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Everything posted by Patto

  1. No Problem Mate.What you say is very true,and that greasy pole seems to get taller every year with more and more DJs trying to climb on to it. Some records are just hammered too much and thats not the fault of the first Djs that started spinning it.I respect the Guys that At least try to introduce something different amoung the standard stuff. There are some DJs that have always done their best and i take my hat off to them its not as easy as many think to do it well. At the end of the day its all about opinions and one mans fave is anothers pain in the arse record.I just go out these days and hope to hear a few things i like so i can stretch the old hamstrings ,but i realise that even the stuff i hate often fills floors. Hope I'm still a Top Banana me old fruit even though Stanky is still in me box
  2. Think i read somewhere that STANKY was the name Davis gave to his Guitar
  3. Brill Kingfisher Steve,but the other one looks like a female chaffinch to me not a Brambling
  4. At the time it was getting its first plays Barney it was a goodun.Its been Hammered for too long now and people are sick of it.But in the same vein there are loads more records that are getting the same overkill by unimaginative DJs every weekend. Over the years i have heard many records that people said were the dogs b*llocks and i thought were utter crap.Also heard just as many records that i like that others say are crap. Stanky in my opinion is still a good dance record whatever they say but its time it was put to the back of the box. But ill be keeping my copy Barney you should know us Pit lads dont worry about admitting to unpopular opinions.
  5. Pete it may well have been you or possibly Nige Brown.You both played blinding sets but i knew each record until Stanky came on and i sat down to listen to it for first the time.The record sounded great in that great venue and i started looking for my own copy and bagged one a few months after.It may turn a few noses up now a days but at first plays Stanky certainly made a big impact.
  6. That Timescale sounds about right to me.I bought my copy of Stanky in June 2008 after hearing it for the first time at Prestwich a few months earlier
  7. Always used Stanton 500s.Just for home use seem to perform fine to me and i always weight to only 2.5 g
  8. Cheers Martyn. I cant say that i have ever seen it on a Casino playlist,but on the few occasions i have heard it played out it always gets remarks as being a Cleethorpes oldie
  9. Sorry Guys but in feel good OLDIE mode tonight.This one i've had for around ten years on a Demo.Its Sam Moultie--Ill Always Love You--Warren.I dont think i have ever hears this mentioned as a Wigan spin but it must have been played there.I have heard the older Cleggy Guys say it was a Big one on the Pier.Does anyone remember it back in the day getting a casino outing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nGnMs5Tf9A
  10. Heres Mine For today Guys.Classic feel good Wigan Oldie which i have on Mary Jane.The rolling drum Intro on this gets me everytime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qI-sEOywcs
  11. Martyn Got mine from Butch a few years back , yes its fast but also its pure adrenalin Northern,Totally agree not a rare record but all the oldies DJs seen to want it right now
  12. Gene Chandler is Great but Still The Intruders version is the Standard for Me i think and thats the one i Have on Gamble
  13. Pete This is the one for me some of Searling's incredible records that crossed over to my time in the early 80s venues after the Casino.Records that are still today revered as the greatest sounds the scene produced.All these pod casts have been fantastic to hear thanks for putting them out
  14. Here is another great two sided Stormer.This time from the Bobbettes.Take your pick which side but this is the lesser played of the two https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjYCKUZXjWQ
  15. Few posts back i put up one of my all time faves Towanda Barnes--You Dont Mean It. This is the non too shabby flip of that self same record.Never heard it played out anywhere but recon it could deliver at certain nighter venues. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAvdm_GixPw
  16. Shit im gonna have to press the like button again
  17. Mine for Today.I first heard played at a visit to the 100 club early 1990s.Then some years later at a Bretby Nighter i bought a copy from Pat Brady and just as i had the record in my hand the DJ who was on played it.So off i ran to the dancefloor and danced to the same track i was clutching in my hand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytOMirS6b1c
  18. Gogger its nowt to to with a Bromance its just that Martyn is the only one on here that posts up descent records.Give it a try i just might fancy you more
  19. My offering tonight is the Flip to Gene Chandler--Mr Big Shot.I have a very well used Stars design original copy and often play this side straight after the top side stormer.This is a nice bit of Steady Northern called--I Hate To Be The One To say. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65JG8Irhhl4
  20. Ok Mate Shame about 27th that Date we will be at Inner Soul sheffield our fave yorkshire night,Then planning to be at the Brighouse Reposessed night on Jan 2nd. Making it my mission to see you in the new year
  21. If it gets off the ground Martyn let me know where it is sounds right up my street,as long as its not just another Frank Wilson night
  22. Here is mine for today.After watching the Northern Soul Film i loved the soundtrack all classics and all great.But all of them although great were very familiar and heard out regularly.But one of them got under my skin all over again.I turned to our lass and said i used to own this one but let it go and now i just have to get it back.I managed to do just that when a couple of days ago i again became a proud owner of this masterpiece of Northern Soul from Towanda Barnes.I used to be able to dance to it many years ago.Now i can just about cope with the aid of copious amounts of Voltarol,but that voice just cuts through me big time, YOU SAID THAT YOU WANTED A LOVE THAT WOULD LAST FOREVER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx3mVezbNmo
  23. JUST a Fantastic record
  24. Well they all generated a smile with me mate you made some good purchases there.Out of that lot Betty Lavette is my fave
  25. Thanks Paul but i dont do Ebay these days been burnt too much STILL looking People Private PMS only please

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