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Everything posted by Soulman

  1. OK you put neg vibes on the thread but what you don't get is that its all about the Major trudging back and forth to the fridge to get his lady a beer and it wore out his slippers..... it's just that "Ain't no soul in these ol' slippers" was catchy enough for a title, so became .... well you know what I mean .Major for me all the time although the Sam Fletcher version is pretty good. Steve
  2. In essence I agree entirely Dave although I would have to suggest leaving out Motown in the equation of things. Motown had that inimitable opening drum beat which was copied throughout but when you get down to small label releases a la Popcorn material, it really does have the "Chinks" to an extent that you don't necessarily hear in any other regional material, even Chicago if it derives from that city or not. I guess the problem is that the musicians of the day moonlighted, freelanced and made means however they could, where ever they could. So the whole debate falls flat on it's ar*e. Things wre just too easy back then, no claims, no blames just every man for themselves and if the boss didn't know there was "no shit". Like the reply though Dave Steve
  3. ............. so the rarity comes into question and Smudge's copy devalues by £800 :D Steve
  4. Good topic but hard to define. I think there are certain elements that come out of various areas making it a little easier to determine the region of origin. Philly always seemed to have a little more string section, Chicago was similar to Detroit but smoother vocally in many cases and a little more subdued production wise... if that makes sense. Detroit, well the main thing about that is I was never able to describe a certain element within the Detroit sound until I spoke with Ronnie McNeir about 5-6 years ago. He called it "the Chinks", that hard struck non melodiuos sound strummed harshly on a guitar. Now that's a big player in the Detroit sound, copied by many, equalled by no other region as far as I'm concerned Steve
  5. Further rootin in the boxes has thrown up these: Mel Carter - Love Test - Airwave - m £10 Lonette McKee - Do to me - Sussex UK - m- £10 Spinners - Sweet Thing - Motown WD - m- £40 Henry Moore - Shes a lover - Heritage - M- £20 Eugene Church - Dollar Bill - World Pacific (Stafford sound) Demo - M- £30 Nightwatch - Lips to your heart - ABC Demo - Ex £50 Sid Wallace & the Belairs - Dont hurt me no more - Zudan - M- £20 Georgietta Banks - Sweetly & completely - Dot - M- £100 Ultimations - Would I do it over - Marvlus - M £40 Denise Lasalle - Right Track - Parka - M- £25 Lorraine Chandler - You Only Live Twice - Kent anniversarty 18th single (Metros on flip) M £50 On hold Postage £2.00 per 45 first class / £5 secure next day. Overseas pleas enquire/ Money back gurantee as always. More info please PM. Sorry no Paypal, cash, cheque, PO, transfer only Cheers for dropping by Best Steve
  6. I've got quite a few. All original and never been sewn onto or stuck onto anything. They seem to be fetching a few bob nowadays but wouldnt have a clue as to a realistic value. Also got plenty of EASC etc patches in same condition Steve
  7. Suppose I should have put that on there too but totally agree with you. Steve
  8. Here's half a dozen obscure / unusual 45's up for grabs. Jimmy Lewis - Im stepping out - Tangerine demo - M £20 Paris Sisters - Long after tonight is all over - Reprise demo - M- £40 Charms - If you got the notion - Emblem - M £20 Mildred Woodard - Dont let anybody know - Excello - M £30 (Beltin R&B) On hold Buster Benton - Hole in my head - Melloway - M- £30 (Chicago R&B) On Hold Attractions - Time goes by so slowly - De-to - M- £200 (Bargain Detroit 45) On hold Postage £2.00 first class. £5 recorded next day secure delivery. Overseas please enquire. Payment by cheque, bank transfer, PO, cash. Sorry, no Paypal. Cheers for stopping by Steve Handbury
  9. Must be original that.... nobody would put sticker marks, felt pen and a rectangular sticker on a boot surely................................................................... Taxi
  10. Hi Benji, Must be Dutch then. Like I said not got it to hand to check but its a nice copy to have with the pic sleeve although nowhere near as rare as the UK (certainly not now when something goes for half a grand) Steve
  11. Need to find the one I have. It's not UK (possibly German or Dutch) but it is in M- condition and comes with a pic sleeve if anyones interested Best Steve
  12. I've been in a few pubs that have had Northern on the jukebox but what surprised me many months ago was when I walked up to the bar and on the "hand pulled" section was Northern Soul Rider. A nice pint it was too. Got the landlord to drop me off the clip thingy that they put on the pumps when he had done with it. Just goes to show that Northern Soul is everywhere! Steve
  13. Yeah... I mean, c'mon... there are certainly other records that spring to mind that I have never seen on auction like for example Lenny Gamble "I'll do anything" on Casino Classics. Steve
  14. Soulman

    rich f

    Is that Woody from Spalding on the right. Whatever happened to him?
  15. ... and as the last Torch bearer makes his/her way into the distance you could always play the Javel(ins) "Goodbye Nothing To Say" Really must get a life. Sorry Steve
  16. Of course, all the classics that are now gonna be mentioned will have been played at "The Torch". Sod the Taxi , I'll walk Steve
  17. Oh and of course. Little Richards "I dont want to discus it"..... get it. Another Taxi please Steve
  18. ..... and for the long jumpers.... ahem......."Come out of the sandbox". ..........Taxiiiiiiiiiii
  19. .... and what of the Soul Food burger van and the T-shirts, any more info on that? :D Steve
  20. Sold my issue for 4k and would suggest that the demo is a bargain at that price Steve
  21. Just a quickie! Has anyone got the full Goldmine label discog as I have a few white label demo's (uncredited) and no turntable at the moment. They are in the box and going up for sale as and when I find out what the bl**dy hell they are Cheers Steve
  22. Exactly... its all down to individual taste. They could have some of the rarest records on the scene but as we all know, rare doesn't mean good. Someone could have an entire / complete collection of the works of Otis Redding but to be honest, it wouldn't do knack all for me, in fact they could have the complete Atlantic and Stax etc etc catalogue and there'd only be a handful of 45's that would get my juices flowing and yet, they would undoubtedly have more records in their collection than most who seek Northern such is the quantity released. Why does my soap box seem to be getting higher??? Steve
  23. Just as a matter of interest does anyone know the current rate for the UK blue 7" ? Steve
  24. Actually yes, have the UK centre white; God so many versions, its Northern all over again
  25. Well I was kinda involved in the promotion of the 45 but dont recall the solid centre until you mentined it. It sort of rings a bell and now I think I may have one but I really cant remember. Need to go digging Steve

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