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Everything posted by Soulman

  1. Simon, thank you for the info and I appreciate everything that you have said. However, I'm not collecting anymore and am therefore unaware of what's being booted. We grew up in a great age and we have both had some great tunes, I guess you still have your collection and maintain an interest in what goes on. I however have sold the bulk of mine and, I guess, live for the memories of what I had with not too much interest in what's happening today. Sorry if I sounded blunt but I don't keep up to date with everything. Yes I go on soul source but as a casual viewer rather than an avid collector, which I no longer am. I didn't know mello souls had been booted, had no desire to search YouTube etc Nd therefore was unaware of its existence. I was merely intrigued if it has been booted with the emergence of this copy, how it would affect the final price as we both know, it did in "the old days" Best Steve
  2. Don't know any moles Simon and to be honest having been away from the collecting side of things for quite some time I wouldn't have known it had been booted. It was merely a thought that I chucked into the pan and I didn't even look at the clip presuming it had t been booted. Anyway, don't have to justify myself to the know it all's which is half the reason ..... Well you know.
  3. Wasn't aware of that....
  4. What if, and this really is a what if, all of a sudden it got booted on a look-a-likey label. Obviously the original on offer would still be a trophy item but with a flood of boots getting played up and down the country by would be dj's, how much would it affect interest/price I wonder. Steve
  5. I'm hoping I don't let Dale down on this but it's me that's selling him the 45 and it's not in the box I thought it was. Asked him to hold fire on payment until I find it. Really hope I don't disappoint. Steve
  6. Just the one up for grabs at the moment as I'm still wading through the rest. Sammy Ambrose "Welcome To Dreamsville" / Platters "Not My Girl" on yellow Kent Anniversary 45 (M-) £100 inc postage to UK address. Payment by cheque, cash, PO or bank transfer. Sorry NO Paypal. Cheers for looking Steve
  7. John at Soul Bowl had quantities of these originally. The first batch he got were pressed off centre so, being the kind generouse person that he was, he gave me a copy. With a plastic adapter and a file I got it to play perfectly. The off centres were the issue BTW... don't know if it affected demo's in the same way as I've only ever had 3 issues. Steve
  8. Got any left Arthur... if not, do you want one? Steve
  9. Maybe that's where I got it from then Chalky. Obviously used to live near Dave and would often pop down once a week to acquire the latest 45's... however, I still simply don't recall buying, ordering, receiving King George at all. Normally I can remember something about the records I've bought over the years but not this. Strange huh Steve
  10. Hi Trev, I know it was covered as that because that's what I wrote on the sleeve when I got it, in fact I must have had it covered too at the time Keb was playing it... however, it just looks suspicious for some strange reason. Can't remember where I got it from or the history behind it. Thanks for all the info from everyone though. Steve
  11. Can't for the life of me remember this but.... was King George "losin You" on Midtown (Yellow) ever booted??? Your knowledge welcomed as always Steve
  12. Will have to find mine and put them up in Sales. Got a mint minus copy and one that's broken in two but still with the cover. Great for framing. The album also contains "Sad, Sad September" which is a stunningly haunting mid tempo gem as fas as I'm concerned. Steve
  13. Got a couple as it was me that first played it. Best Steve
  14. Personally I would have thought the answer was glaringly obvious according to legend...... Frank Wilson "Do I Love You" Steve
  15. Steve, Google "Small hole / 7" / Leeds" and see what comes up
  16. ..... and a big thank you to Rick Todd for bringing this album to the attention of the masses at Cleethorpes. Fantastic LP throughout
  17. Clean enough to Dj with or cleaner as a collectors piece? And what label preference as I have one on take 6 I think
  18. Hi, Heres a few 45's that Ive dragged out for sale. Frankie Karl "Dont Sleep Too Long" Liberty demo M- £35 Gay Jamison "Stay Another Day" Turntable issue Ex £150 HB Barnum "Heartbreaker" Capitol UK red demo (76?) M £20SOLD Dooley Silverspoon "Game Players" Seville Uk Ex+ £15 Mike Post Coalition "Afternoon Of The Rhino" WB UK M- £10 Vicki Baines "Country Girl" Soul Sounds Boot M- £20 Brothers "Are You Ready For This" RCA UK Demo M £35SOLD Marvin Gaye "Lonely Lover" Boot white label original take £10 Peggy March "If You Loved Me" RCA UK Demo M £15SOLD Barbara Dane "Im On My Way" Capitol US 4 track ep with pic cover and juke inserts M £60 Larry Davis "Ive Been Hurt So Many Times " Kent UK Town 114 M £20 Tobi Lark "Challenge My Love" Kent UK Town 116 M £20 Carla Thomas "Ill never Stop Loving You" Kent UK Town 117 M £25 Shepards "Little Girl Lost" ABC demo Ex+ £120 Payment by cash, cheque, PO or bank transfer. Sorry no Paypal. £2.50 post or £3.50 insured, next day. Money back guarantee as always. Cheers for looking Steve
  19. Original post amended.
  20. Hi, Here's a few Motown 45's up for grabs, also offering as a job lot. The majority are unplayed. Jimmy Ruffin "How can I say Im sorry" Soul Issue £30 Four Tops "7 Rooms of gloom" Motown Issue £15 Four Tops "Its the same old song" Motown Issue £10 Eddie Holland "Jamie" Motown Issue £20 Spinners "Its a shame" VIP Demo £20 Four Tops "You keep running away" Motown Demo £15 Supremes "You keep me hanging on" Motown Demo £15 Edwin Starr "Way over there" Gordy Demo £15 Edwin Starr "Love, the lonely peoples prayer" Motown Demo £15 Jimmy Ruffin "Ill say forever my love" Motown Demo £15 x 2 copies Buy the lot for £150 postage included Reduced by a tenner... Now £140 inc postage to UK mainland Individual purchases add £2.50 postage standard delivery. Payment by cheque, bank transfer, cash or PO. Sorry no Paypal. Money back if not satisfied. Cheers for stopping by Steve
  21. Oh shi# sorry. Actually I've never heard of him either erm erm ..... It's just that I was talking to someone about bri nylon from the sixties and it just stuck in my mind. Ahem.... Did I get away with it :-)
  22. Gasp.... a video cassette! Next thing you'll be telling us you have a Tardis Steve
  23. That's the one Bri... 1977 Steve
  24. As previously stated he recorded a great version of "Who's Gonna Love Me" but he was also a DJ on a New York radio station. I have a tape from back in the day which someone pond-side kindly recorded for me but wouldn't have a clue where it is such is my filing system. I've a couple of boots somewhere which again, when I find them will be gladly forwarded to those that want one although this could take me a little time. My original is up in the loft... framed with a note underneath it saying "Murdered by the pressing machine" such was my disgust that it had been booted. To be honest it has cue burn on the intro hence me framing it. I always played the 12" when I was DJ'ing which, as far as I know is in a box in the garden shed. I really need to get my crap sorted Steve
  25. I'd go with 81 and the main outlet was Red Rhino Records in York.

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