Some friends of mine are into rock n roll, wear full circle skirts and suade shoes, and i laugh at them but i have to say they are no diff from some people i know, the baggy trouser full circle skirt brigade, been there done that 30+ years ago.
I had my kids who are in ther 30's watching, they phoned me up and laughed saying '' no way did u wear that'' did say it was years ago but they pissed then selves laughing '' why do people still wear it then ?'' and to be honest i laughed too but to be honest , how come the ones who dress in normal fashion dont get a look in on the film they were nearly all wearing fashions from back in the casino days
I think it has something to do with the amount of time you took out while having familys n such, but as i never did leave mabe thats why my fashion changed not having to relive my past youth ............ JMHO