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Everything posted by Ncfc

  1. https://youtu.be/rjy3Ml_EKAw Great thread this!Just spun this magical piece of soul
  2. Very nice!
  3. https://youtu.be/6cY39_5-Mdk
  4. https://youtu.be/OJ5l_SQS_oU Bit of a 9th Creation thing going on at moment.
  5. Rescued a ferret today rum little critter
  6. https://youtu.be/hURpPBB7okU Another random lounge play.
  7. https://youtu.be/bEUSoGHOwow This should be up Kev Canes street .
  8. Dug this one out and played before walking the hound.https://youtu.be/oEBrfcMwcwc
  9. https://youtu.be/BjI3r9LTFP4 From a £10 lp Kenny Hamber on lead,sounded great in the lounge last night.
  10. Class in same category as Ace Spectrum-Dont send.......Overpriced common record.:-)
  11. No thats the Chocolate Buttermilk Band.;-)
  12. A trip none stop across the Sahara to come.Incredible bird. Did you get my pm btw.
  13. Anybody?
  14. Is Troy Johnson-"i want you" an auction or set sale item? Any idea on value without popsike?
  15. Think i will stick to cameo :-)
  16. Who would buy that??Is their a slow flip??Would be cheaper to buy a cameo lp from late 70s early 80s. Spose it would be boring if we all liked the same sounds.
  17. Not a clue mate,just noticed its the same lp box i had round yours for that mix wonder what we were talking about?
  18. Where was that taken Mark?? I had hair back then.
  19. Forgot about Alfreda King! bet that sounds terrible now.
  20. Steve when i'm tucked up in the reeds in my boat they come within touching distance of me.
  21. Not common in Norfolk and not gone out of my way to see one, but was in right place at right time. . Bearded tits thats one bird i would recommend to anyone to see.I spend a lot of time crashed in the reeds during the winter and they come very close.
  22. Saw my first male bullfinch during the week:-) was down in Suffolk.
  23. I have a cutting of a sales add i put in Echoes somewhere,cant find it at moment but can remember i had JJ Johnson @ £100,King Moses @ £150 and SPG @ £50 funny thing is i only sold JJ Johnson from the add. Was probably about 87/88.

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