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Everything posted by Patto

  1. Couple of old Stafford moovers from me today two that always got under my skin right through to my jiggly bone
  2. Love it great tune an overlooked one.Thought it was a new tune to my ears but somehow it sempt familiar.Then i noticed it appeared on one of the early goldmine CDs in the Cmon n dance series so i think thats where i heard it.Never heard it played out though so think your onto a winner there Ian.Great looking label.
  3. Another infectious slab of Dancefloor dynamite..Still a cheapie but getting a big following and demand is growing.
  4. Think ive posted this before in the distant past but this underplayed and very hard to get Northern stormer realy needs more exposure.
  5. Thanks Fred Im a Donny lad so was interested to know where venue was.See your point now about the pre Northern Soul tag era . Some loverley British originals there mate.Got a couple of them myself.Always enjoy your playlists Patto
  6. Hi Fred Where was the venue mate and what do you mean by No Northern
  7. Yep Brill record Rick got one myself. Always followed by Geater Davis-- My Love Is So strong for you.Two similar tracks that sound great played loud.
  8. Cheers Ian. I have played it out once and afterwards was thanked by a couple of old Stafford goers that said they had not heard it since Guy H played it back in the day.It fetches a fair old price these days and has appeared in a Manship auction.Mine is Demo which is easier to find than the stock copy. By the way love that Duke Turner on your You tube channel new one to me top tune
  9. One from me tonight a big fave of mine and an awesome Stafford spin
  10. Well Done Bruv you cracked the upload link and you couldnt have picked a better tune to do it with
  11. There has been previous similar threads about this and this is what i wrote back then As we are all aware many different types of music have been played on the scene over the years.Not all by Black artists and many not very soulful.This is why despite the commercialised exploitation i still prefere to call it a NORTHERN soul scene.This is because the Northern Scene is first and foremost a dance scene and no matter how old we get and how knackered we feel its all about hearing those first couple of bars of a tune that create an uncontollable urge to get on the dancefloor. Over the years ive heard many records being described as non soul pop stomper shite.But the same records have the power to make grown men and women cry,throw themselves round the dancefloor, and sing every word.So if a record can bring about these emotional reactions it must surley have some Soul content.
  12. Another one surprisingly hard to find for a cheapie .Mines a nice yellow demo.One told by an old torcher that it got lots of spins there and always went down well.Never heard anyone else play it out.The flip is an awsome dancer also.
  13. Another Northern all time classic from the Torch era.Took me an age to find a nice genuine original.Loads of lookalike boots out there.
  14. Its Certainly a stomper mate elements of So Is The Sun --World column.
  15. Not posted for a bit and thought i would bring a bit of OOOMPH back to the thread with this stormer from Freddie Scott.Always in my playbox and due for an airing.
  16. Used to have this and now would like it back so looking for a nice condition original Date label issue or Demo please Pms for a cash sale Patto
  17. For sale the very in demand Pinkie in Ex plus condtion(see scan) PRICE £80 inc post Payment CHEQUE OR CONCEELED CASH ONLY SENT RECRDED pm to reserve
  18. One of My all Time Faves always in my box.Real Stormer great shout Dave
  19. Top Atmospheric Northern.Record in Mint minus cond(see scan) Price £ 30 inc post. Payment Cheques or Conceeled cash NO PAYAL pm to reserve
  20. For sale in mint minus condition the BLACK TEXT variation label see scan price £80 inc post CHEQUE OR CONCEELED CASH RECORDED NO PAYPAL PMS ONLY TO RESERVE
  21. Hi Guys For sale big casino oldie in mint minus condition(see scan) LOU ROBERTS----YOU FOOLED ME----MGM DEMO ORIGINAL Price £40 inc post Payment by CHEQUE OR CONCEELED CASH SENT RECORDED.NO PAYPAL pms to reserve
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  22. Bought my original more than 20 years ago and in the same sales box there was a copy of the boot for the same price.One has cropped up on Tim Browns Auction be interesting to see what that makes.
  23. Enjoyed that Pete Nice mix of Tunes and a good bit of banter.The Intros -- Stop Look and Listen, is one i like to play.Was once told it was an early Casino spin for Russ can you recall it.
  24. Mint minus copy of this fabulous tune on American Music Maker label see scan Price £50 inc post Payment CHEQUE OR CONCEELED CASH sent recorded NO PAYPAL PM to reserve

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