full of stress and heartache waiting for our house to be re built. Before you ask yes i did rescue my box of vinyl running downstairs out onto the street with said box on my shoulders.Anyway now we are finally back in house and getting things sorted i would just like to say thanks to all the people from the scene who helped us out and kept in touch to check if we were ok.During the whole nightmare only managed to get to two soul events the BRID weekender and the JULY STOKE NIGHTER.The Brid was our first and would like to thank the promoters as this event really lifted us at the key time it was fantastic.Also the Kings Hall took me to heaven and allowed me to put the stress to the back of my mind for a night or two.a belated shout to IAN---PARKASH, and PETE--CASPER two guys i had seen about for years but first spoke to at stoke in july,two real nice soulies.I guess what i'm really trying to say is when you are low the Northern Soul scene is a very powerful tonic we all take for granted.Anyway hope to get moving to a few nights now so see you around PATTO
  11. Two Versions of my all time fave Northern Soul track Imberboy.The Eddie Parker shades it for me but the Hesitations is a real builder that leaves you in raptures at the fade out.Only ever owned Eddie on the 70s boot but got the Soul Superman L.P and the Hesitations also appeared on a legit(i think) SOUL SERIES 45 which came out in the 90s. As for the connection would love to know myself good question mate
  12. Check for the Frankford & Wayne Matrix stamp in run out grooves,if it ain't got one its a boot. Also original is a turquiose tint label with red text while the boot has a plain white label with red text
  13. Yep same as Dave says,apart from THE EXITS which could get £50
  14. Hi Guys Bought my copy of Nine Times many years ago at Clifton Hall.Thing is mine is like the one here and all the others i've ever seen have a blue label.Is mine a later issue or just a different label design.The guy who owned it first has written the date 6/01/1976 along with the words OK FAST. Great Memories PATTO
  15. I often hear stuff that i think is new to me then further into the track i recognise it but can't put a name to it.The thing is during the 80s period especially at Stafford hundreds of great discs were played with rapid turnover,and most of these have laid dormant waiting for reactivation.The same can be said of the hundreds of 70s tracks played at say Cleggy most of them not played out for years.I'm the same Simon i've got loads of exchange cds from mates full of stuff that would set any floor alight.So in answer to your question YES ElDORADO does exist not in some yank warehouse but in the collections of guys on here.Getting people to accept them and dance to them well thats another matter
  16. Incidently Pete How rare is the Liberty Bell label Boot of this and was this the first boot of the track
  17. Thanks to all had lots of offers on this one and now sorted at the price i wanted,went with the first shout to be fair Thanks for help again
  18. Looking for a Ex cond copy of LONNIE LESTER--YOU CANT GO---NU-TUNE Cheque here waiting for £100 PM please if you got one for sale to re unite me with my old fave from Stafford Thanks ---Patto
  19. Because it is a Northern Soul record,like hundreds that were played that are not very soulful but still were popular on the Northern scene.I own a mint Pye copy and always loved it, and there is still room for the odd nostalgia tracks like this to get played,usually the punters love to hear them
  20. Thanks too all who sent Pms. Managed to get a copy for the price i wanted,it should arrive next week,there seems to be plenty of copies out there
  21. After an EX copy of The Presentations---Call on me Willing to pay £50. Pm please if got one for sale Thanks PATTO
  22. Good choice,also the ARTUR WRIGHT ORCH---LAY THIS BURDEN DOWN
  23. Last year when Ginger was playing his Rita & Tiaras inst there was also doing the rounds a FANTASTIC inst version of JESSE DAVIS---GONNA HANG ON IN THEE GIRL.Ginger played it at a stoke nighter and i danced to it thinking this is awesome, and better than the vocal.Never heard it played out since and think its maybe one of your tracks Ady. If so is it on line for a 45 release or has it been put out on a cd yet.
  24. After a few soul nights and dayers my first actual nighters were circa 1982 at Stafford,and Roth Clifton Hall.First records in escape me now but remember fantastic accross the board variety 60s and 70s sounds nearly all new to me at the time
  25. Very prized items back in the day.Remember seeing the older lads at the youth club all dancing with their long leather coats on cause they didn't dare take em off in case they got nicked

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