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Everything posted by Patto

  1. Personally Steve ive not seen that many Solid Hit ones.Loads of copies around in the 90s lost count of the times ive heard that said about records that are now 150 quid plus. .
  2. Got to be more than that Jez even the Track issue .The you tube track from Manship had it listed for 200 and he looks like he sold it.I Know thats very top end but the Solid Hit is a hard one to find nowadays and a great tune much better than a lot of stuff played out
  3. Thanks Guys.Think its ready for placing to the front of my playbox.What do you think its worth in todays market place.
  4. Thanks for posting Tony.So it did get 70s turntable action at some of the legendary vnues.its amazing the great tunes i have heard were big at the venues you mentioned that never crossed over to the Casino.
  5. Hi Guys This is one that i remember getting lots of plays mainly round the North west venues in the 90s.Loved it so much i landed a Solid Hit copy around the same time.Asked several of the old guard if they ever heard it in the 70s venues and non could remember it.Seeing that it also came out on UK Track i thought it would have had some casino or cleggy actio.Can anyone recall it from the old days when where and who played it.My copy plays a bit low fi but is ok with the gain notched up.Are the Track copies the same.
  6. Heres a stormer ive had for a while played at the casino im told covered up as wilson Picket.
  7. Too right Peter now thats something we agree on mate
  8. Too right Peter now thats something we agree on mate
  9. Fraid im with Mr Bird on this one.Pookie has never done owt for me either,always cringe when it comes on
  10. 100 CLUB oldie next Try stopping this one from getting under your skin.
  11. Chris your spin was the first time i had heard it for a while also.One of those this sounds shit hot moments Think it will get some airtime from me if i manage to get it on before you buddy
  12. One ive just been re-aquainted with after several years is this great slab of detroit girl group Northern from the Wonderettes.Well worth a reactivated spin.
  13. After an original copy on UK president with horizontal credits or a U.S original on Kent.Please Pm with price and condition. Patto SORTED SORTED
  14. My playlist from the Gas Club at Crookes Sheffield on Sat 24th.All original vinyl and all traditional classics to suit the night.Think there is room to introduce a lot more underplayed to keep things interesting next month. Vibrations---Cause Your Mine---Epic Sounds Of Lane---Tracks To Your Mind---Cobblestone Demo Soul Twins---Quick Change Artist---Karen Demo Capreez---How To Make A Sad Man Glad---Sound Demo Four Pros---Just Another Girl--- Carla Demo Shane Martin---I Need You---Epic Embers---Watch out Girl---MGM Demo Tempos---Countdown Here I Come-- Canterbury Demo Mary Love---Lay This Burdon Down---Modern Mr Floods Party---Compared To What--- Ember U.K Demo Joey Dee---How Can I Forget (inst)---Caneil Art Freeman---Slipping Around---Fame Linda Jones---I Just Cant Live My Life--- Warner Bros Demo Terrible Tom---We Were Made For Each Other---Maverick Demo Exciters---Blowing Up My Mind---R C A Demo Skull Snaps---My Hang Up Is You---GSF U.K Demo Lee Rogers---Craked Up Over You---Wheelsville French Fries--- Danse A La Musique--- Epic Don Gardner--My Baby Likes To Boogaloo---True Glow Town Judy Clay---You Busted My Mind--- Scepter Demo Lonnie Lester---You Cant Go---Nu-Tone Bobby Freeman---Ill Never Fall In Love Again--- Autumn Earl Grant---Hide Nor Hair---Decca Dean Parrish---Determination---Boom Johnny Jones---Purple Haze--- Brunswick Sandy Wynns--- Touch Of Venus---Champion Demo Cheers Patto
  15. Casino Biggie from me tonight.One of the best intros ever.Mine is on the Mary Jane label as in the clip
  16. Very nice tune Martyn so underated,mine is on the other label Surefine.The flip aint too shabby either
  17. Thanks for keeping my end up Martyn.Pacesetters just an Awesome tune.Back from the Majorca sun.Playing the tunes poolside reminded me i must start playing this class oldie from the Soulville Allstars.Anyone know when this baby first hit the nighter decks,i think it did get some casino action
  18. Final one from me guys.Going on my Hols soon so the 60s mafia will be depleated.Honestly though this thread is an oasis and i respect and enjoy hearing new stuff even the whistle blowing stuff.Leaving you with a recent big sound which has just got its firs release on Hayley.JJ Barnes -- Lucille
  19. Next one from me one that the Marvelous Mr Bird put me onto.Also prev unissued this one appeared on the flip of one of the recent Soul City label incarnations.Not easy to find as most have snapped it up.
  20. Well some nice tunes from Rick and Chris but time now to step out of the PINK OYSTER DISCO STUDIO .In response tonight 3 prev unssued 60s stormers Heres a Doni Burdick tune that became a monster spin in the 90s .After being previously unssued it got its first legit issue on the Pink Soul King label.
  21. Like a few of the uptempo cleggy 70s classics but Summer In the Parks was always a step too far for me.A Jumbled mess of a tune i always make for the bogs when it comes on .
  22. Bruv the first track after Christine Cooper is Donald Lee Richardson--You Got Me In The Palm Of My Hand. If you mean the very brief snip before that well its too muffled for me to make out it could be an instrumental.
  23. A change from me here with a 70s tune.Great social commentary in the lyrics that are still relevent today.Had this on 9 chains demo for a while not heard it played out for many years
  24. Here you go 27.35 Fantastic stuff
  25. Never heard it till my time in the 80s Martyn so dont know the score but it would surprise me if it did get a Wigan Spin.The tempo and style was a step away from the traditional Northern sound an 80s vibe like so many stafford oldies that dont get accepted by todays scene.There is a fantastic clip on you tube of crazy Baz playing it out at a venue in the 80s ill see if i can track it down.

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