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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. You can not say they were untalented, otherwise they would had one hit after the other..just hear todays radio and you will hear all that untalented crap and i don´t think the times has changed since the 60´s in the music business I doesn´t like the most output of that bands either, but in general is it not the worst basic to have no or less talent. without so called "un- or less talented" bands a rare or northern soul scene wouldn´t exist today and a skinhead reggae scene either.
  2. I can´t agree with you Pete, but I have to accept it because your ears are far older than mine and probably also more sensitive
  3. Pete, which of them is a reggae tune? for me all three are rock steady songs in the same way as from claudio´s list Reggae: Junior Soul - Glendevon Special Derrick Harriott - It's Alright Dennis Walks - Belly Lick but rock steady is another topic which cannot be beated by any reggae song in this world. by the way, Trevor & The Maytones - Every Day Is Like A Holiday from claudio´s list is for me one of the boringst songs under the sun and a wast in vinyl, but also that one found some fans.
  4. Claudio, I know that all is a question of taste, but to your meaning about this record (aside from your comment "overpriced"...I don´t think you have any idea how many of that pre-releases only record were made) ...I really would love to see your fav´s list to reggae and soul .....liquidator...the snake, is it something like that?
  5. I heard Sam playing it in Bamberg once more, but I always thought also that Butch would use to play it, but I´m not sure anymore
  6. pete, i posted a piece of boss sound which were usualy all uk productions and for that fact this one is definitely one of the best, no mater if you are tired from or not
  7. checked it out here on another pc and it works fine. no idea why it doesn´t work for you
  8. what a killer of a record! since two decades my favourit boss sound record and so so very hard to come by on original 45 check it out...... sit back and relax (if you can) freddie_notes___rudies___Track__2.mp3
  9. well, so maybe kenny keept it?
  10. I reported the guy as well nearly two months ago, because it´s definitelly agains ebay rules.. to name but one of the reasons, but no reaction from ebay and as you can see he is still selling and ebay is earning money more and more and more. maybe more people should report those sellers, but i fear the they stop one of them and two new will come instead. .....EBAY, YOU ARE A PROSTITUTE, but what would we do without you?
  11. no wonder, isn´t that version on abc miles better........ i´m just kidding, of course it´s the same version as on hotb, but i think the prices in general droping for that record. there was another first label one last month on ebay, same condition, which went for only $275 and i thought to myself "wow, maybe the right time to get yourself a copy again". but it seems that the dj copies are still very hard to find. how ever, a really great song which came to the scene now round about only four years ago (??? please correct me if i´m wrong, i´m really intested to know that)
  12. oh, thats really clever.... soul prices going down and down whilst the jamaican stuff is expensive like never before
  13. Hi Christian, thanks for clearing that. I was so sure that I heard Naughty Boy. However, now I can sleep again the whole night through and not to forget I learned important things in that thread about Emidisc, because a friend of mine has an Emidisc ace......... but that´s another story
  14. i can only agree with that. and i think this is one of those records which is really rare in that price range, not as stuff like "cashmers on hem" which is only expensive for its demand, but not rare (imo). but there are also a decent number of really good bootlegs around.....be careful
  15. there are a couple of them over the last half year, always mintish and always from the same seller/area, but he doesn´t respond to questions about the quantity. would love to have one my own.
  16. the last ex copy on ebay went for around $400 not too long ago.
  17. wait a moment! ......isn´t emidisc a british factory? or is there also an american company with that name available? was there a british issue of naughty boy pressed at this same time, which label? totally confused again
  18. thanks alot guys, that helps really. I saw recently a quite known britsh dj playing out the song on a 7" disc with sticked label scan and a no grooves blank flip side with a big center hole. I thought it could probably be an acetate which lost the label and the guy just put a label scan on it to be able to identify it from all his other acetates, but as far as i know is there no emidisc acetate with big center hole available or am i wrong? by the way it also didn´t look at it would have a metal disc under the plastic, because there was no metal to see in the center hole. maybe a test pressing on vinyl/ styrine, but without any paper label and the flip? this theory also seems to be a bit strange to me to be honnest. i´m still a little bit confused, but i think my first thought as i saw it (and some other guys too) was right.
  19. how many copies of the "two plus two" known, is there a copy for me around? i know about butch´s, mick h´s, arthur´s..... how many more?
  20. hi, did someone ever see an acetate of this or own it? which format 7", 10" or 12"? which company cut it? thank you for your help,andreas
  21. biggest respect to you Paul and warmest welcome. You making SS much more worth to join now Thank you for sharing all those interesting stories of your past with us. All the best, Andreas
  22. Hi, could someone please let me know whats the different between the original press from ´72 and the repress? Thank you.
  23. an EX copy 200 to 250 quid about ebay and if you get it from other collectors who has a spare or what ever, but on lists you see it often for more than 300, but I don´t know if someone buy it for that much.
  24. it´s absolute hard to come by if you want the first press with the globes on yellow ground label. I was asking for here last year and nobody was able to offer me a copy and yes, I´m still after!

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