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Posts posted by Zoomsoulblue

  1. If you looked at the front on the stage the doors for alley was to your right - near the end of a nighter I used the doors - I still had my tape recording going and as I left the main hall and made my way down the concrete stairs my steel tips / blakeys can be heard on the concrete stairs and the music fading - till I got to the outta doors which lead to the side alley- 👍🏻

  2. 1 hour ago, Ratt said:

    New stories for me to hear from the previous posters. Can anyone explain to me why I have it in my head that the entrance to M's was off the left side of the main room balcony.....almost no lighting on the walk to the door, then seemingly darker still when you got inside the place. I loved my regular spot on that balcony......looking directly at the stage and down on the dancefloor. And the balcony truly did bounce at regular times along with the dancing.

    Can anyone explain to me why I have it in my head that the entrance to M's was off the left side of the main room balcony.....almost no lighting on the walk to the door, then seemingly darker still when you got inside the place.

    Off the main room balcony left hand side (as you looked at the stage) - through a door that took you into another reception area - then doors on the right hand side lead into the dance hall / floor beside the stage - at the end of the reception area in the left hand corner was the stairs / not very wide - even skinny it was hard to pass - that lead up to M's balcony - stage end - if you walked around the balcony - there was another staircase the far end that took you back down to dance floor level Mr M's - I think 🤔


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  3. 5 hours ago, Happy Feet said:

    Yes it did ,at least 5djs at least 3 soulies  and 15 mins in Mike Walker came in arms waving in the air shouting " turn it off turn it off ,I told you it wasn't going to work " and immediately the event was called to a halt ,, and the 3 off us where kicked out into the streets at the rear entrance into the September morning which was the main entrance to Mr Ms , I at the time was living ,working in Llandudno but had  planned to do both nighters as had a week end free 

    If memory serves me correctly Kenny Spence , Keith Minshull , Richard Searling ,possibly Dave Evison not sure of the others but Ms stage was full , people might think I'm mad but it did happen and maybe some one still alive can possibly verify it .I know one of the lads was local to Wigan but pretty sure the other lad like me had arrived by train .

    From the side entrance that went into a reception area you went through doors that overlooked M’s dance floor - This hall from the outside was called Jenny’s or something like that - we got to the casino early one night in Jan winter cold / bouncers let us into the reception area - they were playing rock - out of curiosity I opened the doors only to see two long haired people playing air guitars - rock on 

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  4. 17 hours ago, Kenb said:

    i know a lot is attributed to WC that never was...but has/did anyone hear the Bee Gee's Jive Talkin' played in 1975 at WC -as an acetate? 

    (probably unknown as The Bee Gee's)

    Winstanley / Richard and Roberts are still alive - am sure with a bit of perseverance they could be contacted and asked - do you remember 🤔 

  5. Some people will get it - some of us were there - others will miss the point - the interpretation of NS will go being debated for years - what was / what is and what about now - one things for sure the passion love and association makes me proud to have have been a part of it from 1975 to today and hopefully for a few more years - just enjoy the journey as it will never end 👍🏻

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