Well come on it all sounds a bit unbelievable doesn't it,work it out, 1500 people 15 quid a ticket, £22,500, Anthony n boys fee ops around 18,000 English pounds orchestra fee cost of hire of venue, then u got ruby and falcons fee oh ye thats not forgetting all flights and hotels for all, funny how suddenly falcons not coming, why not be honest and say its cos they cant afford them now, I for one would love to see little Anthony but to say they have been on the cards a long time i think not, or they could have charged a lot more and i 4 one would have paid double what the tickets are to see them, its been a last min booking, and this i know for sure. So what i was trying to say was were they just hanging on to the falcons in case it all fell through and to be honest up until i spoke to Clarence and Eric on Thursday evening nothing was signed.Oh and the fact they can sell another 1500 tickets so people can watch on big screens how would that work then
I say well done to Tracy and Andy if they manage this and i truly hope they do but i think it could have been done with a lot more professionalism and organization thats all