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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Hi there, for sale are the following 2 records: The Mods - Dry Your Eyes - Fona - 120ukp ....styrene surface looks a bit rough, but plays without any background noises! slight ring wear on both sides, a stamp on one side all in all VG+ Rocky Gil & Bishops - It´s Not The End - Teardrop DJ- 400ukp ....very clean looking copy, plays without any back ground noises! very slight pen mark on one side. all in all EX SOLD! scans and sound samples of the actual records available on request. please PM me if interested. thanks for looking!
  2. Andreas


    wow, didn´t hear this version before and I´m actually not sure which version I prefer, but it´s stunning too! is it available as uk release only? however, one for me too please (pm thanks)
  3. There is a young man from Dresden, Germany, Max Kunze his name, who celebrated yesterday his 21st birthday and promoted his first weekender quite successful three or four months ago, so it seems to be nothing to get excited about if people in the age of about 20 doing things like that. I do just hope and keep my fingers crossed for that those youngbloods will still do it if they are 40!
  4. that are 20% of the "usual" price for frank wilson, but the price for the cracked jesse davis is right now at about 65% of its "usual" price and that is maybe indeed a result of the not to everyone 100% clear description about the crack, maybe the buyer will be pissed when he get it. not to forget that the listed record is "only" the more common 2nd pressing of "hang on in there girl". anyway, in general I would agree with you
  5. I sold an EX copy a couple of months ago for nearly 30quid on ebay and saw one or two others go for about the same price.
  6. There is currently a Jesse Davis on ERA records on ebay which has a hairline crack as stated by the seller, but the price is right now, one day before auctions end, yet at nearly 900,-USD what do you think, how much is a cracked record worth in comparision to an unspoiled copy and how high will people for >>THAT<< copy go?
  7. A usual thing I think, as long as rare soul music is not just of interest for people with strong financial backround. folk who cannot spent a couple of "K´s" every week at the wednesday auctions has to look around to get rare stuff cheaper as usual and sometimes in bad condition. And I think also a rare record in bad condition should get a good home and not just end up in the rest room and if it´s a good record which still sounds ok should maybe played out to other people too (still better as playing from bootlegs or re-issues imo).
  8. of course it was. for me this record counts in the top ten of double siders and I would go for a copy with both sides strong playing and to be honest, I was quite surprised when I saw the end price for a one side only playing copy.
  9. for me counts only the "whats your game" side and I´ve put 4K in my sniper and hope it will be mine
  10. Hi folks, top copy plays without any background noices, very clean labels, vinyl has only a few paper scuffs in places ... 450 (via paypal) please pm me if interested. thanks for looking, andreas
  11. yesterday when I read that I had to check it out and sent a payment as a gift and yes, I paid only 1% fees. But that seems not to be any longer available or it works only once. I tried to send out money the same way today and it didn´t work. The fees were also round about 4% and I checked it also at lower values, but always the same fees. Probably they changed something at paypal over the weekend, but I also couldn´t find any info about different fees for different ways of shipping on their web site. I go now again to send bigger payments straight to the sellers accounts if they want the paypal fees. The banks over europe and UK & Swisserland has realised that they missing a lot of money just because of quick payments about internet banks like paypal and do not any longer working that much time with your money. One year ago it took you more than a week time to get the money from your account to another account in another european bank (inkl. UK & Swiss), but now it takes only two or three days, but the money you safe is hell. I just myself sent money recently from sweden to a german account and it was there after only two days. AND WHY NOT DEMONSTRATE PAYPAL THAT FEES OF 4% ARE TOO MUCH!?! Are we all too comfortable today? I can wait two or three days longer for my records (..that´s maybe a lie ) And by the way, it is so easy to send out international. You all have an BIC number and IBAN or SWIFT number, the only thing you more need to know is the recipients full name and name of his bank...thats it!
  12. I thought exactly the same when I read it. The question comes up.... is James probably playing more sounds from dubious formats?
  13. but something is really strange with that magnetics auction. usualy if a seller is ending an auction earlier, you still can find it in your watching items or about completed listings, but this one is gone like never been listed before
  14. damn right, 3500 if i´m right informed and so many guys around who don´t have to think that much about money, but still missing this beauty. I guess it will not go out under 6000
  15. I saw that lp as jamaican issue only on BMN and SOUL (except from later re-issues). this one looks to me like an UK doctor bird press in a jamaican BMN sleeve. never seen a jamaican press from that time with a stamped matrix.
  16. way back that I laughed that much
  17. this is an good idea, but I´m in doubt about that you´ll get the money for the record plus the cash for postage. A record which costs usualy 20quid will now not sell for 22quid just because the postage is including. You know how the human brain is working. If you talk with someone about record prices he will always tell you what he paid for a record, no matter if he bought it in a store or an event without paying postage or via shipping from a dealer with paying postage. Paying postage is a part of the deal, but not important enough to think about it for most of the people. Ebay is now trying to get fees not only for the item as before, now they trying to get fees for item plus postage and they try to keep away cheap stuff from their servers, but I´m quite sure they piss in their own pool with that action, because sellers will sell less as before and therewith back to the human brain, people looking for a record and its price and if you now try a record to sell about "buy it now" for 52.49 which was before 49.99 than is it absolutely different working on peoples brain, no matter if there is a postage incl. or not and you will sell less as before.
  18. i think the seller is currently working on it in some way, its not to find ...also not under completed things..
  19. hi, someone does have a copy for me please pm me, thank you! andreas
  20. hi, if someone can help me out with a styrene copy in ex condition please pm me. thanks you, andreas
  21. very very interesting for me. I thought there is no reserve price at jm´s auctions. wasn´t it last year as the parliaments "rainy day" auction ended one week too early and the end price was for that time surprisingly low and someone wrote that it was looking like "reserve price not met" and john immediately insisted that there are no reserve prices on his auctions and all records were sold for what ever price is in the end? i also read through john´s auction terms and couln´t find anything about a reserve price. shouldn´t john´s customers have the right to know if there is a reserve price on an auction? there is probably a law about the obligation to inform customers about detailed auction conditions, otherwise i´m sure, ebay would also keep it secret on their auction-platform.
  22. there is one in the bay currently .... Silky Hargraves
  23. what termites are on the blank flip side, is it "drip drop" you mean?
  24. you are so right pete, I don´t know the difference and will go to ask some experts, but now please stop to be pissed.......you are not too old, you are in the right age for an old man by the way i don´t think there is someone out there who is able to set a clear definition about what is exactly (early) reggae or what is (late) rock steady . the tennors can thousend times or more singing "reggae" in their songs, but as long as there is no difference in tempo and rhythm to so many rock steady songs, should it be up to me if i understand it as rocksteady or reggae.
  25. maybe you are now TOO old to talk about it Pete

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