Sorry, not read previous posts so i may be totally out of order. As far as I'm concerned, if I have something that will fill the floor, if it is something in vogue or if it's something worthy of a play it goes on the list. The list will vary from venue to venue. It depends on my mood and the crowd on the night. Basically, if you are a DJ, there is no such thing as a play list. You should have enough of a variant to accommodate what is required throughout the night unless the music is specified. The be all and end all is that "what does a playlist mean".... It means a good night if people are intersted in what was aired. Keep them guessing... get them back. If they don't know what it is they are more than likely new or returnees to the scene... and thats how you get them back. What was that that so and so played... where is he DJ'ing again, where can I see him again. Who else will play that. ???? Take you back to the heyday?... I hope so. That's how it is. Northern Soul as a fresh sound is still out there for many, it may have become stale for the few and it may be non existent for those who now rely on the internet, something not uncommon nowadays. It is and never has been a retro scene. It continues to move forward... even though there are those who simply wish to drag it back in time. Let the music move on, let the fashion be fancy dress and let the scene continue in it's fit cause.