The best night for me was when we did a combined 50th Party Alldayer on 30th April at Bedford Athletic RFC for Winston, Anne, Barbara, Tommy and myself. An absolutely stonkin night with the best "up For It" Atmosphere I've experienced in a long time. Around 300 travelled from all over the country.............including Danny all the way from Ireland.......gave me such a buzz that i was up on it for days !
The best point of 2006 for me was also the point I once and for all realised "it isn't supposed to be serious" don't take it seriously."
Have a laugh, socialise with some great people, enjoy collecting long wanted tunes but for f*ck sake don't let anyone spoil it by trying to tell you it's serious.
It's all about the crack with geat music being a bargain into the process.
Once you stop having a laugh it's only a matter of time before you stop going.
Therefore, ny New Year's Resolution will be to babble even more nonesense to even more people thereby saving the scene from any downturn.