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Everything posted by Patto

  1. Hi Boba Well same as what i said in post 5 really
  2. All Good Guys but can anyone tell me owt about the single i started the thread about GET RIGHT.Seems like its yet to have its day in the sun if anyone can get the oldies guys to dance to it that is.Its certainly got the Tempo and vocals, the breaks,and its not rare.
  3. My Last Four recent buys. Freddie Scott---Uptempo stormer Barbara Lynn--R&B Classic Jackie Paine--Another absolute storming dancer Players---Forgotten Oldie see my other thread about this one
  4. Thanks Steve i didn't get mine from you, but i did get something else from your excellent cheapies sales.Back to the Players does anyone know if it got a run of plays at any of the big venues,as D the D has already mentioned it was a Fave amoung the early Wheel crowd,Did it cross over to Wigan etc.Pretty sure it was in Nottingham when i last heard it in the late 80s,anyone else heard it out of late.
  5. Yep Quality Northern Indeed Pete,and although it sounds fast and furious when you dance to it the tempo is actually spot on,although you may need to step off for a couple if youre like me to click the knee back into place
  6. Tha Thanks Dave Didnt realise the Players was a popular tune on the early days of the scene,as i said i only heard it for the first time in the 80s.Maybe it got more action in other parts but i have not heard it played out since a real shame as its a Northern Soul Stormer.
  7. Hi Guys Back in the late 80s i first heard THE PLAYERS--GET RIGHT--MINIT,i think at Notts Palais but cant remember who by.Loved the record from the first time i heard it,great tempo ,great group harmonies,and at the time i remember it got a good dancefloor reaction.Never heard it spun out since and i had forgotten all about it.Then while surfing through you tube i dropped on the record and was again smitten by it.Nice to find it was a reletively easy to find and not too expensive record so i bought myself a copy. What i would like to know is how much action did this have at any time and has it been reactivated by anyone of late.I for one would love to dance to it out again.Any Info People ? Patto
  8. I use one of those wrap around padded comfort handles that you find on canvas tool bags.They wrap perfectly around the Swan Flight handle and fasten with the velcro strip. They just detach when you want to take it off.Makes the 200 box a lot easier to carry
  9. Just been looking at a Dutch copy on Sean Chapman's Site may be worth checking out
  10. Always loved the HONEY TOWNSEND--WORLD AGAIN Instumental much better than WHAT SHALL I DO In My Opinion.
  11. HI All For Some Strange Reason This fantastic record is not selling.So im throwing it open to any fair offer as it needs to go now.You Will not be Dissapointed its in great nick.First reasonable offer gets it. DELLS--YOUR SONG---U.K Original Massive 70s floorfiller In Almost Mint condition.. PM TO RESERVE CHEQUES/RECORDED CASH NO PAYPLAL PLEASE MANY THANKS TO ALL REPLYS WENT TO FIRST FAIR OFFER LIKE I SAID SOLD SOLD SOLD
  12. Yep it went to a good home Miff
  13. Agree very emotional tune which proves that instrumentals can create an atmosphere and hold a memory.I love it and treasure my Demo copy which looks as beautiful as it sounds.
  14. Could it Have Been PAUL ANKA WHEN WE GET THERE.Thats RCA and a regular Ginger Play and poppy
  15. Thanks Toad thats settled an argument i had with a couple of mates.Soulie was my all time fave dancer to watch and that dynamic photo captures Him perfectly.Brill CD as well all the Musicor stuff
  16. Can anyone settle a question about the identity of the Dancer on the stunning photo from the cover of the KENTS MAGIC TOUCH CD.Taken at the 100 club by Elaine Constantine.Is it Mark SOULIE from Peterborough by any chance.
  17. Relisted due to last deal falling through DELLS--YOUR SONG---U.K Original Massive 70s floorfiller In Almost Mint condition.Price £50 Cheques,recorded cash,NO PAYPAL PLEASE. PM TO RESERVE
  18. After this one please anyone.Seen a couple on dealers lists but would like a nice priced one in good nick Cash waiting Please PM me with details Cheers --Patto SORTED NOW THANKS FOR REPLIES WENT FOR FIRST FAIR OFFER
  19. Hi all Real bargain JOB LOT of 5 classic Northern spins.Great way to build your collection on the cheep.All in Ex condition. PRICE ONLY £40 for all 5 inc first class recorded delivery. Cheques or cash only please. PM to reserve NOW SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD
  20. I prefere the Soultown release Dave,its still an original,its sound quality is better,its harder to find than the canterbury ones,and it looks fantastic too.judging by your playlist you have plenty of meat in your box.
  21. Nice one Spot we are basically in the same O.V camp mate,its great talkin about records.By the way i own the New Younghearts and prefere it as the recording sounds more dynamic than the cantebury one and i think its a bit harder to find and i would never swap it for a canterbury one.I think a lot of DJs over the years have played this on the Canterbury lookalike boot
  22. No spot i accept the IMPEL is the first release.But the Yellow Seventy Seven is still an Original national release so no problem playing it.I think in Daves set he also played The New younghearts on soultown which was released after the Canterbury ones but the soultown one is still an original is it not.Yes its great to own the first releases or Demos of any record but just thought maybee the same as Bridgey that Dave had no need to flag up his Ann Sexton because there is nowt wrong with it
  23. You are prob not familiar with the Bobby Fuller Four version mate,check it out on youtube.This was the first release of the actual song and although its not as good as Melba's it did get spins back in the 70s at cleethorpes pier i believe
  24. I would agree with Bridgey mate.You are correct in saying the first was the rare local release on IMPEL.However the one most people play is the yellow Seventy Seven which is the original national release,and is the one you have.Later reissued on multi couloured seventy seven
  25. Paul This happens to be one of those records that although not extreamely rare people who have got one want to hold on to it. Get ready because as you collect more and more this scenario will keep repeating itself as certain fave records stay in peoples collections for years. Keep patient and you will get a good 80% of your wants but its part of the game to always need that elusive want.As for the Playboys this record has been in and out of favour for years and althought it sounds awesome i agree i have seen it clear the floor due to it being too uptempo to dance to.But it is real deal Northern Soul and good luck with your search.

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