Just as a side note the image attached is the closest I could find - I can’t remember a score line in the pills they were solid - the specks on the picture were darker in real life and odd shapes - when walking around with the pills for a few minutes in ur pocket loose and with you’re sweaty hands in you’re pockets - yes it did turn you’re fingers blue 😂🤣
Was it staged, contrived and multi-takes?
Not staged but when they filmed all the lights came on which semi emptyed the floor - taking photos/ flash or lights on and filming, kinda put you in a whos that why are they filming paranoid feeling - mixed with amphetamine
Some people might have attended because it was being filmed, but did others stay away because if it?
I came up on a coach from Aldershot it left the roundabout club about 6 at night - the coach was as usal for an oldies night packed plus picked a couple more up at Birmingham Hilton - not once did I hear anyone mention that there was filming being done at the Casino that night
And was the filming 'the beginning of the end' for want of a better expression
The filming boosted the scene directly after - some people lasted some people liked the gear and some people wondered what it was all about and didn’t get it - end of the 70ts some strange sounds getting spun - Joe90 etc - However the casino died in 81 in a respective way - and those who went have memories that will last a life time - the good times and the bad 👍🏻