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Everything posted by Soulman

  1. Am I missing something here or just having a moment. Original post is about a Larry Clinton in the States and then in comes a used and abused with marker on the label from Derby UK. Which one are we on about now? Steve
  2. To Pete S... No and to Pete D... Yes
  3. Don't know if anyone caught this but it's now on t'Interweb for all to see and, once again it's embarrasing.Tuesday morning Zoe Ball stood in for Chris Evans on his breakfast show and had Sharon Sullivan (Who?) teaching her how to "dance" Northern by giving her instructions over the phone. 2 munutes and 20 seconds of cringeworthiness and then the final shot is of all the studio staff getting their rocks off to Frankie Valli's "The Night"...... I'm sorry but that is the final nail in the Northern Soul coffin. FFS https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01zv4zb Steve
  4. Was speaking to John the other day and this came up in conversation. He had boxes of them so they must all be up in attics somewhere. No more than three or four quid back in the day! Steve
  5. Got a Mint- USA copy if youre not sorted yet Steve
  6. In essence I agree with your comment apart from "always been a part of the scene". The "circus" as I see it is very much down to those who may have been on the scene in the early years, left to do whatever and then drifted back over the last ten years or so ago. I've never been away from the scene until maybe the last couple of years and I'm happy to say that there was a time where music and fashion progressed at a steady pace. There were far less baggy pants and circle skirts around ten years ago and far less twenty years ago. It's those who have ventured back wanting to hear the same old same old and take a trip back in time that are causing the backlash IMHO. Steve
  7. ....and thats exactly the problem. Theme nights complete with fancy dress and, without being disrespectful (because some are quite good) the same old party records over and over again. One other thing I've noticed too, and apologies if it offends but it's the truth, some of these youngsters who have ventured on to the scene have a real cocky attitude now that their names have become somewhat familiar. I feel the Grim Reaper awaits! Steve
  8. Probably find an advert with him advertising the '66 edition of the new Ford Mustang somewhere too Steve
  9. I would have thought that if it was a legitimate second issue it would have appeared on more reputable record lists at the time. Even John Anderson sold legitimate re-issues of the time advertising as such and even having some done himself due to demand, however, I don't recall seeing the orange copy listed on any such record lists which would lead me to suggest it is an out and out bootleg. Steve
  10. I've hung on but I have the one in your post. PM me Best Steve
  11. I'll have to dig the photo's out. Great night! Steve
  12. As stated on a certain auction site earlier this week, here's a chance to own a supremely "rare" 45 from the Stafford years. Jesse Davis "There's Room For Me" on Revere complete with picture sleeve. Mint minus condition. £1000 including secure postage to UK address. Payment by cash, cheque, bank transfer or Paypal as a gift only. Cheers for looking Steve
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  13. Yeah I thought that was a bit cheap although it didn't have the picture cover I don't think. I've got a Mint- copy with the sleeve. How much do you reckon I should put that up for in sales? Steve
  14. Enjoy my dear Steve
  15. For crying out loud.... she'll be on the feckin One Show next week. Either that or QVC
  16. Reading back on page 9 there seems to be some confusion between the Granada production "This England" which was braodcast in the late 70's and the more recent mini series drama entitled "This Is England"... just sayin'!
  17. I don't know
  18. Baker should change his badge. Northern Soul.... Keep The Fate........ It's dead and I don't think this film is going to help!
  19. Kin wish I did!
  20. Jees.... It can't get any worse.
  21. FFS let's dress the presenters in clown suits that we wore almost 40 years ago. This scene of ours has become so jaded is it any wonder why after never being away from it since my introduction I now really don't want to be associated with it. Still love the music, not the clown suits!
  22. I've got at least half a dozen of the various mixes and I'm sure I have the Boston version but just need to find it. I'm back in town next week so if I find it I'll bring it with me. Steve
  23. I have the pink one and it's vinyl.... I thought they were all vinyl???

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