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Pete Burton

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Everything posted by Pete Burton

  1. Thanks Terry, I'll have to have a chat with Steve then.
  2. Joe Vandiver - You're Everything(They Said You Would Be) - Jade Recently got a copy of this and it sounds really nice.......to my ears anyway.........anyone know it, played it out, value, etc. ?
  3. Been told that the pink ones are rarer but it probably makes bugger all difference to the price mate. Still would price it at £75.............mine was only VG+ anyway I reckon.
  4. One from my want it but can't afford it list...........at least £2,000 I'm afraid Mike.
  5. Hi Pete, I recently sold a pink issue of this for £75 and think that's about the right area. Hope that helps.
  6. The best night for me was when we did a combined 50th Party Alldayer on 30th April at Bedford Athletic RFC for Winston, Anne, Barbara, Tommy and myself. An absolutely stonkin night with the best "up For It" Atmosphere I've experienced in a long time. Around 300 travelled from all over the country.............including Danny all the way from Ireland.......gave me such a buzz that i was up on it for days ! The best point of 2006 for me was also the point I once and for all realised "it isn't supposed to be serious"................so don't take it seriously." Have a laugh, socialise with some great people, enjoy collecting long wanted tunes but for f*ck sake don't let anyone spoil it by trying to tell you it's serious. It's all about the crack with geat music being a bargain into the process. Once you stop having a laugh it's only a matter of time before you stop going. Therefore, ny New Year's Resolution will be to babble even more nonesense to even more people thereby saving the scene from any downturn.
  7. There's not many good books dedicated to Northern and 'The In Cowd' is probably the best one to date but also try: Too Darn Soulful - David Nowell Casino - Dave Shaw Soul Survivors - David Nowell That Beatin' Rhythym - Paddy Grady You should be able to get them on Amazon or direct from Beecool. Anything else available are really mostly record price guides, vinyl details, etc,which is really only of interest to chinstrokers like me. Apart form Kev Robert's Northern Soul Top 500 which is bollocks because it's just one man's isolated view on the top 500............but don't let me put you off reading it. Happy reading !
  8. Think Paul Harris has got one for sale.
  9. Impossible to narrow it down to my favourite 5...........so here's the 10 that made 2006 a great year for me ! Robert Tanner - Sweet Memories - Megatone Honey & The Bees - Dynamite Exploded - Arctic Inspirations - Your Wish Is My Command - Midas Tokays - Baby, Baby, Baby - Brute Honey Bees - Let's Get Back Together - Garrison Demo The Mar-J's - Got To Find A Way Out - Magic Touch Monique - If You Love Me (Show Me) - Maurci Groovettes - Think It Over Baby - Reness Regents - What'cha Gonna Do - m.a.d. Soul Set - Will You Ever Learn - Bi-Me
  10. The other side "There Was A Woman" is just simply brilliant..........as you say a great double sider and unfortunately still on my wants list........still you can't have em all can you ? Gotta get along to Burnley soon, I've heard about the quality of stuff being played there and it sounds like my kinda heaven.
  11. I've had this problem before and the unclaimed payment was just refunded to my card. However, If the seller stated in the auction he takes paypal then he should honour that undertaking. You are within your rights therefore, to complain to ebay and refuse other payment methods. Hope that helps.
  12. Not so fast Baz I'll bid £6.50 a week.
  13. Chalky, can you please talk the price down and not up !
  14. Cheers Pete............would rather be spinning my own copy though. C'mon surely someone's got one languishing at the back of their box and would like some extra Xmas cash ?
  15. Hi Maria, How about selling it for an unfair price ?
  16. Hi Maria, How about selling it for an unfair price ?
  17. Yeh Spooky............also bloody frustrating mate..........we often seem to be after the same things at the same time ! Would like to know how much you had to pay Phil ????
  18. Thanks anyway Gaz............if you don't ask you don't get..........must be someone got one who'd rather have the cash ???
  19. Thanks Baz I've PM'd him.........fingers crossed you never know.
  20. The song subject's a bit dodgy but I have to agree it's gone down a storm whenever I've played it out.
  21. Right now let me see........I'll remind Baz to remind you tomorrow..........if I remember that is ! In the meantime surely someone's got one that they would like to go to a good home ?
  22. You just missed one that went cheap on ebay last night........was only about £50...........nearly bought myself........already got one but it was that cheap !

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