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Everything posted by Patto

  1. Hi guys Looking for the KENT SELECT 006 FASHIONETTES b/w TANDELS Please pm me if you have one for sale with price / condition thanks PATTO
  2. The Orange one was done in the late 70s 1977 i think which is 12 years after the original blue copy.So how can it be classed as an original 2nd press.Surely a 2nd press or run can only be acceptable if done at more or less the same time as the first issue. Regardless of whether or not the orange one is legit it surely cant be played as an original at any venue because its a 12 years later reissue.Or am i missing summat here
  3. Thats all well and good mate but the point has been mentioned before that there is NO particular Northern Soul Dance Style to teach.Every dancer has his or hers own style.These styles often are representative of the era and cubs they used to go to. For example the Wigan dancers have different moves to the later Stafford 1980s attendees.Then you get the Clifton Hall Cleethorpes people who mainly danced to uptempo 70s records and there in is a different style again. If you go to an open minded across the board Northern night the records played will range from 100mph oldies,Mid tempo,R&B,70s,and modern.So you have to adapt your dancing if you want to stay on the floor a while. The best you can do at a dance lesson is just learn to copy the basic steps of the particular instructor and the style they use,which may not be suited to you as an individual. The key word here is INDIVIDUAL.just get up and develop your own style and along the way try to copy a few moves from people you admire and enjoy yourself.If you realy feel the music and let it grab you then you will be able to dance better than any instructor can show you
  4. Hi Guys For sale here is a job lot pack of 5 great sounds all on original labels.See scans for records. All in Ex condition Price only £30 inc first class recorded delivery,Would be more than double on dealers sites Cheque or conceeled recorded cash please NO PAYPAL PM to reserve
  5. Watched the trailer for the Film and there was a clip of a Dancer being asked to perform dancing to Lou Pride in a T.V studio.Then when the Go Go dancers came on he sussed out he was being exploited, and after shouting THIS IS NOT FU****** NORTHERN SOUL He proceeded to headbut the presenter Now maybe thats what should have happened on the one show.
  6. Hi Mate Well i would class the Black Text ones as originals,possibly second run.But as i say who knows and where does the Blue Text One side Black Other fit in.The Fact that Manship prices them similar indicates the same.Arctics are a Nightmare
  7. I Have the light Blue label with Black text.There is also an issue with Blue Text on one side and Black text on the other.I am lead to believe that all the issues are originals done around 1969.The Blue text one is probably the first run but who knows for sure i certainly dont so im happy to play my copy
  8. The Pink Breakthrough Charles Diamond is a 1977 remix with to my ears a totally different lead vocalist and a superior production.Its an Original copy released on a legit label by the label owner.Add to this the sublime instrumental on the pinkies flip, all thats left to say is DJs please get it played out more often.Only time not to play it would be out of respect to anyone who was on who had the first version in their box and lets be honest there is a slim chance of that happening
  9. I wish more DJs would play the Charles Diamond version out, its fantastic and the instrumental is great.Think the last time i heard it was at a Brid weekender.
  10. Hi Chris i was just looking at one yesterday for sale on Discogs site.A U.K seller who was asking £40 for an issue.May be of use to you mate
  11. What records were used for the soundtrack.I see there are plans to release a box set CD plus vinyl
  12. Flip the Calla Issue over and cheer yourself up with a dance round the room to I FEEL GOOD ALL OVER a total stormer that will make you forget all about the other side
  13. Nice one Ian thanks for info
  14. Mine is a Vinyl promo with PH-ABR-1X at left hand side and at 6 0 clock it has an x in a circle then J J F KP scratched in and it looks like this
  15. So it was a Casino spin i didnt realise that,any idea which DJ spun it.One on a big dealers site now for £75 but i think £40 is about right
  16. Hi Guys Cracking record this.Can anyone tell me any info about where and when it first got played and is it still getting any action anywhere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AXQb174fj4
  17. PM back to you John records still available not sold yet PM s only please
  18. Hi Guys THANKS FOR ALL INTEREST BUT NOW SOLD SOLD SOLD Having a big clearout and have this pack of Classic Northern tunes for sale.Pack includes the following 5 records 1/ Eddie Spencer--If This Is Love---Power Exchange U.K 2/ Bobbi Lynn---Earthquake---Elf (70s reissue) 3/ Volcanos--The Laws Of Love---Arctic (70s Reissue) 4/ Forevers---What Goes Around---Weis (original) 5/ Ultra High Frequency--Were On The Right Track---Wand (original) All records in Ex condition. Price for the 5 record pack is £30 including first class post NO PAYPAL PLEASE Cheques or conceled recorded cash only. PM TO RESERVE Photos of the actual records below Thanks Patto
  19. Surprised no mention so far for Spencer Wiggins---Lets talk it over One of the best slices of Northern ever Also Gloria Jones's version of Gone With The Wind Marvin Gaye Love Starved Heart Ady's Pied Piper Voodoo Mademoiselle Will get some Hammer when released im sure
  20. The dancers always struggled to keep up with this belter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWMWmyMWgQM
  21. Great track been played quite a lot recently and a sought after record on Shout
  22. Hi Guys SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD For sale is an original copy of MOSES SMITH--GIRL ACCROSS THE STREET --DIONN The label has been repaired as shown in the scan.The vinyl plays fine in VG plus condition Asking £30 for it including first class recorded postage.Less than half price NO PAYPAL please. Cheques or recorded cash only. PMs to reserve
  24. this one always went down a bomb with the girls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiLVjViHkyQ
  25. I remember the huge hype around this record at the time.It was massive and a big floorfiller along with Venicia Wilson who turned out to be Steve Brookstein's girlfriend Kate Jackson.Venicia was the better record of the two in my opinion. I think Levine did show up the Northern scene to some extent and proved the (Emperors suit of clothes) syndrome regarding records.If enough DJs and collectors say its great then it must be.Also when you actually asked people not many people realy liked the record but they all followed the crowd and danced to it. I would hate to hear either of them played out today a reminder of a low point in the scene

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