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Everything posted by Patto

  1. Looking for a nice copy on Mercury original issue or demo NOW SORTED THANKS PM with details please Patto
  2. Thanks mate its the instrumental im interested in and you have answered my question in that the first release was the Select one
  3. Can anyone tell me what is the difference between the two Kent releases of this prev unissued instrumental.One on Kent select and one on Kent Town.Which version is the best to play out .
  4. Done a lot of research on this over the last couple of months.It appears there are no problems with the Poly sleeves as pictured in my first post and as pic below.I personally like using these as it protects the labels from ring wear when stored and when playing out.When DJ ing I like to get my records out of my box and put them to one side on the table.The poly gives that added bit of protection.
  5. One here of me and my daughter Jess at her first Brid Weekender 7 years ago
  6. Hi Gogs Two nice tunes there mate.I would suggest wading through the recent Wigan monsters thread,some of the best and worst northern soul oldies ever to be played are up there. Also the Soul Source records thread has clips of what other guys are listening to and buying.
  7. Great tune Bruv.I believe it was covered up in the early days as The Black Ship To Hell which is how it feels these days when i try to dance to it
  8. I think basically your right mate.But realistically no Wigan monsters will ever be totally forgotten as if the tune was a monster then there must be loads of people who still remember the tune.Its all subjective and as previously stated depends on Your age,the venues you attended,When or if you left the scene for a period.Regionally some records that get hammered are lesser played at other places. However i think this thread has thrown up a boat load of records that many posters have said they have not heard for several years so they are forgotten in that respect. At least it got us talking about records and its given us all a lot of enjoyment along the way.
  9. TOP call Steve.Got this on a Gold issue and much prefere it to World Without Sunshine
  10. Took me ages to get a real original copy of this Casino classic from the Millionaires.Never gets played anymore and is pretty much forgotten while their other track Never Never For Me has become an overplayed oldie.Much prefere this one myself
  11. Yep ive got this and played it out around a year ago.Heard it was discoverered in a Sheffield Junk shop by Ian Dewhurst and Pat Brady.
  12. Yeah thats true but there are good reasons why the vast majority of the tunes should be remembered. Lots of dross records were played at all the legendary clubs.The 80s also turned out some dire records and right up to the present there are many tunes that produce an almost audible groan whenever they are played.But even the dross attracts someone onto the dancefloor. The early Wigan era tunes were before my time but i always feel that they create a certain x factor atmosphere that only these records can generate. They still cause a great deal of interest and discusion hence the longevity of the records reflected in this mamoth thread.
  13. Heres a stormer that aint that overplayed.Which DJ spun this at the casino Thats a stormer mate nice one
  14. Brilliant Steve.Ive spent a lot of money over the years on original vinyl Wigan oldies but this one is unfortunately out of my price range now.Would love to own one. Great thread this running out of likes Big Respect to you Wigan guys.
  15. Gets played out regularly by our own Dave Brenton off the original LP at sheffields Gas Club
  16. I Love the girlie sounds too Steve.I think that in the last couple of years there has been an upserge in popularity for some of the lesser played casino sounds and often its these sounds that seem to get the floor going.Frank Lyndon,Joey Dee,thelma Houston,Ron Holden all do well for me these days. Also this one Steve one of the best Girlies ever
  17. Also this one that i have recently purchased.An all time fave that i believe was a late Casino tune and certainly early Stafford
  18. Massive thread great reading.I dont know if this one has featured yet and not played much these days.
  19. Looking for a nice copy of JIVE FIVE YOUR A PUZZLE UNITED ARTISTS PM price please Cheers Patto
  20. Hi Gogs I spend hours on you tube listening to loads of stuff.Many times ive come accross tunes i have fellin love with and bought on original vinyl.Also its great to be reminded of forgotten classics and i have bought many such records to play in my spots. From the point of view of records i could never afford check out the fantastic BazFromThe Past videos for some incredible millionaires only Northern All played on his gold plated Technics Love looking at Juds videos to catch site of old mates dancing including a few of myself over the years , and get an idea of what gets played at a wide variety of different venues But my fave videos are done by Ian Stacey.These are a mix of Ians own records played on his decks and some fantastic footage of nighters taken from the stage behind the DJ and decks mostly at Nuneaton.Ian captures the atmosphere and buzz briliantly.
  21. That 74 contempo was the crap version wasnt it.Lots of lads got caught out on that one lol.Cant recall a casino classics just the later 1035 orange and a later one on a RCA UK EP. With Beverly Ann on other side
  22. Youre getting some Top Classic together Bruv.Not easy with todays crazy prices
  23. Cheers mate WOW crazy price.Got one just like it but its going nowhere at any price.Great record
  24. What did it end up going for did it go above the 479
  25. Hi Fred these two dont seem to be doing bad in trainers on the non talc tower floor

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