Agree with all of the above.However some of the 70s UK stuff were released around the same times as the US ones not years later and are first issue UK releases.Such records as Montclaires--Hung Up on Contempo,Flame N King--Ho Happy Day on Grapevine,and The Crow on Right on fall into this catagory.Also it cant be based on price and rareity as some 60s UK stuff are cheaper than U.S so what if you spin say a Vocalian Tommy Neal before another DJ wants to Spin it on Palmer.Both are Ok and at the end of the day its down to choice what you want to own.In the same vein i prefere to own my UK demo of Skullsnaps My Hang Up Is You even though i could of got a a U.S a lot cheaper.Having said this its plainly obvious that its a no no to play out the Inferno,Black Magic,Disco Demand,Cas Classics,etc etc etc