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SoulBoy BWFC

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Everything posted by SoulBoy BWFC

  1. a Brilliant Day with fantastic tunes played on Vinyl BL Soul Club Presents, Vinyl Soul & Motown Alldayer Guest DJ TBA. Sunday 19th September 2021. Looks to be a Fantastic Afternoon Of Northern Soul, Motown, Club Soul and Modern Soul. £3 On The Door. Guest DJ TBA. Starts 3pm Till 9pm. All tested This is a Brilliant Room Perfect and lovely dance floor. Please remain from bringing Talc Over 18s Only, and Friendly vibe. , Plenty car park space and Cheap Drinks. 250 Radcliffe Moor Rd, Bolton BL2 6RL 10 Mins from Bolton Town Center & 10 Mins Bury Town Center
  2. a Brilliant Day with fantastic tunes played on Vinyl BL Soul Club Presents, Vinyl Soul & Motown Alldayer Guest DJ TBA. Sunday 18th July 2021. Looks to be a Fantastic Afternoon Of Northern Soul, Motown, Club Soul and Modern Soul. £3 On The Door. Guest DJ TBA. Starts 3pm Till 9pm. All tested This is a Brilliant Room Perfect and lovely dance floor. Please remain from bringing Talc Over 18s Only, and Friendly vibe. , Plenty car park space and Cheap Drinks. 250 Radcliffe Moor Rd, Bolton BL2 6RL 10 Mins from Bolton Town Center & 10 Mins Bury Town Center
  3. Brilliant Day with fantastic tunes played on Vinyl ,Brickroft Social Club Rochdale Present, Vinyl Soul & Motown Alldayer. Sunday 16th February 2020. Looks to be another Fantastic Afternoon Of Northern Soul, Motown, Club Soul and Modern Soul. £3 On The Door £2 For club Members.DJ Alan King, JB, Alexis and Guet DJ Rochdales Own Steve Henderson. Starts 3pm Till 8pm. All tested This is a Brilliant Room Perfect and lovely dance floor Over 18s Only, and Friendly vibe. , Plenty car park space and Cheap Drinks. Brickcroft Social Club, High Street Rochdale OL12 0NS
  4. SoulBoy BWFC

    BL Soul Club Alldayer

    Should be a Brilliant Day with fantastic tunes played on Vinyl BL Soul Club Presents, Vinyl Soul & Motown Alldayer. Sunday 17th May 2020. Looks to be a Fantastic Afternoon Of Northern Soul, Motown, Club Soul and Modern Soul. £3 On The Door. Guest DJ TBA. Starts 3pm Till 9pm. All tested This is a Brilliant Room Perfect and lovely dance floor. Please remain from bringing Talc Over 18s Only, and Friendly vibe. , Plenty car park space and Cheap Drinks. 250 Radcliffe Moor Rd, Bolton BL2 6RL 10 Mins from Bolton Town Center & 10 Mins Bury Town Center
  5. SoulBoy BWFC

    BL Soul Club Alldayer

    Should be a Brilliant Day with fantastic tunes played on Vinyl BL Soul Club Presents, Vinyl Soul & Motown Alldayer. Sunday 15th March 2020. Looks to be a Fantastic Afternoon Of Northern Soul, Motown, Club Soul and Modern Soul. £3 On The Door. Guest DJ Harry Grundy Soulsville and Boro Soul Club . Starts 3pm Till 9pm. All tested This is a Brilliant Room Perfect and lovely dance floor. Please remain from bringing Talc Over 18s Only, and Friendly vibe. , Plenty car park space and Cheap Drinks. 250 Radcliffe Moor Rd, Bolton BL2 6RL 10 Mins from Bolton Town Center & 10 Mins Bury Town Center
  6. SoulBoy BWFC

    BL Soul Club Dayer

    Should be a Brilliant Day with fantastic tunes played on Vinyl BL Soul Club Presents, Vinyl Soul & Motown Alldayer. Sunday 19th January 2020. Looks to be a Fantastic Afternoon Of Northern Soul, Motown, Club Soul and Modern Soul. £3 On The Door. Guest DJs Mr Ms Gally & His Right Hand Man Phil Wells Starts 3pm Till 9pm. All tested This is a Brilliant Room Perfect and lovely dance floor. Please remain from bringing Talc ( Div Dust ) Over 18s Only, and Friendly vibe. , Plenty car park space and Cheap Drinks. 250 Radcliffe Moor Rd, Bolton BL2 6RL 10 Mins from Bolton Town Center & 10 Mins Bury Town Center
  7. My condolences to Gail, Natt and Johny Pitts , Great friend and a lovely fella.
  8. Sad news I was gutted to find out, I knew he had been poorly we would stay in touch via facebook, Last time i saw him was shopping on bury market i gave him a massive hug. I owe alot to Billy mick, he introduced me to some lovely people and took me to some wonderful nighters and dayers early 2000s .
  9. Cant stop a man in love for my Motown Collection, Motown original dont matter if it is a demo or normal, anyone got one for sale please, Thankyou
  10. not sure what time it happened, we had left at 1am Monday morning and heard nothing unless this was afterwards. Hope Keith is OK
  11. This is the re issue apparently. Anyway i read somewhere on here years ago the stardust records were made by disabled people somewhere in canada i could be wrong though https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/THE-TEMPESTS-I-CRIED-FOR-YOU-c-w-SOME-DAY/113242164748?hash=item1a5dc24e0c:g:1G0AAOSwO95bloZ-
  12. i have a tempest someday on stardust, if it is a boot then someone made a boot of a boot
  13. There would be some royalties somewhere paid down the line i would think. All money mate
  14. WWF Wrestler William Steve Regal Massive Northern and Rare Soul Fan
  15. i need another one as mine has Vanished out the old box along with a few others, if anyone has one for sale and would like to sell PM us thanks
  16. That was our bands name years ago when we were kids, The Shakers. We named ourselves after Bury FC For some reason, Did a couple of tunes from an old tape i had given to me, Chains of love jj barnes and Your my mellow edwin starr . we did more beatles and punk stuff and our own tunes too
  17. nice one few of them i didn't have, just bought some, belting tracks
  18. i want to sell them on £160 each or make us a good offer, thanks
  19. you still got these
  20. keep up the good work paulb
  21. i got a few thousand on mine, i made the northern soul top 500 in a playlist. great stuff. tons of motown on it too along with shit loads of ska and scooterist tunes. anybody want any i can sen some mp3 stuff over. msn me jbsoulsound@yahoo.co.uk

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