I'm surprised.... Firstly, didn't know it had been booted but more so $600 for it. My little story goes like this:
John's Soul Bowl list dropped through the letter box as usual. I'd already got the phone in my hand. John and I were friends and even if there wasn't anything of interest on the 'Rarities' page I'd always order something and reserve it to collect at the weekend, such was our relationship. As I opened the list and quickly scanned down the Northern section I saw the Empires "You're On Top Girl" on a Candi white demo...... the price, a mere £5.00
It was still a relatively new record on the scene and I hadn't seen John list it before. It was certainly going for more than a fiver. I bit the bullet, dialled the number and got through straight away. "I'm guessing you fucked up" I said to John. "Oh hi Steve", he said (he knew my voice). "I guess you mean the Empires". "I presume it's £50 unless you've found a box full" I said. "Yeah, bloody typewriter" came his reply. "I'll take it anyway"..... and the deal was done.
Ted Massey was fuming and has never forgiven me for that one I don't think !