this is an good idea, but I´m in doubt about that you´ll get the money for the record plus the cash for postage. A record which costs usualy 20quid will now not sell for 22quid just because the postage is including. You know how the human brain is working. If you talk with someone about record prices he will always tell you what he paid for a record, no matter if he bought it in a store or an event without paying postage or via shipping from a dealer with paying postage. Paying postage is a part of the deal, but not important enough to think about it for most of the people. Ebay is now trying to get fees not only for the item as before, now they trying to get fees for item plus postage and they try to keep away cheap stuff from their servers, but I´m quite sure they piss in their own pool with that action, because sellers will sell less as before and therewith back to the human brain, people looking for a record and its price and if you now try a record to sell about "buy it now" for 52.49 which was before 49.99 than is it absolutely different working on peoples brain, no matter if there is a postage incl. or not and you will sell less as before.