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Everything posted by Soulman

  1. Bloody hell, Heres me watching Gordons cook a long and hey, the reply's are there. Keep them coming and I'll put em in. Thanks Rob for your input. You da man Steve
  2. Hey guys, I know I posted this as an inclusion in the 100th edition of Manifesto but deadlines were tight. Mike is keen to put it in though. From previous posts, I got the top 49. If you could spare the time, please post the remainder (51 plus) of your favourite tunes, artist, title, label, name and area, and ideally not in Kev's top 500 book, so that we may get a wider scope of what people want and like, across the scene. Again, there is some urgency so don't delay, post today!!!
  3. Hi folks, We missed the deadline for inclusion in the 100th edition of the mag and, as it was, there were only 50 entries. I'm asking, once again for a further 50 alternative northern entries for the next issue. For those of you who already submited, I thank you. For those who didn't....COME ON. All I need is artist, title, label, and if you wish, name and area. Ive five days to deadline but this could be an inspiration to many of the DJ's stuck in their ways as I see it. Tell me if I'm wrong or not. Look forward to some input. Steve
  4. Hi Gil, The Internet is proving to be a wonderful place to catch up with guys like yourself who have had a part in making our scene what it is today. Thankyou for your input. We all appreciate it dearly. How would you feel about an interview for Manifesto magazine, a publication dedicated to soul music. Please e-mail me if you fancy doing something for the mag. Best contact is steve@detroit-soulman.com Thanks Steve
  5. There is no contest. Judy (Street) Corner "What". Rare release, rare label, HB Barnum production...perfect northern soul and, as far as I'm concerned, colour just doesn't enter into it. She's a wonderful woman.
  6. It may be short notice, but that's how deadlines work. I'm looking for 100 singular entries for the alternative top 100 northern and crossover tunes for inclusion in the 100th edition of Manifesto. Please add in Times New Roman 12 with the following details: Artist Title Label Your Name Your Area Example: Daisy Burris "Four Strong Winds" Deesu John Smith Birmingham Hopefully we will have time to get this done and it may just give a more precise view of what we want, listen to and enjoy. Thanks in anticipation Steve
  7. I remember the banner. the EASC were there but it was nothing to do with Mick Bradbury. He had gotten into modern then maybe with some influence from me! I don't think it was aimed at richard either as, although he featured modern, it was unheard, independent releases. i feel it was aimed at Sam as he was playing Coffee's "Casanova" and Mel Carters "No Work, No Play" which was so very new at the time, almost verging on electronic as far as the latter goes. It was just Sam being diverse, something he does so well hence the progression of the scene IMHO. Much of the music has fell by the wayside to become chart hits and disassociated from the scene, but then again have so many other tracks, some of which have earned a revival over the years. The fact that tunes were first played on a very bouyant northern scene and became chart doesn't make them any less soulful though, just more commercial. After all, there were far more tracks played that were already commercial hits that got played. It all boils down to politics and. as far as I am concerned, if a track has been played on the scene and accepted by the dance floor, it has every right to go under the banner of northern soul, such is the diversity of the scene. It's the die hards that have the difficulty with such a statement. Take for example "What". A UK chart hit courtesy of Grapevine. A record written by HB Barnum. A great dance record with very catchy lyrics and superb production. For the die hards, it was sung by a white gal. A no go from the start. But look again. The pedigree, the rarity on original vinyl. It has everything a northern soul record should have and, as far as I am concerned, deserves to go under the banner of northern soul just like all the tracks played at the Casino in the latter days. I may however draw the line at "Green Onions" and the mod invasion, but that was just Russ trying to keep attendance high and catering to the masses. It was a business and anybody just may have done the same thing at the time knowing that the end was nigh. And that, my friends, is just one individual opinion whether it be right or wrong
  8. If you are a subscriber and haven't recieved the March issue, please either contact Mike on the Bee Cool number (0208 543 4252) or send me a PM. The computer that generates the address labels suffered a problem this month. Mike is aware of it but is unable to tell who got copies and who didn't. Some people have made contact and had the magazines posted out, albeit a little later than planned. If you still haven't recieved a copy, we need to know so that the same thing doesn't happen next month. On behalf of Manifesto, can I apologise for some thing that was beyong Mike's control but the problem will be resolved with subscribers help. So please get in touch at your earliest convenience. Thanks
  9. Areet Dukesy, How's it going. What about the ultimate version by Annette Hesterman on a Dutch release. Longer, better and way above the rest. Need to find it and copy it to PC but what a great version.
  10. With you on that one Ian. Absolutely massive on the East Coast and huge at the Fleet all-nighters in Peterborough & St Ives. As a pounding, inviting instrumental, they don't come much better IMO
  11. Mint copy of 7th Avenue Avenue Aviators "You Should Have Held On" on Congress Demo (played only once by me as I have the Frankie Karl version which I use). Offers over £500. Postage at cost.
  12. You can blame Dave Appleyard of Cleethorpes fame for that one!!!
  13. Got a couple of tunes I need to move on. Note condition on all of them: Mousie & The Traps "It's all in the way" Toddlin Town in mint condition. Offers over £350 Lori Ann "Darling Say No" Merlon in mint condition. Offers over £150. Larry Brown "Breaking Training" Fireworks. Offers over £100 (This has featured in a thread recently and generated positive response from those who didn't know it...Ex Bits and Pieces c/up from latter days of the Casino and Clifton Hall. All are mint and guaranteed originals. Cheers for looking Steve
  14. Got a couple of tunes I need to move on: Mousie & The Traps "It's all in the way" Toddlin Town 8204. Nice yellow copy in as mint condition as you could want. £350 or more. Lori Ann "Darling Say No" Melron 5007. Again, a nive yello Philly issue in mint nick. Offers over £150. Both have gone for more in the auctions. Also have Larry Brown "Breaking Training" Fireworks 1000 which has been mentioned on a thread recently. Another minter. Offers over £100. All guaranteed condition and original copies. Postage at cost. Cheers Steve
  15. got a mint copy of Cecil. It'll break my heart but I need the cash. Anyone want to buy one. Theres also a Ronnie McNeir too (Sitting original)
  16. First scan is the original press. If you have one with the sddress scratched out, then they are the very first the John Anderson found. He then had about 1000 that he put out on the list. They sold in maybe a 500-600 quantity. The rest went back to Craig Moerer when John sold his stock. The unusual plain design is a, as far as I am aware, legitimate re-press and is quite possibly rarer than the original. Because it's a re-press, it becomes less valuable but may still command the same as an original. Larry Houston is a different kettle of fish. It's a different take. Larry went back into the studio and re-cut the track. Although it sounds similar, the giveway is the "Whoa" in the break two thirds into the song. It doesn't happen on the second take. I have a twelve of the original version but have never seen another. Would appreciate anyone else who has one making contact.
  17. Repeat post: I know of many collectors who have dropped out of the scene and yet retain their collection. I too have had friends round who have delved into boxes and found things that I didnt even know I had. Its that easy. When I DJ, I tend to move on and go with trends, modern, crossover... whatever. I have records that were big then and rare now. Due to a lack of integrity, I didnt realise this. I've sold £1000's of pounds worth of records, all from Anderson, which I got for pennies by comparison. Frank Wilson is the only record that is almost guaranteed a three copy status. Frank Beverly is down to two, contrary to what Tim Brown says. The only record that is a one off, is an acetate cut by some two bit artist on a cutting machine back in 64 or beyond. It may be good... but its not a record. Records were pressed in quantity in the sixties and somewhere, they are there... unless they are destroyed. That has come from the label owners, artists and distributors. If you want numbers, I will provide, without sounding big headed
  18. Think about it. Somebody is into Northern. They buy, they collect. and then something happens. The records get put aside. I have never dropped out of the scene but, a mate of mine came round not so long ago, delved deep into boxes I never open, and found things I didn't even know I had. That's how easy it is to forget. There are those who have dropped out of the scene completely, and I can name a few who had collections with big records in there. What has happened to them. They are stashed away but they add to the number of supposed rarities... all of a sudden things arent so rare.
  19. As I understand it, to be cost effective, the minimum press was 500 if only to get to the local stations. Take into account freebies and family hand outs and you could be getting up 1000 on any record at not much more cost. The question to be asked is were they destroyed... something which happened frequently way back when.
  20. Repetative crap... yes maybe. But the backbone of the detroit scene. Popcorn at his best, driving beat, chinks and all. The thing is, weve all heard it before but it still has the best beat and simply invites you on the floor.
  21. Having helped John Anderson and living close by (at the time) I can tell you he has had at least 20 if not 30 copies through his hands. It's one of those records that will be up in lofts somewhere and is not as rare as people think. Its still great, ultra soulful and unique. But to pay in excess of 10k for somewthing that was pressed in over 1000 count is crazy.
  22. Deffo a Mecca tune although I think Ian let Tony Jebb play it (as far as my memory goes and that's pickled so don't quote me on that). Richard certailnly picked up on it for Wigan but it really hit it's first height at Stafford. I bought one from a guy at the Fleet in Peterborough for £80. He also had the Frank Beverly on Rouser and wanted the same price. Guess I made something of a mistake although I've made a few of them in time. Sold mine for around £400 back in the mid Eighties after taking advice from me old mater John Anderson. Same as Larry Clinton issue, Little John "Just Wait and See" on GoGate and so many more. Financially I gained so I'm not bitter. Just wish I had them all now because I could pay off my (bigger than I would like) mortgage!!!
  23. Stone mint copy of 7th Avenue Aviators for sale. Same as Frankie Karl "You Should Have Held On". Original Congress demo. serious offers only... if you want the Frankie Karl instead, even more serious offers as it is the unusual label design but not stone mint
  24. spoke to lou only the other week. he's not a recluse but doesn't like travel too much although he iskeen to get to the UK by whatever means. he'd love to chat to people over here. i'll get the ok and let you have his number if anyone wants it... but he's got no records (before you ask).
  25. Against the DJ point of view, we need to be able to introduce everything across the board in one set. The DJ point of view being "filling the floor" is something of a necessity from the professional point of view but to continue the scne and progress it, new things have to be introduced. Too much wine to be coherant I'm afaid. But I'm sure you know where I'm coming from hic hic

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