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Everything posted by Patto

  1. Exactly the type of record i'm talking about at the moment on my Cleggy /Clifton/Mecca thread,but would the oldies crowd take to it thats the question
  2. My point on this is that if you go to a northern Soul night you don't hear many of these 70s sounds as they are getting pushed aside in favour of 60s classics and R&B.I love my oldies but also love to hear a cross section of tunes that i equally remember from my early days late 70s early 80s.Some more examples from my Box.
  3. Nice ones there mate,Love the Bits N Pieces a great cleethorpes sound
  4. As You say the word stomper was originally tagged to the 100mph pounding oldies.But later the term was used to describe a style of dancing, a sort of fast feet shuffell done to records of the right tempo and frequently seen performed to the 70s sounds in my first post.
  5. Deliberately kept it broad to get responses and set off with well known tunes for the same reason.Don't want to get bogged down with dogmatic stuff just looking for the uptempo 70s records that seem to be underthreat of being excluded from soul nights.But basically talking about Late Wigan/Mecca/Cleethorpes Winter Gardens stuff that went on to be played at Clifton Hall,so 1977-85 ish period.If you own it post it and lets be reminded of the high speed feet shuffellers
  6. This thread may sink or swim but i just love talking about my records and other peoples records.So here is the concept i'm looking for 1/ All records from your own collections and all original UK or US releases 2/ 10 choices of records 3/ UPTEMPO BLACKPOOL MECCA/CLEETHORPES/CLIFTON HALL SOUNDS 70s stompers seem to be resented by the oldies crowd but were a major part of the scene at all the legendary venues.They were difficult to dance to and took skill and youthfull energy maybe why they are passed over nowadays as we all nurse our bad backs and knackered knees.But you dont see many of the young uns dancing to them either.Its almost as if they are being rubbed out of the present soul night scene.So lets see your record lists of your fave shufflers and 7os stompers Lets have no infighting about what sounds were played where first,generally looking for the tracks in your collections that are associated with these venues.The records you select can be well known or underplayed,common or scarce,big money or cheepies.They must be its up to you as long as you own em.So 20 records to pick which represent a great of the Northern scene should be interesting if anyone still likes talking about records anymore we will see.I will kick off the proceedings with my offerings. All mine are well known and were massive plays back in the day
  7. So does no-one else like the Corvairs then,must just be me,oh well still love my Colombia issue,sounds great played loud.
  8. Nice copy wanted please cash waiting for a fair priced copy,please PM me with any for sale Thanks Patto SORTED NOW THANKS
  9. What do you think about the Corvairs then Pete,To me its more Northern Soul than the others,more frantic with a more driven beat.Funny how this thread has just re-activated itself after i first started it almost 2 years ago
  10. Yes Crown jewels coz thats what they are and i do remember them just like i remember lots of great stuff during my 40 plus years on the soul scene.Yes I'm On My Way is in my opinion also a classic along with Jimmy Radcliffe.They are not what i like to hear out these days as i prefere to hear stuff away from the same old oldies.However you can't understate the esteme that Tobi Legend is held in by Northern Soul fans its a slab of vinyl royalty.Yes there was some real crap played at the Casino but the 3 before 8 are not in the same league as Tommy Hunt with respect.Each to their own opinions mate not worth argueing about but just thought that your description of Tobi Legend as contrived and over-emotional was strange and an opinion i have never heard before.What would have been your ideal nighter ender out of interest.
  11. How is it possible for a soul record to be over-emotional,thats what the music is all about.Superb record seen it reduce men to tears and played at many a soulies funeral.Like it or not T.W P Y B and the other 2 of the 3 before 8 are Northern Souls crown Jewels.Also to compare it to Love Bandit is like Comparing Barcelona F.C to Accrington Stanley
  12. Thanks Stevie but its deffo the one Pete found i'm after.Have e mailed him for a copy.I have read Reg's book and enjoyed it .
  13. Pete your a star thats the one mate,and thanks to all the other recommendations,read most of em already but love to hear peoples own raw stories and This book looks about right
  14. Sound about right Pete looked like a good read ANYONE Know who it is,Sure it was on here but i can't find it
  15. Some time ago i'm sure i saw a post on here refere to a Privately Published book about a soul mans Northern Soul experiences back in the day.I am trying to get a good hoiday read sorted so can anyone shed any light on the Book and author please. Or even recommend any other good reads about life on the scene. Thanks Patto
  16. Fantastic sought after and hard to find 45 modern soul anthem on Becket 7 inch original In Ex condition price £50 inc pp first class recorded Cheques or cash only PM to reserve BIG RESPONSE THANKS NOW SOLD SOLD SOLD
  17. Patto

    Brid Weekender

    Proud as Punch Patto with Daughter Jess at her first Weekender
  18. Patto

    brid 5

    From the album: Brid Weekender

    Just perfect
  19. Patto

    brid 4

    From the album: Brid Weekender

    The Pattos
  20. Patto

    brid 3

    From the album: Brid Weekender

    Stop showing me up your too good
  21. Patto

    brid 2

    From the album: Brid Weekender

    Proud as punch with Jess
  22. Patto

    brid 1

    From the album: Brid Weekender

    Friday night
  23. As already stated the Spooky & sue was The East coast fave but think that this and Chuck were both1975 releases.However they are both eclipsed by the silky smooth Moments LP only original version
  24. Relisted and Reduced Ex condition copy of this Classic stomper.Price £15 cheques or cash only PM to reserve NOW SOLD SOLD SOLD
  25. Thats more like it mate,this is deffo a Northern list.The Chalfontes always does well and the flip Cofessin' My Love is in favour at the moment.Irma is one of my faves Lost Love is the Side for Me,and Alder Ray is a great 100MPH dancer.

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