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Everything posted by Patto

  1. Well the 1990 ones as mentioned before were excellent counterfeits that took in a few people.The recent ones look poor label is all wrong with smaller text
  2. Some of these boots are now quite scarce and collectable items.As already stated the originals of the mega rare 45s are impossible to own and stupid prices were and still are paid. so the boots were the only way back in the day that we could play the sounds at home.For me they are a part of our Northern soul Heritage and some of mine hold a special place in my memories.Most were bought at the famous long gone venues in times when i was skint just getting to the venue.When i had spare money i bought some great originals most of which i had to sell again in the miners strike.Now i have built up a nice box of faves nothing mega rare but titles i like all on original US and UK labels.But there is nothing better for jogging my memories of the great old times than opening up my old record box of 70s boots,instant transport back to the day
  3. Thanks for all the replies Guys,looks like i bought the J&W boot soon after it was done and yes when held up against a bright light the light can be seen through the vinyl and looks brown.Sound quality is excellent ,and the label is spot on.Are the un-dated ones less common than the date stamped ones i wonder.Steve L these ebay ones you mention are recent copies not the 1990 ones we are refering to.Surprised to hear that only 200 were pessed quite a rare item then which explains the high prices for a boot. The Del-larks may be more common but i personally haven't seen any others with that label design Cheers
  4. A mate came round couple of days ago to play records and tucked away in my boots box were a couple of records that my mate recons are quite rare and fetch daft money these days.The records are scanned here.The John & weirdest i got around 1990 at keele,and the Del-Larks around 83 at clifton hall.Just bought em to play at home as knew i would never get an original,but never thought they were rare.When i think about it now i have never seen another Del Larks Boot and only 2 other J.Ws in the last 15 years.So are they scarce or just tucked away in boot boxes all around the country
  5. Got £70 cash for a EX copy of THE DIPLOMATS--HONEST TO GOODNESS PM me please if you have a copy for sale
  6. Some nice tunes there mate
  7. Incredible record one of the best ever.Always been an ambition of mine to dance to this one more time since the last time i did when searling was spinning it in the early 80s.Heard that Phil Dick had got a copy and went to a Dewesbury Town hall night last year hoping to realise my ambition.Frustratingly got a phone call about half an hour before Phil's last spot to go home daughter not well. Heart dropped when i checked the plylists on here to see that he played the masterpiece and i missed it.Those late casino playlists have never been surpassed with Court Davis,Deadbeats,Damon Fox,William Powell,Nurons,Herman Hitson,Marvelous Ray.Oh what i would give to hear all those in a set one more time.
  8. Been asked this as well hundreds of times by workmates etc. Just Reply with its RAW HUMAN EMOTION WITH A DANCE BEAT.That usually throws em
  9. PM sent Blake regarding Taj Mahal Patto
  10. Bloody hell that would sound fantastic mid nighter played full blast.Hairs on back of neck material this one great selection mate
  11. Always thought the instrumental of ultra high frequency would do well played out
  12. Good advice Billy gonna make it to more venues this year and just stick to my limits .You are a fine example to us all never off the floor and you still got it.Think the problem is we all remember the days when you could really go for it without any pain and all around you were spinners,stompers,shufflers,and acrobats.
  13. These last couple of years has seen me carrying a few injuries that have really stopped me enjoying my dancing.I wouldn't say i was a great dancer but we all like to be able to move freely so we can strut what we think are our best moves.As a result i haven't really attended that many events this year to i don't really enjoy sitting down most of the night.However i don't think i am on my own here as i have noticed that as we all get older people who used to dance all night now just get up for their fave records.Also lots of people i know say they are dancing through grittred teath with back pain ,knees gone ,hernias,hip pain etc etc.Who else out there is jumping onto the floor knowing they will not be able to move in the morning at what range of injuries are we coping with
  14. Thanks for your Info John and yours also Daz.Don't really want to get into the Soul Police Playable /Unplayable thing.Prefere always to own and play originals US or UK.records but there are many examples like this where tracks get there first UK issue on complimentary singles and reissue labels.Never been able to understand why if they are legit some people look down on them getting played.Always loved the Ty Karim track by the way and in fact prefere it to Larry Atkins
  15. But is the Lowton issue legit was told once it was so therefore i would prefere to spin it from that instead of the overpriced ebony release.Any info people?
  16. now sorted thanks for all quick replys
  17. Looking to pay around £75 cash for a nice clean copy of DOROTHY BERRY ---DONT GIVE ME LOVE--BIG 3 PMs please if any out there
  18. Bit confused about this version of the Lary atkins Stormer.I think the Ty Karim Track was prev Unissued but then released on a controversial EBONY label.I have this on a Lowton Anniversary single,is this a legit issue and therefore playable out as the first UK press Any info thanks--PATTO
  19. Thanks Mark very helpful i will look out for a Demo
  20. Thanks for the replies guys. Yes i think it could have been the Melba moore track i remember sounds right with the spoken intro lasting long enough to raise eyebrows before a great philly beat kicked in with a powerful vocal.Thank Ian for me please Pete was it the man himself who was spinning the track that night?Also Arkwright thanks for Seems Youve Forsaken My Love--one of Maxine Browns finest records.Another fuzzy nighter moment cleared up off to get me a copy now.
  21. HI Guys Got talking to a mate last week about the fantastic Maxine Brown and her brill recordings.We both went through our faves but it brought me back to a mystery track thats been bugging me for years. During one of the early years Stoke Kings Hall Togetherness Nighters around 98/99 the usual classics were being played and the place was buzzing.Then out of the blue a track came on that didn't quite fit into the stompers being played and it took everyone by surprise. It was e female vocal which started slow almost spoken vocals for 30 seconds before breaking out into a great dance tempo which brought the dancers back to life.When it was over the DJ who i think could have been Dave Evison Called it as Maxine Brown. All these years later i have not heard the same track played out and i have listened to all the maxine tracks i can find.Starting to think this was one of those escape from reality moments we all have from time to time mid allnighter.LONG LONG shot but can anyone on here offer any suggestion as to what the track can be or can you remember the event the track did stop people in there tracks and you recall them moments. Regards and happy christmas PATTO
  22. Spot on Matt.Searlings late casino 60s plays were the dominant sounds of early stafford and were in my opinion the best playlist ever on the scene.Equally Richards late casino 70s plays were hugely influential on great venues such as Clifton Hall.In fact Richard Searling was God during this period
  23. Got it on UK--DJM--Demo--pic sleeve.Is this worth owt?
  24. That Demo copy of the Corvairs that you put up Roger is the one most commonly seen.Mine is an issue is it harder than the demo to get does anyone know. I have to agree with the majority major is the one for me but love the Corvairs played out loud.Never liked RPs can't get past the falsetto vocal
  25. Major Lance--Ain't No Soul Left In These Old shoes.This is of course the standard version of this classic track.But is it the best in your opinions which ones do you prefere.Me i own two ---Majors Okeh classic and the pounding version by the Corvairs on Columbia.By the way my corvairs copy is an issue is this rare as all others i have seen for sale are demos PATTO

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