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Everything posted by Patto

  1. Me too Mick its a great tune
  2. John Ive got a deffo real one and as Pete Says it has a raised x in the runout.Its on Styrene.If you zoom in on my scan you can see the embosed X.At 2 oclock this is the clincher.Its a regular Gas Club spin for me an will never be for sale..
  3. My Tunes spun 9-- 10 At Crookes last night.Thanks for all the nice comments on the night.Had the un enviable task of being on before Dick Kropp but loved it as usual. Jo Armstead---I Feel An Urge Coming On--Giant Shalimars---Stop And Take A Look At Yourself---Verve Glories---I Worship You Baby---Date Demo Jeanette Harper--Put Me In Your Pocket---20th Century Demo Marvellos-- Somethings Burning---Loma Demo Tempos--- Countdown Here I Come--- Canterbury Demo Sheila Anthony---Livin In Love---Buttercup Nita Rossi--- Something To Give--- Astor(Australian) Tammy St John--- Nobody Knows Whats Going On ---Pye U.K Otis Blackwell---Its All Over Me---Epic Demo Little Flint--- Pain---Beast Capreez--- How To Make A Sad Man Glad --- Sound Demo Contenders---You Gotta Do What You Gotta Do-- Edge Thelma Houston--- Baby Mine--- Capitol Demo Gene Chandler--- Mr Big Shot--- Constellation Mr Floods Party--- Compared To What---Ember U.K Demo Shane Martin---I Need You---Epic Joey Dee---How Can I Forget (inst)---Caneil Johnny Jones---Purple Haze--- Brunswick Jackie Payne--- No Puppy Love---Jetstream Tymes--What Would I Do---M G M Demo Jewels--- We Got Togetherness--- M.G.M Demo
  4. No need to get hauled over the coals mate every one of us has been caught out at some point in time even the so called experts.Its good when we can admit it and pass on the knowlege Agree the Manny first bootleg guide saved my blushes several times Seen That P.B in a few bootlegs runouts,always wandered who he was or maybe it just stands for Perfect Boot
  5. Been bitten myself Ian prob most of us have over the years.Those 70s lookalike boots,Alexander Patton,Billy Prophet,Mel Britt,Young Hearts have fooled many over the years.
  6. Agreed with Ian and Chalky.The Columbia Special Product releases are around 1977 almost 10 years after the original epic releases.They were done to fuel the demand from the scene and can only be classed as later reissues even though they are totally legit. I have heard a few get confused with bootlegs and countrfeits.Counterfeits are still bootlegs but are done with close to identicle labels with the strict purpose to decieve and be passed off as originals. Also as brich stated the term Pressing is widely used to refere to a bootleg
  7. Ha Ha .As soon as i saw the head spin bollocks i knew what was waiting for me at work.Sure enough monday morning came the shout( Patto so thats why your as bald as a billiard ball)
  8. Thanks for the offers guys now sorted with a copy
  9. Oh dear not looking forward to this.Get ready at your local soul night for a load of Brendan Cole lookalikes turning up and all your relatives this christmas saying thats what youve been into then all these years
  10. Still looking for this please.Had several offers of the boot but only interested in the original and willing to pay top side of the going rate for a nice un.
  11. Another one ive been re aquainted with.One of the cheapest original label wigan anthems you can buy and still one of the best.
  12. Hi Guys NOW SORTED After this please looking for a nice condition Date original copy of the above demo or issue Pms please with price and condition for a cash sale Patto
  13. Great Togetherness video Sooty i hardly missed one those days .The scene was Great back then.Cant believe so many people failed with the Young Hearts question though.Good to see your still on form.
  14. Fantastic Video full of the big nighter sounds from the late 90s into early 00s era.Many characters on show.Thanks for posting
  15. THANKS for all the Trade offers guys ive now accepted one so its now closed
  16. Had several offers of trades and going to leave till tonight before contacting the one i want thanks.Ill reply to all messages either way
  17. EX Condition demo copy.Thing is i really want a trade on this not a sale.I value it at around 125 and im looking for any similar priced traditional Northern oldie on original label of course.So send me a couple of suggested trades you feel may fit the bill and we could do a deal.I can pm a few wants if required.
  18. At Sheffield's Gas club Dave Brenton spins this one at the end of the night Real Spine tingler
  19. Hi Guys SORTED SORTED After this one back looking for a nice condition Buttercup original copy of the above demo or issue Pms please with price and condition Patto
  20. Hi Guys Regarding this Black issue please read all thread.I did contact JM a while back who stated that both black label designs were originals.Seen ones like mine with shortened R Mac credits selling as originals.Still getting different opinions from collectors.So any further input or opinions would be welcome thanks.
  21. Thanks for That Bruv.Slight differences in Text layout but mine has same markings including that 7 and 3
  22. This one on youtube is identicle to my copy is it an original
  23. Hi Chalky Run out details are 15404 scratched in
  24. Nice set Ian good mix of top tunes.Got a few of them myself and gonna give The Del Counts a spin in my next outing great record.Volumes also brill and Strings & Things a great choice.
  25. Following on from the Darkest Days thread here is my ABC copy of Eddie Holman.This copy is Vinyl and has small text credits.As far as i can tell there are two vinyl press text variants and one styrene press all being sold as 1968 originals.Is it a case of west coast -- Styrene and the two vinyl ones East coast.Anyone know for sure.

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