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Everything posted by Soulman

  1. Hi, not really sure where to pit this but, I'm looking at selling about 15 Motown 45's with pic sleeves. Is there an interest before I put them on e bay or on sales here.
  2. Has the tax year ended... ????
  3. Hi, I have a mint minus copy I'd be willing to let go. Pm me Steve
  4. Got it on both trey and capitol ep. Both up for grabs. Steve
  5. Hi, Just a couple for today. Hytones "Bigger & Better" A-Bet (Vinyl mint but just a couple of small marks on the label, otherwise very clean. £550 plus £5 secure delivery to UK address. (See photo) Limitations "I'm Lonely, I'm Troubled" Bacone (Vinyl mint, labels mint) £250 plus £5 secure delivery to UK address. (See photo) SOLD Payment by cheque, cash, PO or bank transfer. Sorry NO Paypal Cheers for browsing Steve
  6. Got a mint one but top end price-wise Steve
  7. The progressive side of things was my attempt at describing the kind of venue that is forward thinking enough to not play "played out" oldies (very much a la Horse & Groom as mentioned) and as far as crossover is concerned, late sixties through to mid seventies quality soulful tracks without being the more trditional out and out northern stomper. A much slower kind of tempo if you will. Like I say, my take on it. No doubt there will be many other varying opinions Steve
  8. Just a quickie.... With it's slightly funky edge, is or has anyone been playing the flip to the Seven Souls "I Still Love You" - "I'm No Stranger". I know its not as "northern" as the classic side but it would fit in with a crossover / progressive set at such a venue. Can't think I've heard it out myself hence the question. Cheers Steve
  9. You're right Peter, he used to turn up some corkers. Had many a happy trip over to his folks house in Sandbeck Avenue to collect the latest finds and let him relieve me of some cash Steve
  10. Discovered by Mr Raistrick, he of Skegness fame Steve
  11. Hi Tony, Sorry hadn't seen your previous posts / PM,s until now. Yes I still have the Ron Baxter. If you want to send a cheque that's fine. Please make payable to Steve Handbury. Best Steve
  12. OK folks, What would be a realistic asking price for a complete set of Grapevine 45's (the yellow series)... some without centres, some demo's, most I would say in a used but VG+ at least condition, some actually unplayed and there could well be a few duplicates in there too. Over to you Steve
  13. Well spotted Sir.... The lead singer is Vinnie Esposito, Benny Troy's cousin and kind of part time manager. Of course Benny was originally known as Benny Lamana. Vinnie is on Facebook if you want to add her Best Steve
  14. ....and you know who the lead is on the Party Favours don't you??? Guess the connection Steve
  15. Hi, Just a couple up for grabs this week (for now anyway)... Chip Tyler "Because I Love You" Chickory (VG+++) £275.00 inc postage to UK address.SOLD Ron Baxter "This Is It" Ole-9 (M-) £425.00 inc postage to UK address SOLD Payment by cash, cheque, bank transfer or PO. Sorry, no Paypal. Thanks for looking Steve
  16. Just dragged 'em out the box ..... Probably go in sales over the weekend. Steve
  17. It may take a while as some are boxed in the loft etc and there's probably more than the 60 I first mentioned, but I'll get a list together. Steve
  18. See.... I knew I wasn't dreaming
  19. It became an overspill as far as I'm concerned and a venue within a venue.
  20. It had a hole in it!
  21. I've got a load of books I want to move on, many mint and many rare. Without counting I guess there's at least 60. Who would be best to contact to move a job lot for their worth. Ill do cheap but not bargain basement prices. Your suggestions please. Books include first edition r and b indies, frank Wilson signed top 100, harmonies, various biographies, reference books a la Robert pruter etc etc mostly hard back. There's also the Simon soussan book. Come on, give us a clue
  22. Think I could be persuaded to let a mint Ron Baxter go for £400 and maybe a similar amount for an original Chip Tyler too Steve
  23. Oh I know the one. I've seen it too. The writing on the side says "Diesel Fuel Only" Steve

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