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Everything posted by Patto

  1. Guys i also have a Copy of TWILIGHT ZONE , brill sound but i have to confess to not knowing I FOUND OUT.So summat else ive learnt thanks Martyn. Gonna put forward a nice bit of uptempo NORTHERN.This one took me ages to land.Its JAY LYLE---HOW GOOD CAN IT GET----ANGEL CITY
  2. Yep got that one As well Martyn and played it out a couple of times.But your dead right about the flip YOU CAN WORK IT OUT a great uptempo romper.Nice call
  3. How can anyone stay still to this stormer from the Vontastic.A record ive had for years and has not really caught on but its 100% Dancer
  4. Here is a nice Stafford oldie a Pat Brady spin.One ive always loved
  5. Great stuff mate result if i can introduce a new tune to someone with your vast knowlege of records.Ive Had the record for around 5 years and always thought it would sound fantastic played out but i never spun it myself.Its a cheapie and should be easy to find.
  6. Hi Guys Some good stuff being posted of late i shall have to get with it myself and put a few on. Regarding the Joe Tex love Kegseys offering of the underplayed OLD TIME LOVE,But must agree with Martyn that I WANNA TO BE FREE is the powerhouse to light up a million homes But recently i have been drawn to JTs brill dancer BABY BE GOOD which also deserves far more spins. https://youtu.be/adsselW3s34
  7. Was playing a few records last night and noticed a nice few lines on the Dorothy Beery song---Soul power "Young or old if you got soul nobody can take it" "But if you aint got it its better to forget it cause nobody can fake it
  8. Thanks Rick i had been told it was a Leeds Central spin so that confirms it mate.Seems like it made it to the casino as well during the early years.Tony Banks what a character,i remember ringing him one night to ask about a venue and got off the phone almost 3 hours later without getting a word in.
  9. Ive owned a copy of LIFE GOES ON for ages and its one of my all time fave oldies.Only ever heard it played out a couple of times.Once told it was a regular Leeds Central spin.Anyone have and recollections of where and when it was first played and did it get any Casino action. Cheers in advance Patto
  10. After a mix up and a couple of offers dropping through still looking for a copy to replace my old battered one.Must be original one of the following UK PINK ISLAND 3 PRONG EYE LOGO FIRST ISSUE U.S PHILIPS issue FRENCH OR GERMAN FONTANA PMs please if you can help out Cheers Patto
  11. Ive had both mate and to my ears the Renee copy sounds better than the Marc.They are different mixes but i think the Renee copy is the first release
  12. After a mix up still looking for a copy.Must be original UK PINK ISLAND 3 PRONG EYE LOGO FIRST ISSUE U.S PHILIPS FRENCH OR GERMAN FONTANA Cheers Patto
  13. Some great sounds listed there Tezza.Love that Paramounts track which is getting a bit of a reactivation of late.Also from Martins list that crazy Raw SouI--The Gig remember seeing two guys doing 100mph shuffle to that one and never seen owt like it since.Never got to Sams before my time but heard lots of those records at the Clifton Hall and Cleggy Winter gardens events.I remember going to a Sams revival night in the early 90s when J.V came back and it was a belting night.I much prefere 60s playlists but there is deffo room to reactivate some of those great 70s tunes.
  14. HI Guys JULIAN COVEY---A LITTLE BIT HURT After a nice condition original on either UK ISLAND PINK 3 PRONG, U.S PHILIPS, FRENCH OR GERMAN FONTANA. Dont want the later island palm tree reissue. Please srnd PM with price and confition Patto
  15. Remember Roger being at most top venues during the 90s either as a seller or DJ .Recall very well being at a Cleethorpes Winter Gardens Bank Holiday soul night 1997.The night was slowing down badly before Mr Banks got on the Decks and pulled it round and lifted the place big style.The same night he played Gladys Knight-No One Could Love You More --Which was the first time i had ever heard it played anywhere.I was on the phone to him next day asking for a copy
  16. GREAT Uptempo in demand Northern dancer in Ex condition The Players---Get Right---Minit Price £30 inc first class recorded delivery PLEASE NOTE NO PAYPAL .ONLY TAKE CHEQUES OR CONCELED CASH RECORDED. SCAN OF THE RECORD Below Pms to reserve
  18. For Sale Hard to find Kent first issue of this 80s monster in Ex condition see scan Price £30 inc first class recorded delivery.Payment by ÇHEQUE OR CONC CASH RECORDED NO PAYPAL PM to reserve
  19. Totally gutted to hear about Steve.Got to know him well in recent years At Inner Soul and Alfreton Soul Shack.Massive Character, Massive smile , Massive loss.God bless you big man. Sympathies to Liz and his family Patto,Bev,and Jess
  20. Sammy mine is the U.K issue.I guess that is the faster take.I prefere to hear the faster one played out as its better for the dancers, but as you say the slower take has more soul and is nice to hear at home
  21. My multi coloured copy is a YOUR copy and also has a ARP STAMP in the run out.Just played it again and it sounds fine to me.see scan
  22. ive got the multi coloured copy and played it out a couple of time on a nice loud system and its fine.So really no need to offload them mate DJs have been playing them for years without any adverse dancefloor reaction.
  23. There have been lots of topics on here about this one Billy.I have it on the Torch label which i think came out just before the Soul Series release both in the late 90s.However both these have been regarded as bootlegs so the safe way to play it is on the recent Kent release which is bang on legit.
  24. What would be the value for the Soultown original label release as The New Younghearts.Had mine for ages and it hardly ever comes up for sale.
  25. For sale in Ex plus condition this mega 70s classic on the glorious looking UK Underworld release. Now SOLD Price £30 inc first class recorded delivery.Cheque or conceled cash NO PAYPAL. PMs to reserve

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